January 8, 2007


Chester, New Jersey

The West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education met in Regular Session Monday, January 8, 2007 at 7:02 p.m. in the West Morris Central High School Library.

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Meg Berlin, Board Vice-President. Mrs. Berlin, asked for a moment of silence in memory of West Morris Central Students, Tanner Birch and Kyleigh D’Alessio.

Mr. L. Douglas Pechanec, Board Secretary, read the opening statement.

Public Notice of this meeting was given 48 hours in advance on May 4, 2006 in the Observer Tribune, one of the Board's official newspapers. Notices were sent to the Daily Record and the Star Ledger, to the Morris County Clerk and the clerks of the municipalities comprising the regional district. These notices indicated date, location, time and type of meeting. Notice was also posted in the District Administration Building, West Morris Central High School, West Morris Mendham High School and on the West Morris Regional website.


Present Absent

Meg Berlin John Notte

Julie Clements

Robert Connelly

Jeff Emery

James Johnston

Michael Raj

Jackie Schram (arrived at 7:07pm)

Theresa Townsend

Student Reps:

Brian Merker, WMC

Allison Wilkinson, WMM

Also Present

Dr. Anthony di Battista, Superintendent

Mr. L. Douglas Pechanec, Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Mrs. Mary Lucia, Assistant Board Secretary

Two (2) Students

Seven (7) Staff Members

Six (6) Visitors


Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to adopt the December 11, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes, as submitted.

Roll Call Vote –Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


  1. Superintendent’s Report

  • Dr. Alyce Hunter, Director of Curriculum, distributed copies of the 2007-2008 Program of Studies to the board.

  • Dr. Hunter advised the board that 180 Juniors from both schools participated in the Princeton Review Assessment, PRA, on Saturday, January 6, 2007. The purpose of the testing is to have students compare their SAT and ACT scores. The free services provided by Princeton Review will be used during Parent Nights at each school. Dr. Hunter thanked Directors of Student Personnel Services, Randy Evans and Marianna Marchese, and Administrative Assistants, Alice Mollitor and Linda Noll for their work in coordinating the testing.

  • Dr. Hunter also advised the board that students are preparing for the state mandated HSPA exam in March. For the first time, the score on the science portion of the test will also count as a requirement for graduation.

  • Dr. Anthony di Battista, Superintendent, thanked Dr. Hunter for organizing the recent testing.

  • Dr. di Battista updated the board on the accomplishments of the history departments. He congratulated Philip Nicolosi, West Morris Central teacher, and recipient of the National Council of History Education’s (NCHE), first Philip Gagnon Prize for a K – 12 teacher “exhibiting exceptional historical scholarship”. Dr. di Battista also acknowledged Rosanne Lichatin, West Morris Central teacher, as the recipient of a second New Jersey Historical Commission Grant titled “New Jersey/National History Day”.

  • Mr. Nicolosi thanked Carol Berkin from NCHE for his nomination and Dr. di Battista for encouraging him to follow through with the application. Mr. Nicolosi received a $1500.00 cash award, a plaque, and up to $750 in registration fees to attend the NCHE national conference in April 2007.

  • Mrs. Lichatin thanked Dr. di Battista for his support and encouragement in pursuing her grant. She will receive $3000.00 to use for New Jersey History Day resources.

  • Mrs. Lichatin acknowledged the accomplishments of Mr. Nicolosi and West Morris Central students Jessica Bingham and Daniel Fallon. Both student’s papers were recently selected for publication in The Concord Review, a scholarly journal of history essays written by high school students.

  • Daniel Fallon updated the board about his research paper which characterized the influence of Mayor Frank Hague on Jersey City’s political landscape from 1917 to 1947.

  • Jessica Bingham spoke to the board about her paper on the challenges of administering medicine and medical procedures on the battlefield during the U.S. Civil War.

  • Dr. di Battista and Mr. Jeff Emery commended both students on their intellectual work, their courage presenting in such a demanding forum, and the recognition they have brought to the district.

  1. Facilities Update

  • Mr. Douglas Pechanec, Business Administrator, updated the board regarding the logistics meeting with the architect/construction manager for the West Morris Central project, the status of the WMC waste project, and the final planning stages of the pump station building. A financial update was provided for the referendum projects.

  • Mr. Jeff Emery, Facilities Chair Person, updated the Board on the ongoing WMM Construction and Renovation Project. Planning for the WMM Tennis Courts continues - preliminary design and cost estimates will be approved later on this evening.

  1. Other

  • Mrs. Meg Berlin, Board Vice President, passed on information from the January 6, 2007 New Jersey School Board Association’s “Ad Hoc School Funding Committee Meeting” regarding school funding formulas for 2007-2008 budget preparation.



Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize payment of bills on the Bill List dated January 8, 2007, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize payment of bills on the Student Activities Bill List dated December 31, 2006, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize payment of bills on the Cafeteria Bill List dated November 30, 2006, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize Payment #8 to D & K Construction Company in the amount of $52,668.85 for the West Morris Mendham High School Renovation & Construction Project #5660-050-04-1000.

Note: This is to correct the payment amount of $51,175.19 approved December 11, 2006.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to adopt a resolution to authorize Change Order #4 Rev. 2: to relocate underground feeder cables that supply power to the Field House, in the amount of $39,373.72 as requested by Turner Construction Company and Massa Montalto Architects for additional services of D & K Construction Company pertaining to the West Morris Mendham High School Renovation and Construction Project #5660-050-04-1000, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to adopt a resolution authorizing the services proposed by Robert Walsh Associates, LLC, dated December 8, 2006, to provide a Preliminary Design and Cost Estimate for construction of the West Morris Mendham High School Tennis Courts, in the amount of $5,750.00 to include document reproduction, mail and travel expenses, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary to establish a student activity account for the "Semi Formal” for WM Central.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary to solicit bids for instructional supplies and equipment for the 2007-2008 school year.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary to solicit bids for Gas-Fired Hot Water Heater(s) and Storage Tank(s) for WM Mendham.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary to solicit bids for technology related supplies and services for both schools.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, it is the desire of Judith U. Zingg, as stated in the application of October 3, 2006, to establish a fund to be known as the “West Morris Central Boys Basketball Program”; and

WHEREAS, this fund will provide monies to a West Morris Central High School Basketball Team; and

WHEREAS, this fund will be maintained solely by contributions from Mrs. Judith U. Zingg and other contributors.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a fund to be known as the “West Morris Central Boys Basketball Program” be established at Commerce Bank; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amount of the monies spent will be determined by the Basketball Coach as the need arises; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this fund be administered by the West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education, and that the Board Secretary be authorized to make withdrawals therefrom for the purpose of awarding the funds, as attached.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Schram Abstained. Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly,

Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Dr. Raj, and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education requires the services of a geotechnical service firm to implement Phase II - Option "D":

Option "D" is to renovate and provide additions to West Morris Central High School and West Morris Mendham High School and to continue to address the sewerage/wastewater issues, traffic safety & parking at both schools.

WHEREAS, the Public School Contract Laws permit the Board of Education to engage in such professional services by resolution at the public meeting without advertisement for bids;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education enter into an agreement with Atlantic Engineering Laboratories, Inc. not to exceed $7,825.00 to provide such services to the Board of Education for West Morris Central High School Construction Project SP #5660-030-04-1000. Upon execution of the contract with Atlantic Engineering Laboratories, Inc., the Board terminates its agreement with Lippincott & Jacobs, without cause. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a professional service under the Public School Contract Law.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to accept two grants from the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, in the amount of $7,500.00 each for West Morris Mendham and West Morris Central High Schools, for the 2006-2007 school year.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to accept a grant titled “New Jersey/National History Day” from the New Jersey Historical Commission in the amount of $3,000.00 for WM Central, for Fiscal Year 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve an overnight trip for WM Mendham cheerleaders to compete at the National High School Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, Florida (February 8-12, 2007).

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve home instruction as follows:

Student #922907 effective 1/4/07 to receive not less than 10 hours per week while hospitalized; instruction will be provided by Saint Clare’s Hospital at $44.00 per hour.

Student #9076 effective 12/13/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week as per doctor’s recommendation; instruction will be provided by Professional Education Services, Inc. at $33.00 per hour.

Student #9077 effective 11/28/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week as per doctor’s recommendation; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #922248 effective 11/16/06 to receive not less than 10 hours per week as per doctor’s recommendation; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #922832 effective 11/8/06 to receive not less than 8 hours per month as per IEP; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #9078 effective 11/21/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week as per doctor’s recommendation; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #9079 effective 1/5/07 to receive up to 5 hours per week of home instruction as per 504 Plan; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #9080 effective 1/5/07 to receive not less than 5 hours per week as per doctor’s recommendation; instruction will be provided by the Union County Educational Services Commission at $45.50 per hour.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to terminate the employment of Alvaro Abreu, District Bus/Van Driver, effective January 3, 2007.

Note: Employee will be paid through January 17, 2007 in accordance with employment contract

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to accept the resignation of Frances Hernández, Teacher Assistant, WM Central, effective January 17, 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve a disability/maternity leave for Lauren Olsen, Teacher of History, WM Central, effective on or about February 15, 2007 through January 2008*, using accumulated sick and personal days for the disability portion before leave without pay.

Note: *Return date to coincide with beginning of 2007-2008 third marking period.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve a disability/maternity leave for Jill Quabeck, Teacher of Special Education, WM Central, effective on or about March 26, 2007 through June 30, 2007, using accumulated sick and personal days for the disability portion before leave without pay.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve movement on the Facilities Personnel Salary Guide for Julio Yanes, Custodian (Level 1), WM Mendham, from Step D ($26,550) to Step E ($27,550), effective January 1, 2007.

Note: Salary amounts subject to adjustment at completion of WMRFP negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to appoint the following facilities personnel as Shift Leaders for the 2006-2007 school year, at an annual stipend of $500* each: WM Central: Robert Beam WM Mendham: Gustavo Flores

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMRFP negotiations

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve the revised job description for “Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction”, including a change in title to “Administrative Assistant to the Director of Curriculum, Affirmative Action Officer and Director of Staff Development”, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve Eileen Mills, Special Education Teacher, WM Mendham to provide supervision of student #22590 for after school activities at the rate of $33.00*/hour.

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve an annual stipend of $3,000, prorated, effective October 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007*, to the following Facilities Managers:

WM Mendham: Robert Naples WM Central: Thomas West

*Stipends will be paid for the duration of referendum construction projects, and will be approved annually.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Townsend voting No. Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Dr. Raj, and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve up to 3 hours for each of the following staff members to update the District’s 2006-07 Staff Development Plan, at the rate of $33.00*/hour, in accordance with Article VII.H of the WMREA contract:

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Kristen Brynildsen

Jane Brooks

Joseph Cozine

Fred Fell

Joyce Hartmann

Sharon Kellman

Kathleen Kremins

Jessica LoScalzo

Carol Meiseles

Allison Rosenzweig

Marlene Russell

Judith Serafin

Margaret Sheldon

Susan Turner

Linda Widuta

Maria Zezas

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to appoint/rescind appointment of the following persons to coaching/co-curricular positions for the 2006-2007 school year: WM Central - appoint:

Kevin Daly Asst. Winter Track Volunteer

Michael Penna Asst. Drama Director/Choreographer Level C Step 2

David White Music Director-1st Perf. Musical (1/2) Level A Step 4

WM Central - rescind:

Constance Biber Asst. Winter Cheerleading*

Karen Czinkota Head Winter Cheerleading*

David Scheck Music Director-1st Perf. Musical (1/2)

*Positions are being rescinded for 2006-07 due to lack of student interest in activity.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve the following substitute employees for the 2006-07 school year, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees: Allison Allenburger-Teacher, Cristine Chory-Teacher, David Peterson-Teacher, Cristin Roach-Teacher.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve submission to the County Superintendent of an application for emergency hiring and the applicant’s attestation that she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of NJSA 18A:6-7.1 et.seq., NJSA 18A:39-17 et.seq., or NJSA 18A:6-4.13 et.seq. for Cathleen Stenger.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to appoint Renée Vaccaro as an Administrative Assistant, District Office, at a salary of $45,510* (Step 18), prorated, effective on or about January 23, 2007 through June 30, 2007.

Note: Position available due to a reassignment; start date contingent upon securing sufficient coverage or replacement for her current position at WM Mendham;

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMRAAA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Mrs. Berlin opened the meeting to the public at 8:09pm

Valerie Verona, Chester Township Resident, West Morris Mendham High School Parents Tennis Association, acknowledged that they are very excited about the progress thus far and, thanked the board for all their work and the accomplishments made on the tennis courts.

Hope Warrington, Mendham Township resident, thanked the board on behalf of the West Morris Mendham Cheerleaders Booster Club for approving the cheerleaders trip as well as their support of the program. She also thanked the school administration for their support.

Mrs. Berlin closed the meeting to the public at 8:10pm


Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Emery, to adopt a resolution to go into Executive Session at 8:10pm.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows:

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION to discuss a matter relating to:

1. Personnel Matters

2. Negotiations

which matters are permitted by Section 7.B of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of the State of New Jersey for 1975) to be discussed in closed session in the absence of the public; and

WHEREAS, the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION has determined that it is necessary in the public interest that the matter in fact be discussed in closed session, and has estimated that, as nearly as can now be ascertained, the results of the discussion can be disclosed to the public at the following time and under the following circumstances:

A. The Board will reconvene in approximately thirty minutes.

Action will be taken.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved that the public be excluded from this the remaining portion of this meeting, during which only the aforestated matter will be discussed.

All in favor.


Motion by Mr. Connelly , seconded by Mr. Emery, to close the Executive Session at 8:40pm pm.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Towensend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to accept the minutes of Executive Session #1, December 11, 2006.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Towensend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to accept the minutes of Executive Session #2, December 11, 2006.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Towensend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Mr. Pechanec reported to the Board regarding payment of a bill from Massa Montalto Architects.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mr. Emery, to authorize payment to Massa Montalto Architects in the amount of $8003.75 for the West Morris Mendham High School Renovation & Construction Project #5600-050-04-1000.

Note: This amount represents a reduction of payment to D&K Construction for redesign work to correct a substandard concrete pour.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Mrs. Schram questioned monies still owed to Massa Montalto Architects. Mr. Pechanec advised that they will be paid $7710.25 per month through the end of the project. Additional services are to be reviewed by the construction manager then presented and approved as change orders.

Mrs. Schram also brought up different ways the upcoming budget vote should be publicized.


The Board, by verbal consensus, authorized Dr. di Battista to do emergency hiring of an English teacher from January 8, 2007 through January 22, 2007.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to adjourn at 8:59pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

L. Douglas Pechanec, Board Secretary

MENDHAM ...A lovely town, with a really ugly Government.