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Sept. 27th 2005... Special School Election
Town Stuff:
Sept. 27th 2005... Special School Election
   By Waste vs. Waste on Saturday, September 03, 2005 - 7:31 am: |
Posted from the Daily Record newsroom: Voters to have say on school improvements The news stories don't exactly explain what people will be voting for or against in this "special election". I think... voting YES will mean will mean a vote against this stupid $500,000 tennis courts in favor of some other preposterously stupid spending. Voting NO will apparently delay construction on the overall project and the school board will have to cut something else out of the project. For those of us to see the entire expansion plans as preposterously wasteful I don't think there's any right way to vote... you are kind of forced to endorse one stupid expenditure to vote against the other... I wonder how many members of the school board are well read enough to recognize the phrase "Catch-22" |
   By Lever on Saturday, September 03, 2005 - 8:13 am: |
I think a "yes" vote means the board can spend some of their capital reserve money towards the construction project if they need it. This is money they already have, similar to the $25 million capital reserve the freeholders have that Mr. Schrier defends. A "no" vote means they cannot use this money, which means if they need additional funds, the project gets delayed a number of months and cut more. From what I understand, the tennis courts are not the issue. |
   By What the heck on Saturday, September 03, 2005 - 11:16 am: |
May as well vote for it, even if rejected, the came appeal to Commissioner of Education and he rarely says NO. In the meantime, the construction prices will increase and the $2 million will grow to $6 million. Capital reserve is for "Capital" projects, so it is better to actually use it for that purpose rather than for operating expenses. |
   By Dance club on Saturday, September 03, 2005 - 10:18 pm: |
Well, at least these half wits on the board are spending their capital reserve instead of asking us to bond for more money. I guess it could be worse. |
   By Double Fault on Sunday, September 04, 2005 - 6:10 am: |
Rereading the article I am now fairly confident that the tennis courts are an issue. quote:Board of education President John Notte Jr. said those funds were earmarked for improvements including installation of tennis courts at West Morris Mendham and the purchase of property for development of a field at West Morris Central.
"those funds" is a reference to the capital reserve and what it had been "earmarked" to finance. I am [fairly] confident that a vote YES means a vote no for the tennis courts. An unfortunate dilemma for Borough residents is it is likely that the tennis court money might end up being spent on improvements [white elephants] at the Central high school if the final vote is "yes". Sadly this election will not be a referendum on stupid spending and it may just be a "stacked deck" cheat by Washington Township to even further imbalance the proportion of money to be spent on Borough school improvements verses Central school improvements. This ugly sham election begs the question.... why would you want people willing to keep the voters this ignorant, "educating" your children? |
   By On the line on Sunday, September 04, 2005 - 5:48 pm: |
I don't think reading the "Observer-Tribune" will provide you the facts. Go to a board meeting and ask, or, call your rep. As far a the "stacked deck" goes, Mendham is, and has always been a palace compared to the shit hole that Central High is. I don't know what imbalance you refer to, unless it is the one in your mind. |
   By OutOf RationalBounds on Monday, September 05, 2005 - 5:41 am: |
quote:I don't think reading the "Observer-Tribune" will provide you the facts
The article linked to was in the Daily Record. quote:I don't know what imbalance you refer to
I am referring to the voting majority Washington Township holds on the regional school board, and the 3 to 1 imbalance in the amount of expansion money being spent on the two schools. quote:Go to a board meeting and ask, or, call your rep.
It's 2005 and the Internet is some 15 years old.... It is a telling, and disgraceful abomination that people involved in "education" can be too incompetent or secretive to make basic information publicly accessible. Education is about the distribution of information and knowledge and no rational sincere educator has any excuse for not fully exploiting the power of the Internet as a efficient means of distribution. |
   By Black ops on Monday, September 05, 2005 - 11:24 am: |
I'm not certain what the reference to the internet is. There is info posted on the district website. I don't think the school board is any more secretive than any of the local councils. They are all guided by Open Public Record Laws. Let's not get too dramatic here. |
   By DramaRamaDingDong on Monday, September 05, 2005 - 12:34 pm: |
quote:There is info posted on the district website.
if so... why don't you post a link.... where is this district website and what "info" is posted. The regional school board website hasn't been updated since the budget vote. quote:I don't think the school board is any more secretive than any of the local councils.
As local councils have broken the law to do things in a covert manner you make a very stupid comparison. quote:They are all guided by Open Public Record Laws.
When I win my lawsuit it will be proven that what they are guided by its contempt for open "public access" law. quote:Let's not get too dramatic here.
Pissing millions of dollars a year down the rat hole that is the education bureaucracy is a dramatic waste. Money has the power to do much good in the world and everybody should oppose foolish waste... more importantly, in America, the truth and the basic information needed to make informed voting decisions should not have to be pried out of any branch of government. |
   By Reinforcements on Monday, September 05, 2005 - 1:08 pm: |
Apparently, you are used to having your servants butter your bread for you and help you in the bathroom. Maybe they post links for you also. I think you are more than able to go to the regional website all by yourself and see what is on there. Have a nice day. |
   By bliss-ocracy on Monday, September 05, 2005 - 3:27 pm: |
I had been to the regional SB site and did not find any current information.... the website is in fact not very user friendly as parts of the navigation are dysfunctional. Visiting the site today there is no mention of the election on the homepage nor is any additional information available using the site menu on the left hand side. If you find and click the top bar news link there is a reference to the election and a link to details. Unfortunately the more "details", are not very detailed, and do not explain what action will be taken regarding the projects previously "earmarked" to be financed with capital reserve funds... nor does it reveal whether future tax increases will be necessary to refund the capital reserve account. Put simply, it's seems quite obvious that there is an expectation that voters cast an ignorant vote. |
   By Reading Glass on Tuesday, September 06, 2005 - 3:13 pm: |
I went to the website and thought it was rather self-explanatory. |
   By MoreLike Alice'sLookingGlass on Tuesday, September 06, 2005 - 4:06 pm: |
Coincidentally[?] the website was updated shortly after my post.... However, the "rather self-explanatory" explanation of what the implications of a yes or no vote will be remains void of any useful detail. If it is all so obvious why don't you answer these questions: If a significant amount of capital reserve funds are used to provide more financing for the $40 million expansion-- will projects previously "earmarked" to be financed with that money be canceled? ... or will there be future tax increases to resupply the money depleted from capital reserve account? |
   By DUGAN on Wednesday, September 07, 2005 - 9:22 am: |
I Washington twp does not do a reasesment of property taxes we will all pay in the end. I have a friend that lives in that area and if you all new they voted down the tax increase |
   By Anonymous on Wednesday, September 07, 2005 - 1:14 pm: |
We already "pay in the end". If you know what I mean. |
   By BlindObserver on Saturday, September 17, 2005 - 8:51 am: |
The Observer Tribune supports the referendum (I don't think there has been any school spending they haven't supported) but in the tradition of the "all the slop unfit to print" modern news media they fail to report the most relevant "fact" that the school board has made no public commitment to actually cancel projects that were "earmarked" to use the capital reserve funds that are to be consumed by the expansion project. There will in fact be a tax increase if the capital reserve projects (the tennis courts) are not cancelled as the capital reserve account will in fact have to be replenished. The simple truth is, a vote yes on the referendum may in fact mean up to a $2 million tax increase. |
   By Does no really mean no on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 4:08 pm: |
I got this FYI document from the school board-- it still doesn't explain what will happen to projects already "earmarked" to use the capital reserve funds-- and if the capital reserve fund will be replenished through future taxation.
quote:West Morris Regional High School District Special Question Vote – September 27, 2005 What is the purpose of this special question vote? The Board of Education is seeking permission from the taxpayers to transfer up to $2 million dollars from their capital reserve account to the construction program at the high schools. Why is it being held now? Bids for the two high school construction projects are coming in this month. The bids for West Morris Mendham have come in over budget twice. The Board of Education wants to award these projects as quickly as possible so as to avoid any delays and further cost escalation. What will it cost? Since the money in the capital reserve account was approved in past budget votes, there is no tax impact. If the money is already there, why do I need to vote? Unlike town and county governments, the money in the board of education’s capital reserve account can only be spent with taxpayer approval. Such expenditures of capital reserve are normally part of the annual budget vote. What will be the effect of a “yes” vote? Your taxes WILL NOT INCREASE. Money will be transferred from one account to another, and may be spent (if needed) only on the construction and renovation projects. What will be the effect of a “no” vote? Depending upon the cumulative bid numbers from both projects, there could be significant cuts made to both projects. And the completion dates of both projects would most likely be pushed back. The students are already crowded into our schools; a delay will mean more crowding, fewer courses offered, and larger class sizes for at least a year more. Has this problem occurred in other districts? Yes. A number of districts have gone back to the voters for additional monies after their projects were bid and came in too high. Some examples are: Harding BOE required a supplemental bond of $1.5 million on a $6 million dollar project. Saddlebrook BOE required a supplemental bond of $ 5.9 million on an $18 million dollar project. Tewksbury BOE required a supplemental bond of $1.5 million on a $13 million dollar project. In all three cases the voters approved the referenda for additional bond issues. Is this situation different from the others? Yes. The board is not asking to borrow additional monies. The funds would come out of existing capital reserves. There is no tax impact.
   By NeedMoreBeter Democracy on Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:24 pm: |
Admittedly, I am a little surprised this "election" has generated so little comment or commentary. Clearly this message board has a visibility problem and few regular contributors-- and almost no rational ones...but even so, the insult to our democracy should be too shameful to be ignored. You have to wonder, if this kind of nonsense can take place without any public outrage or protest, how broken does the system have to get before "we the people" (enough of us) demand better than this. How can we defend aggressively imposing democracy on the world when we show so little respect for it here. I did call the Board of Education last week requesting clarification regarding exactly what would happen (to earmarked projects like the tennis courts) if substantial capital reserve funds were diverted to the expansion project. Unfortunately, they have chosen not to provide the information, so I suppose if you vote tomorrow you'll only be able to guess regarding what you are voting for or against. My last, best, and legal, analysis of what a yes vote will mean: In my opinion, The Board of Education's assertion that there will not be a tax increase and the newspaper quote referencing previously "earmarked" uses for the capital reserve funds means: That a YES vote is a vote NO for the tennis courts. (if this isn't true and the referendum passes I will file a lawsuit if no one else does) The real quandary here is that to say no to the $500,000 tennis courts you do have to say yes to, up to, another $2 million in expenditures that may be of equally dubious merit. By rational definition, this is a sham election, and coming on the heels of a defeated budget there really should be some measure of "community' outrage. Personally, I don't know which way I would vote if I had to... "fortunately", I never received my absentee ballot request card and did not think to request the ballot within the time requirements. If for no other reason than to satisfy my curiosity-- if you are voting-- how are you voting, and why? |
   By Abe on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 8:26 pm: |
old post...I think the imbalance they were referring to is the $$$$....Basicaly, Mendham pays for all those aholes at Central to go to school...look at the per capita spending some time...Mendham Twp pays about double what the hicks in Washington Twp. pay....real fair. Time to de-regionalize |
   By approved 1,022 to 769 on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 7:18 am: |
From DailyRecord
quote:West Morris A sampling of voters emerging from polls in Mendham and Washington Township Tuesday revealed sharply varying opinions. Cathy Malman of Mendham, whose son is a Mendham High School freshman, said she voted yes. Her son, she said, "is in a crowded classroom. I think his class is the biggest that's come through. The project is supposed to alleviate the overcrowding. I hope it does." Another yes vote was cast by Gay Grier of Mendham. She said, "It's money that's already there and it's not costing the taxpayers any extra money." James Cillo of Mendham voted no. "Eighty percent of your taxes go there (to the schools) and it's about time we start cutting. Let's get back to the three R's and stop all these frivolous programs," he said. In Washington Township, George Bowden said he voted yes. His daughter is a freshman at West Morris Central High School. "I believe the quicker it can be done the better off the school will be and the easier it will be for the students," he said. Tina Leslie, also of Washington Township, voted no. "The school board keeps saying they need more money for this more money for that and although they say the taxes won't go up, it's going to affect us at some point," she said The West Morris Regional High School District asked voters from its five sending districts to authorize pulling $2 million from a capital reserve account to put toward improvements at the two high schools. A $35.8 million referendum was approved last year in the regional district, which serves the Chesters, Mendhams and Washington Township, but construction estimates have come in higher than expected.
???????????????? The regular Board meeting scheduled for Monday, October 3, has been cancelled.???????????????? |
   By V on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 8:49 am: |
"Why" would the meeting be cancelled you may ask .. because gerry's oft defended Board Of Education is hiding their empty, special interest heads in shame. |
   By Miss Crabtree on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 11:37 am: |
   By Nope on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 12:22 pm: |
Sorry Miss, Your comments are only one third accurate. Point #1 conceded Point #2 merely indicates you are incapable of thought Point #3 is about the only thing that would draw people to work in a thankless and wildly underpaying position like teaching So ... purse your lips and suck it, Ma'am |
   By Crabby is right,Nope is a dope on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 12:37 pm: |
Underpaid teachers??? Give me a break. They are hardly underpaid when you consider hours worked vs. the pay and also factor in vacation time any holidays off (do you get the entie summer off at your job??) and how many half-days and teachers 'confrences' can you jam into one year?? Good Grief. And remember, it's the BENEFITS (that the teachers union never mentions) that are really HUGE and killing the taxpayer). Have you seen (or paid for) health insurance recently? [based on your stupid post, I doubt it]. |
   By LowLightsAndLives on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 1:33 pm: |
quoting the Regional Board of Education quote:"Effectively immediately, the WMRHSD will post only official meeting minutes. Meeting minutes become official after they have been approved by the Board of Education."
The funny part is they only have been posting "minutes" for just one week.... the law affords me right to request copys of the minutes before they're approved so hopefully I will be able to post the minutes from one meeting BEFORE the next meeting. Here is a copy of the September 12th unofficial MEETING HIGHLIGHTS |
   By TimesTwo TENURE on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 1:47 pm: |
Here's some salary information from the Grammar School BOE website:
quote:TEACHERS NON-TENURE SECOND YEAR NAME RATIO LEVEL STEP SALARY Berish, Judy 1.00 2 8 45,348.00 Erb, Rebecca 1.00 1 2 40,687.00 McCaffrey, Herbert 1.00 1 13 51,393.00 Miranda, Paula 1.00 4 11 52,307.00 Silacci, Judith 1.00 5 9 50,788.00 Skeele, Martin 1.00 7 9 53,102.00 Wellet, Debra 1.00 5 8 49,575.00
   By phwew on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 5:02 pm: |
Well .. fortunately - because people like you just make up ideas about what teaching is ... and what it costs, you have NO say in the matter. You are wrong on most counts ... low pay yes .. good benefits .. yes ... summers off (see low pay) hardly ... teachers days and confrences are creations of the BOE you stupid son of a bitch ... well .. again ... put yer mouff to mah tailpipe and hope it aint chunky |
   By Budget Cutter on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 9:00 pm: |
McCaffrey, Herbert 1.00 1 13 51,393.00 It should get paid less no that it is a woman |
   By 10 percent DeMOCKracy on Friday, September 30, 2005 - 6:16 am: |
From The observer-tribune
quote: ...In Mendham Borough, 206 voted in favor and 123 voted against. With 3,653 registered voters in the borough, about 10 percent or 329 residents voted.... ...The $3.5 million capital reserve fund had been earmarked for other projects at the high schools. It included $550,00 for tennis courts at Mendham High School, $175,000 for a turning lane off Route 24 to Mendham High, $400,000 for roofing projects at both schools, $200,000 for a West Morris Central field purchase and improvement, $90,000 for renovated bathrooms at West Morris Central, $40,000 for renovated classrooms at West Morris Central and partial payment toward a sewer line extension for West Morris Central High School. School board president John Notte would not say which of the capital reserve fund projects would now not be completed because of the $2 million transfer. Mendham Township Mayor Richard Krieg said he hoped work on the tennis courts would not be postponed. "I trust this (transfer) will not take away the tennis courts that have been promised to our students for a number of years," Krieg said. "Another portion of the capital reserve is for building maintenance and if that is postponed it could cost us dearly in the future." Notte said construction could begin in November at Mendham High School. But West Morris Central High School will have further delays, said Notte. The first round of bids that came in Thursday, Sept. 22, for West Morris Central High were 10 percent higher than expected and will have to be re-bid, said Notte. Spinelli said he was pleased with the election results. "The regional school did the prudent thing," Spinelli said. "They played it safe by having these additional funds for construction. They’re planning for the possibility of these higher bids." Notte said the school board met with all five municipalities except Mendham to discuss the special election. Officials from the five municipalities said they were pleased with the election results but had varied views on the $2 million transfer. Mendham Mayor Richard Kraft said the Borough Council doesn't take a position on school issues but that officials have met with the school board to discuss Tuesday's referendum. Krieg said Mendham Township was the only member municipality that didn't meet with the regional school board about the special election. "We were anxious to meet with them. Our representative on the regional school board, Meg Berlin, was not available. I would have been happy with having someone else come down and talk to us about this. We are also anxious about taxes and we'd like assurances that this transfer won’t cause a raise in taxes," Krieg said.
   By laughs on Friday, September 30, 2005 - 7:24 am: |
tennis courts wont be postponed ?? tee hee better get out your suing pencil, gerry. |
   By Stanky on Friday, September 30, 2005 - 7:33 am: |
Hey phwew...are you trying to make an arguement? You responded to my statements by essentially confirming that they're all correct...For our kid's sake I hope you're not a teacher [but since you're such a dolt, you probably are]. |
   By special ed is down the hall on Friday, September 30, 2005 - 9:09 am: |
I am not a teacher .. AND .. you need a reading lesson. |
   By ForGlorified Babysitting on Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 8:26 am: |
TENURE TEACHERS NAME RATIO LEVEL STEP SALARY Abreu, Aimee 1.00 1 6 42,710.00 Barrett, Patricia 1.00 2 9 46,538.00 Bellino, Carmen 1.00 5 5 46,975.00 Bennett, Mary 1.00 1 21 70,880.00 Bennett, Nancy Evans 1.00 7 21 81,172.00 Bergman, Ellen 1.00 2 21 71,940.00 Bratus, Lisa (LOA 9/7/04 – 6/30/06) 1.00 1 7 42,995.00 Buckholz, Susan 1.00 4 13 55,887.00 Carman, Elizabeth M. 1.00 4 21 77,105.00 Ceresnik, Joan 1.00 4 21 77,105.00 Clausen, Gloria 1.00 6 21 79,265.00 Costantino, Evelyn 0.80 5 21 62,144.00 (plus 1 day /month eff. Feb., 2003) Damato, Paul 1.00 4 21 77,105.00 Dodge, Marisa 1.00 1 6 42,710.00 Dunsmore, Deborah 1.00 3 21 74,885.00 Gaugler, Lee Ann 1.00 7 21 81,172.00 Gertler, Debbie 1.00 3 9 48,072.00 Grayson, Vincent 1.00 7 21 81,172.00 Griffin, Marie 1.00 4 21 77,105.00 Haarsgaard, Elizabeth 1.00 1 18 57,901.00 Jivatode, Elizabeth 1.00 4 8 48,536.00 Johnson, Karen 0.80 5 21 62,144.00 Kanefke, Kimberly 1.00 3 7 45,709.00 Kingman, Daria 1.00 1 18 57,901.00 Laks, Linda 1.00 4 11 52,307.00 Lecorchick, Keri 1.00 4 7 47,364.00 LeMay, Mollissa 1.00 2 7 44,188.00 Lynch, Rosalind 1.00 4 21 77,105.00 Marrapodi, Frank 1.00 1 21 70,880.00 McAuliffe, Laura 1.00 4 21 77,105.00 McGoldrick, Kathleen 1.00 1 8 44,148.00 Mills, Doris 1.00 7 21 81,172.00 Morales, Nancy 1.00 1 18 57,901.00 Mordente, Phyllis 1.00 6 21 79,265.00 Nassoura, Nancy 1.00 5 11 53,373.00 Piacenza, Michael 1.00 1 7 42,995.00 Sachs, Karen 1.00 4 21 77,105.00 Staada, Evelyn 1.00 4 21 77,105.00 Stefanelli, Rose Mary 1.00 2 12 50,782.00 Steiner, Elaine 1.00 1 20 62,794.00 Swenson, Christine 1.00 1 5 41,634.00 Trusa, James 1.00 5 20 69,365.00 ------------------------------------- Craver, Marcella (School Psychologist) 0.40 6 13 23,254.00 Longueira, Sara (Social Worker) 1.00 4 7 47,364.00 McCann, Rosanne (LDTC) + $5000 stipend for Supervisor of Special Services 1.00 7 21 81,172.00 Pagana, Carol Anne 1.00 2 4 42,588.00 Wilson, Kelly (School Psychologist) 0.60 7 6 30,203.40 |
   By Abe on Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 10:47 pm: |
Special Ed....(is that you Gerrythelib?)...Damn, you are a stupid dolt....and take a look at the salaries for the tenured babysitters posted above...about DOUBLE the numbers you posted in your attempt at 'fairness'...really Gerry/Gary stupid dolts like you need to move on. (.org!) Keep proving my point you dolt. |
   By YouHave SelfRetarded on Sunday, October 02, 2005 - 6:26 am: |
Abe, I think you should probably take that dumdum bullet out of your brain so you can properly follow along. Your little "Gerrythelib" junk, is very cute, but unfortunately you have confused yourself.... on this subject the neo-con V is the big spending union supporter and it is Gerrythelib who suggests dramatically cutting spending (especially the salaries of the old dead wood) as technology provides infinitely more efficient ways to distribute information and knowledge. As a man who was basically "self-taught" I really shouldn't have to explain to Abraham Lincoln that education is more about motivation than institutional incarceration. The education industrial complex is given 12 years to inspire a thirst for knowledge-- on average, all it produces is intellectually lazy, fluffed brained goof-offs, with a thirst for alcohol. |
   By Abe on Sunday, October 02, 2005 - 7:54 pm: |
well, for a change you actually made some sense...what's the world coming to. |
   By nah on Sunday, October 02, 2005 - 8:38 pm: |
What sense ? more gibberish ... WITH education we get itellectually lazy, fluff brained etc. why .. left to their own devices they would be what ? wonderfully self educated ?? Abe & gerry .. sittin in a tree .. w o n d e r i - n - g ... |
   By From BOA website on Monday, October 03, 2005 - 6:41 am: |
quote:The regular Board meeting scheduled for Monday, October 3, has been cancelled. It has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 6 at the West Morris Mendham High School Library.
   By plead the 5th on Monday, October 03, 2005 - 9:12 am: |
regroup ! back peddle ! NO MORE QUESTIONS !! this meeting is adjourned. |
   By Q TheMan on Wednesday, October 05, 2005 - 6:42 am: |
Speaking of questions, I did send a couple of comments/questions to be presented to the regional school board at the October 6th meeting: Regarding production of a verbatim record of council meetings: I was frankly surprised to learn that the school board does not generate any permanent and complete record of public meetings. Considering the substantial amounts of money the board controls, the need for accountability, and considering the numerous reasons why many members of the public might be unable to attend board meetings (disability, work...etc.)-- I think it very reasonable to request that the board make some relatively immediate effort to begin producing a verbatim (audio, video etc.) record of board meetings. Regarding the special election: There has been an indication in press reports that the board has made no determinations regarding what capital projects may be canceled if substantial funds are moved from the capital reserve account as per the September 27th election. In light of the fact that some projects "earmarked" to use capital reserve funds involved inevitable (necessary) maintenance, and some are of a more discretionary/elective nature-- and in light of the commitment not to have a tax impact-- Is the board willing to at least confirm that "non inevitable" projects will be cancelled before projects that would likely have to be refinanced out of future budget/tax increases. |
   By good GD grief on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 3:36 pm: |
Big surprise... my questions/comments never made it to the Board of Education members at the October 6th meeting.-- in spite of this statement in the agenda doc quote:OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - John Notte, Board President (approx. 8:40) The Board respectfully requests that public comments be limited to 5 minutes or less per person. Additional comments may be submitted to the Board in writing.
During a conversation with the Board Secretary today she called this October 4th request "convoluted". quote:In light of a previously referenced permanent disability circumstance I am unable to attend board meetings and therefore request the minor accommodation that the following questions be asked of board members during the public comment portion of the October 6th meeting. (as no verbatim record of board meetings is produced please provide a summary of the board's response) ...- thank you for your cooperation and consideration.
When this is a challenging literary decipher for professional staff... you got to wonder how short the bus is that the board members arrive in. |
   By Voltaire Wins ... yet again. on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 3:42 pm: |
That's gerryspeak for "You were right again, Voltaire" I told you & told you & told you ... Ignored. |
   By YetAgain A CompleteAsshole on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 3:53 pm: |
So it was your prediction that the request would be ignored by the Secretary? I don't think so...You are a bigger dumb-ass than she is -- the absolute fact is the questions will eventually get to the board members and there will be some kind of reply... eventually you will be wrong...as usual. |
   By 27 For V Minus 3 for gerry on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 5:27 pm: |
I told you that they wouldnt respond. They didnt ... |
   By hold the phone on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 5:56 pm: |
quote:Gary, I have confirmed that your message below was printed out and given to the Board of Education for the October 4, 2005, meeting. Barbara
I got this kind of strange e-mail from the BOA secretary -- it directly contradicts what she said in our earlier phone conversation. So I suppose "technically"--for the time being-- certain pointlessly stupid predictions made by a useless asshole were correct. As a practical matter the board ignoring my explicit request to be provided a summary of their response will only make the next questions more embarrassing for them to have an answer. It seems obvious, considering the special needs budget, that board members are aware of the basic provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act... and I will now ask them to explain why they ignored my polite simple request for the VERY MINOR accommodation of having my questions asked of board members during the public portion of the meeting and to be be provided with a summary of their response as they provide no access to a verbatim record of meetings. From first contact a month ago I have used the phrase the Americans With Disabilities Act no less than three times in communications with BOA staff. Instead of reasonable accommodations I have received a complete lack of cooperation in getting ANY issue raised addressed. The clear implication is The Regional Board of Education will subvert the law to avoid accountability-- not exactly the leaders we should be putting in control of impressionable children. The Regional School Board has taxpayers drowning in debt (paying over $2 million in debt service alone, every year) it hardly seems to much to ask for them to make some explicit accounting for that seemingly preposterous overspending. |
   By Ed..fu...cate on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 6:26 pm: |
The school board has now made available the summary of the October 6th to meeting... Of course like most of the educational industrial complex they thumb their nose at the Internet by posting files that are not Internet friendly (.doc). Because someone has to be the dutiful, competent, public servant these jerks refuse to be I have reformated the document into the "correct" format (html).
quote:Mr. Notte opened the meeting to the public at 8:48 p.m. A member of the public from Mendham Borough advised the Board to communicate the construction schedule with the neighborhood. Also she cautioned the Board about domes and heavy snow and then requested clarification on the Graduations Requirements policy. Mr. Notte closed the meeting to the public at 8:51 p.m.
Obviously it wasn't any time constraint that prevented them from fulfilling their legal responsibility to answer (at least read) my questions/comments. So I guess without any risk of slander I can start calling these jerks... criminals. |
   By V on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 8:14 pm: |
Tee hee .... |
   By 06. 2....... on Friday, October 20, 2006 - 8:51 am: |
Tennis team makes case for courts 10/18/2006 Players, parents say winning program is at risk MENDHAM – When the Mendham High School girls tennis team lost their home playing courts at the Mendham Racquet Club on East Main Street, the Mendham High School Tennis Parents Association felt it was time to speak up. Mendham High School has no home courts, although the tennis program has been around for 31 years. Members of the parents association said they decided to speak up when the lack of courts affected the quality of the program and the athletes. At the Monday, Oct. 9, West Morris Regional High School Board of Education meeting, the parents association and tennis athletes from Mendham High School addressed the current situation to the board and inquired as to the status of the courts. The parents association asked about the status of money that has been set aside by the board for new tennis courts, where they would be located, and when they would be built. Regional School Board President John Notte said $550,00 has been set aside in capital projects for tennis courts at the high school. Notte said a location has been tentatively identified, and the courts will be built as soon as possible after the current construction project is completed in early 2007. Mendham High School seniors and tennis co-captains, Amanda Berg and Dara Dwojewski, told the board of their situation. Berg said she has been a member of the varsity tennis team since her freshman year and said the team has faced obstacles for four years. She said the team has no place to practice together as a team, they have no place to have home matches where fellow students can see the team compete and there is uncertainty and confusion about where matches will be held. She also said the lack of a home court causes transportation problems, and problems of never playing on the same surface. “We can practice at the borough courts, but that doesn’t mean we have a home place to play,” Berg said in an interview on Monday. “It’s hard on the girls, the team, and the coaches.” The team can use three of four borough courts around town. The fourth court is reserved for residents’ use. She said if every other team in the school has a place to play, the tennis team should have a place as well. “We don’t want to displace another team, but we’ve been displaced for 31 years,” said Berg. Ed Chando, a guidance counselor at Mendham High School for 35 years and the girls tennis coach for 22 years, is no stranger to the teams’ need for a home base. “It’s hard to run a program with three courts (the Mendham Borough courts) and approximately 25 girls,” Chando said on Monday. He said this year the team has been able to use courts at Delbarton School in Morris Toswnship and Copper Springs Beach and Tennis Club in Long Hill Township. He also said the girls store their equipment in his office and change in the girl’s bathroom. “We’ve done the best we can, but it’s become a logistics issue,” Chando said. “We need the courts not only for practice and game times, but also so the program is more visible.” Chando said the team has been second in the state for the last two years, which goes to show how talented the girls are. James Baglan, director of athletics at Mendham High School, said that for years the team played at the Mendham Raquet Club, and it was the only place outside of the borough courts. Baglan said Mendham Borough has been gracious with the use of its courts. “This is not a situation we haven’t known about,” Baglan said. In spite of the challenges that face the Mendham girls team ,they have been county champions for the last five years, and for the last three years the number one player in the county has come from Mendham. They’ve also been conference champions for the past four years and are currently leading the conference. Concerned Parents “They can’t go another year without courts,” Valerie Verona, of Chesterfield Drive in Chester, said on Friday. She is a member of the parent association and her daughter, Dana, is on the Mendham varsity tennis team. Laura Dwojewski of North Road in Chester and mother of senior co-captain, Dara Dwojewski, also said on Friday, that the team has been making the best of a bad situation. Courts were part of the 2003 referendum, Dwojewski said, and although the referendum passed parents aren’t sure when they will get the courts. She said when the 2006-07 budget didn’t pass this year some people thought the money for the courts would be cut. Dwojewski said that when the Mendham Racquet Club changed ownership this year, the team found out they would no longer be able to play there. The parents, Baglan and Shando, came up with some options, but there are still a host of issues that persist. As the team is approaching a possible state championship this year, the parents association members said the Copper Springs courts are clay and the Mendham Borough and the Delbarton courts were either unavailable or did not meet state match requirements. They said there are also transportation problems, where on several occasions no buses have been scheduled to transport the girls to and from matches or from matches or practice, and has resulted in players driving other teammates to offsite locations creating potential liabilities and problems. A constant problem is scheduling home matches between the players, opponents, parents and potential supporters. “There have been days when at 11 in the morning, the girls don’t know where they’re playing at 3 that afternoon,” Dwojewski said. The parents said that because of a lack of courts, the team has only played four matches, whereas most other schools have played between eight and 12 by now. The parents association said the team has nowhere to practice as a team, as they are forced to practice in split time sessions and in split locations, because the two borough courts are two blocks apart from one another. “We just want a level playing field,” said Nona Ceva, a member of the parents association, whose daughter, Jessica, is a freshman. Furthermore, the parents said they are concerned that the community is aware of the larger sports programs but have little to no conception of the tennis program. “These kids are athletes who have a passion for their sport and they should be treated equally. Every sport should be looked at with the same amount of importance,” Verona said. ©Recorder Community Newspapers 2006 |
   By 06. 2....... on Friday, October 27, 2006 - 12:19 pm: |
It is my opinion that the regional school board is, or soon will be, guilty of embezzling some $2 million from the taxpayers. The referendum supplementing funding for the expansion project contained the explicit promise that a tax increase would not be the consequence of using capital reserve funds to finance expansion cost overruns. It now seems clear that the school board does not intend, as promised, to cut any of the capital reserve projects that were to be financed with the money they have diverted to cover the cost of the expansion... and they intend to refinance the capital reserve budget out of the annual operational budget, which will, without a doubt, necessitate a tax increase or further expansion of the 40 million dollars of debt burden the taxpayers already carry. Put simply, the referendum was a lie, and I don't think we should let them get away with it. Unfortunately, short of a lawsuit I don't think there's much that can be done to stop this reckless, and illegal, spending. If my life wasn't already substantially compromised financing my civil rights litigation against the town governments, I probably wouldn't mind putting up the $250.00 in court fees to initiate litigation against the school board, but I have to draw a line somewhere. I also suppose, if this is a fight-worth-fighting someone besides me should be willing to invest in it. So here's the proposition, you put up the $250 filing fee, and I will prosecute the litigation against the school board in federal court. The Federal District Court is the right choice because I have some ADA claims I can also make against the school board. The ADA provides for "punitive damages" so there is some prospect of winning more than just a moral, or a just-for-principle, victory. "I think" there is an excellent chance of getting an injunction against the school board to prevent them from double-faulting by spending tennis court money twice. If we do win on that issue, you will get back your $250, if I win on the ADA issues, I will give you 10% of any award up to $2,000. Seems a minor risk for a chance at a 800% return on your money. If interested, use this contact form. |
   By 06. 122... on Friday, October 27, 2006 - 12:25 pm: |
the voters voting down the referendum means only that they shot themselves in their own collective foot. all expenses will be taken from existing "surplus / budget" which will then be replaced via tax funding. its yet another example of Knee Jerk voting, without knowledge. you can do nothing. well, except entertain us with your Don Quixote tilting at legal windmills |
   By 06. 2....... on Friday, October 27, 2006 - 1:38 pm: |
"voters voting down the referendum"the voters didn't vote the referendum down-- they approved the transfer of funds from the "capital reserve fund" to "the expansion fund". As for your cheap ridicule: Maybe you're willing to continue to take up the ass without a little futile fighting... but like Don Quixote, at least my legacy won't be hemorrhoids. |
   By 06. 122... on Friday, October 27, 2006 - 1:54 pm: |
ask any 20 voters what they thought they were voting for ( no tennis courts because they were too expensive and frivilous ) and no one will answer - I voted to pay for the tennis courts in an even more costly fashion .. Pow .. right in the foot. "itchy palms" you refrenced .. why thats just whakkin it too much |
   By 06. 2....... on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 8:21 pm: |
I have decided to pursue litigation against the school board for this abuse and the related free "brick speech" issue. Instead of filing a new complaint in federal court I am petitioning the judge to add the issues to the currently pending litigation.... this might save me 350 bucks, but I'll lose the advantage of maybe getting a better judge. So any ideas regarding a settlement? How about a front-door statue of me flipping the guy getting dressed "the bird"... or maybe a special election gauging public support for putting video cameras in classrooms and broadcasting the "education" on the education access cable channel (ch 14) |
   By 07. 2....... on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 - 1:46 pm: |
The regional school board is publishing better meeting minutes-- as typical of shiftless government, it publishes minutes too late to be of much use. The "lie to the voters" school board is going through with the tennis court project even though they promise to cut such elective spending when the voters approved the $2 million transfer of funds to the over budget expansion project. The imbecility of paying almost $20,000 a year per student to have kids educated by fascist, constitutional rights of violating, liars it's a pretty "stupid American trick". [The School Board publishes the minutes as document files... the dated links provided below are a little crude, web compatible, conversions] 10/6/2006 Mr. Notte opened the meeting to the public at 7:54 p.m. Members of the public expressed their concerns regarding de-regionalization, number of tests given in the district and the timeline of the proposed WM Mendham High School Tennis Courts. Mr. Notte closed the meeting to the public at 8:13 p.m. 11/13/06 Pechanec, Bus. Adm./Bd. Sec. and Mr. Jeff Emery, Facilities Chair updated the Board on the on going WMM Construction and Renovation Project, the WMC Wastewater Disposal Project, the proposed WMM Tennis Courts and Mr. Pechanec reviewed the construction costs to date. Mr. Notte opened the meeting to the public at 7:56 p.m. Members of the public expressed their concerns regarding the timeline of the proposed construction of tennis courts at WM Mendham High School and inquired about lighting on the WM Central High School Tennis Courts enabling the WM Mendham Boy Tennis Team to share the courts with the WM Central Boys Tennis Team. A Chester resident questioned the ACT vs. SAT Testing and asked when the peak enrollment would hit the district. Mr. Notte closed the meeting to the public at 8:16 p.m. 12/11/2006 Mr. Notte opened the meeting to the public at 7:43 p.m. West Morris Mendham High School tennis parents inquired into the status of the proposed tennis courts at West Morris Mendham and if a coach had been hired for the boys Tennis Team. Mr. Notte closed the meeting to the public at 7:49 p.m. 1/8/2007 Mr. Jeff Emery, Facilities Chair Person, updated the Board on the ongoing WMM Construction and Renovation Project. Planning for the WMM Tennis Courts continues - preliminary design and cost estimates will be approved later on this evening. Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to adopt a resolution authorizing the services proposed by Robert Walsh Associates, LLC, dated December 8, 2006, to provide a Preliminary Design and Cost Estimate for construction of the West Morris Mendham High School Tennis Courts, in the amount of $5,750.00 to include document reproduction, mail and travel expenses, as per appendix. Mrs. Berlin opened the meeting to the public at 8:09pm Valerie Verona, Chester Township Resident, West Morris Mendham High School Parents Tennis Association, acknowledged that they are very excited about the progress thus far and, thanked the board for all their work and the accomplishments made on the tennis courts. Mrs. Berlin closed the meeting to the public at 8:10pm 1/22/2007 Robert Walsh Associates, LLC is working on preliminary design and cost estimates for installation of the tennis courts at West Morris Mendham. We anticipate this information by mid February at which time we will determine the design and structure the bid. |
   By 07. 3....... on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 - 9:13 pm: |
quote: $1.7M contract award good news for school district By BOB THOMAS Staff Writer 05/16/2007 Latest bids for remaining work at West Morris Central come in much lower than expected WASHINGTON TWP. – An abundance of bidders have helped the final phase of the West Morris Regional High School expansion program come in at $1.7 million under estimate. The winning bid of $21,234,000 was submitted by Chanree Construction Co., of Ortley Beach and accepted by the at meeting, Monday, May 14. Chanree is the same construction firm that built Benedict A. Cucinella School on Naughright Road. “Congratulations are in order,” said John Notte, school board president. “We were able to hold the line in what we went out to referendum for.” Because of the economies realized during construction at both high schools, the most recent contract also included options such as 82 additional parking spaces near the new auditorium, science lab equipment, blinds and new air circulation controls. Gerry Rubino, project architect for DiCara/Rubino of Wayne, said the dozen bids submitted showed “strong interest” in the project on the part of the construction community. He said another bidder, who was otherwise qualified, failed to meet the submission deadline by just three minutes. Rubino said the top five bidders were within 1.5 percent of each other. The top eight bids were separated by only 5 percent. Rubino said a more typical bidding pattern would have just the top three bidders within 10 percent of each other. Money Left The school board took no official action on the $1.7 million remaining in the $35.84 million bond referendum authorized by voters in 2004. But Rubino said a number of long term needs for the schools could be met with the excess funds. He said a system wide update to the West Morris Central fire alarm system was needed. A new, addressable system in the school’s newest addition can pinpoint the source of any alarm. Rubino said that for safety reasons, the fire alarms systems in the older parts of the school should be updated to match that technology. A new public address and intercom system may also be in the offing. Rubino said newer technology could allow staff members to communicate with each other using the same system as public address announcements. He said he would also like to see the board address the overall building security components, to expand entrance checkpoints to the entire school. “This is the best time to take on these needs. You’ll get a better price and it will be easier scheduling next summer’s work if these additional projects are added ahead of time,” Rubino said. Notte said he was encouraged that Rubino had identified areas that had to do with security and safety. Business administrator Douglas Pechanec said he was not as confident about the amount of surplus as some others. “We had a lot of additional soft costs, such as revised plans,” Pechanec said. “We had to go through several levels to get to this point, so I don’t find myself as confident about the $1.7 million.” Pechanec said work on West Morris Mendham High School is on pace. He said the steel framework of the addition is complete and work is now involving a number of interior trades, such as electrical and plumbing. “We are feeling a lot more positive than just six months ago,” Pechanec said. Addition of the new roof should begin shortly, Pechanec said. Among the items covered in the $21.2 million contract for West Morris Central are a new gymnasium, new auditorium, six new classrooms, conversion of the old gymnasium to student service offices and conversion of the old offices to additional classroom space. Pechanec said the hookup of West Morris Central to the sewer line extension on Bartley Road was awaiting the installation of a pump station further up line toward Long Valley. Pechanec said that was expected to be complete by June 30. ©Recorder Community Newspapers 2007
   By 07. 1... on Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 9:52 am: |