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High School Veterans Memorial
Town Stuff:
High School Veterans Memorial
   By FromBad ToWorse on Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 11:01 am: |
Did you receive your "Mendham High-School Veterans Courtyard Memorial" letter? if not you may be unaware that they have decided on a life-size sculpture to honor our local "citizen-soldiers". According to the website, the statue of a man getting dressed will invoke some sort of appropriate caught-in-between reflection of what it means to be a soldier/hired killer/draftee/Poor-slob/psychotic hate-filled bigot/etc. As I stated before war is too complex and dangerous a subject for the front yard of a high-school. There are in fact good/just wars and very bad/ unjust wars... Likewise, the character and motives of the men and women who fight wars is not homogenous or necessarily anything to celebrate, memorialize, or pay tribute to. Having said that, even if I could support the creation of this Pollyanna representation of war in the front yard of a high-school --I don't think this "getting dressed" statue makes much of a statement. It doesn't honor a great soldiers unyielding commitment to duty or his magnificent courage... It certainly doesn't inspire understanding of the great pain and hardship war imposes on the sometimes very unwilling. What war doesn't destroy it scars and a guy getting dressed for work (or after doing a 13 year-old war ravaged prostitute) doesn't say much about that. In my opinion this high-school war memorial is a bad idea, being badly managed into a worse idea. From the ego graffiti financing scheme, through its undemocratic imposition, to its simplistic/propagandistic conceptual emptiness-- in my opinion-- it offends what it intends to honor. |
   By Whats Da Matter with My Alma Mater on Sunday, May 15, 2005 - 12:13 pm: |
Personally, I thought a reflecting pond would have been a better idea. We could have arranged for a 500 pound bomb to be dropped and then fill the crater with Napalm , which we could ignite nightly to add atmosphere. Maybe a bronze statue of Eula Crane in a thong could be added to remind us that there are things uglier than war. |
   By Not joining your army on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 8:22 pm: |
Apparently some kids have way to much free time on their hands. Please, will some responsible adult take some control and slap some sense into these kids. |
   By duh on Monday, May 16, 2005 - 9:02 pm: |
you stupid sod adults concoted this idea and will find a way to make other adults pay for it .. "kids" wouldnt bother |
   By Mo Money on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 3:43 pm: |
Ah duh, put the crack pipe down and try picking up a dictionary. |
   By link on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 6:40 am: |
Honor area veterans by supporting local high school project |
   By BrickLaying on Thursday, June 02, 2005 - 8:08 am: |
I did end up purchasing a brick for inMendham.com. It will read: "WAR IS HELL" DoNotGo There InMendham.com I was hoping to come up with something a bit more clever but I've just had too many distractions lately. I was also concerned that if I went too far I would give them an excuse to censor my "brick commentary". The fact that they're using public land would obligate them to respect the First Amendment... but Catch-22 "community standards" obscenity prohibitions can redefine the First Amendment into a pretty toothless protection. It is a sad truth that by community standards beer and barbecue is the acceptable way to "celebrate" Memorial Day.... So I guess it's no great surprise that the "community" wouldn't have enough "depth of feeling" not to see anything morbid or depressing (or insane) in essentially building a graveyard in the front yard of a high-school. I suppose there is no choice but to play along, so... let's have a moment of silence morning the tragic retardation of the human race... but do your best to spend the rest of the day killing as many brain cells as possible....the "virtual" beer is on me. |
   By Your serve! on Thursday, June 02, 2005 - 8:49 pm: |
At least we don't have to worry about the bricks being used to damage the tennis courts! |
   By phwew on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 8:04 am: |
Thanks for the tip .. brick will be flagged and not put in. Donation will be kept. |
   By Q on Saturday, August 20, 2005 - 12:17 pm: |
They have apparently made some significant alterations to the configuration of the memorial/graveyard. Here is a copy of what they display on the website using an 800K image file. (no "educator" at the high-school can "teach" any of the people affiliated with the website about bandwidth and compressed graphics?)
So the circle is no longer going to be a circle? Why the strange shape? Besides looking kind of ugly (unsymmetrical) won't this have a negative impact on traffic movement? Anybody know anything about these changes? Shouldn't the town council have been required to approve this kind of a dramatic alteration? |
   By Anonymous on Saturday, August 20, 2005 - 2:49 pm: |
If you got off the computer and looked at the circle in the high school you will see that it was never a circle and there is no change they are just renevating what already exists. So there is no "dramatic alteration". |
   By MySmallMistake TheirBigMistake on Saturday, August 20, 2005 - 4:40 pm: |
I have realized what confused me regarding part of the changes-- they have reversed the image, the fountain used to be on the left-hand side so now the school doors would be at the bottom of the image. There is still a pretty big actual change in that the two memorials are no longer symmetrically placed directly across from each other. It would also appear that people will be walking through the graveyard to get to and from the parking-- a circumstance that does not encourage proper respect ...are they also going to lower the flag so the resource officer can wipe his hands on it after his midmorning doughnut? |
   By DUGAN on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 12:12 pm: |
don't worry kids it will never happen there is a monument at the boro park |
   By 06. 2....... on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 11:04 pm: |
Back on the 20th of November they had the unveiling of the schoolyard Memorial/cemetery, absent the dude getting dressed statue. I had kind of hoped the memorial website would publish some photos... maybe even photos of the brickwork so people could see where their brick ended up being placed. Unfortunately, the high school is out of my traveling range so I guess until some good citizen decides to volunteer some of photography services, the good purpose of documenting the memorial on the Internet won't be a logical exploitation of available technology. If anyone reading has been to the memorial... I'm curious to know if they saw my $100 InMendham.com brick? Here's a couple of, as usual, one-sided news stories on the subject: from the Daily Record newsroom: Veterans memorial grows from H.S. students' vision from the Observer Tribune: Memorial is tribute to veterans 11/21/2006 MENDHAM - Enshrined in brick pavers, in a small patch of green at Mendham High School off Main Street, a memorial was dedicated on Monday honoring the fruits of five years of research done by history students in honor of the lives of local veterans. Inscribed with the names of 55 area residents killed or missing in action, the arresting black granite memorial, stood at attention, while an American flag flapped in the chilly Nov. 20 sky. The pavers, engraved with the names of those who contributed to the memorial as well as the names of local family members who served, form a semi-circle walkway, interspersed with square bluestone blocks inscribed with quotes from soldiers and family members identified by Mendham High School history students as being particularly inspirational. It is on this path that township resident Jim Barnes walked, stopped, and knelt at the name of his father, Army Lt. Col. "Jas" T. Barnes, engraved in a brick paver. "That's why you and I are here today, because of guys like that," said Barnes, a Corey Lane resident and veteran of the Army National Guard, for which he served six years. Barnes joined more than 100 other people for the Veterans Memorial Dedication held in the high school auditorium. The dedication and unveiling of the memorial culminated five-years of work by Mendham High School history students, who worked to identify and honor the memories of area citizens who have served in the military. School officials said the memorial is designed to be a reflective and uplifting tribute to the ideals of personal sacrifice and citizenry as well as a permanent source of learning for future students. The memorial was initiated and supervised by Mackey Pendergrast, the district's director of professional development, when he was a history teacher at the school. "The entire thing has been done by the kids," Pendergrast said. "They did everything, they designed the memorial, researched the names of those who were killed and chose which quotes went into the bluestone." Mendham students spent nearly five years researching and verifying the identity of the more than 900 Chester and Mendham residents who fought in America's military conflicts, ranging from the Revolutionary War through the current Iraq War. They also documented the wartime experiences using historical written documents and first-person accounts of survivors and family members, said a statement. World War II veteran Jean Day, 82, of Sterling Road in Mendham, said she encouraged Pendergrast to pursue the project. "I encouraged Mackey to pursue the project because most young people had no conception of what our generation went through and teaching them with a hands-on project gave them a feeling of what it was like in the 1940's," Day said. "Mackey did such a great job," Day said. "To get a feel for what people go through during periods of time (when their country is at war)." Another World War II veteran, Leo Baehler of Babbit Road in Mendham, said that several years ago he helped Pendergrast and his history students identify area veterans. Baehler served in the Navy during the tail end of World War II, from 1944-46, on a destroyer escort, the U.S. Gustafson. The destroyer protected convoys crossing the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea from enemy submarines. "I think it's great that the students of Mendham High School have planned, raised funds and built a memorial in remembrance of those who have served this country, past and present, to protect our freedom," Baehler said. Baehler said he hopes the memorial creates a curiosity in students to learn from the past, as they will be the leaders of the future. "The veterans I spoke with, greatly appreciate this memorial, particularly because young people created it," Baehler said. Five Years Coming Pendergrast said the project started in 1999, when he was a history teacher, and he had the class interview veterans and compile the interviews into oral reports. "One of the kids was so impressed by the veterans and suggested we do something more," Pendergrast said. "We brought the veterans in and had lunch with them and the next year we did the same thing." Pendergrast said, however, one of the problems was that the students had a hard time finding out who was killed, so he said they started a more in depth research project in class, looking at local documents. The effort eventually evolved into a club, "The Historical Society." Year after year, Pendergrast said, the students showed a growing interest in the veterans research project and wanted to do more to memorialize the veterans. Pendergrast said he had a plaque in mind, and the late Mendham High School Principal Julius Wargacki suggested making it a sitting area. So, in 2004, Pendergrast said the project really took off, with fundraising efforts totaling $30,000. In addition to donations from organizations, Pendergrast said one of the ways they raised funds was by selling pavers to people who wanted to memorialize a veteran. "The kids decided they wanted to raise money outside of your standard carwash or bakesale," Pendergrast said. "We took some of the stories of the veterans written by students in class and compiled them into a book, which the kids sold to raise money." Mendham history students wrote, published and sold a book of short stories based on the histories of citizens who served in the Civil War entitled, "If I Fall . Chester and Mendham Civil War Stories." They also wrote and produced a documentary film interspersed with interviews of living Chester and Mendham veterans and their families that was shown to various community groups Dane Devereux, a 2006 Mendham High School graduate and past president of the high school Historical Society, said that when he was a freshman, the idea for the project really started to grow and he got involved. "The summer between my freshman and sophomore year, I took pictures that the students put together in the book," Devereux said. A freshman at Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Md., Devereux said he sold the books at school functions and community parades in Mendham and Chester, such as the July 4 celebration in Brookside, and the Veterans Day assembly in his junior year. "The most important part of the project was not in the research, but going out there, selling the books, so people ask questions about the memorial and in talking to them about the stories of the veterans," Devereux said. "It's really great to show that we have veterans and honor them." The Memorial A six-foot bronze statue was designed and cast by Doug Fritz, a former Mendham High School student and current Fine Arts major at Carnegie Mellon University. The statue will be at the center of the memorial, but Pendergrast said it wasn't ready in time. According to a statement, the statue depicts a soldier putting on his uniform as he prepares to leave for a military conflict. The facial emotions and conflict are purposefully ambiguous and left for personal interpretation. "There is something in that in-between state, at the point of transformation, that encapsulates the essence, a simultaneous state of being a normal citizen and a soldier," Fritz said in a statement. As the goal of the memorial is to be apolitical, according to a statement, the five selected quotes capture either the individual's feelings of hope or words of encouragement from community members. "I will be alive tomorrow," read a quote from Mendham resident Rocco Ciffrese, on his first thoughts after his final B-24 mission in 1944. A time capsule will be included in the memorial display to be opened in 2056, which will contain newspaper clippings of current headlines, and a CD of recordings of some of the interviews that were conducted by the students, Pendergrast said. cRecorder Community Newspapers 2006 |
   By 06. 2....... on Friday, December 08, 2006 - 4:47 pm: |
As if it wasn't enough irony that the getting dressed soldier wasn't ready for the unveiling... I got this check from the school board today-- no letter of explanation, just the check and receipt. So we have a public memorial honoring those who sacrificed for "our freedom".... but the fundamental constitutional principles that define that American freedom can be disregarded in deciding who gets to purchase a sponsorship, or some "brick speech"? .... I am frankly really at a loss for words ... I mean, how plain upside-down crazy can things get. I'm sitting here remembering that when I was a kid, and our parents allowed us to paint our bedrooms anyway we liked, I chose red, white, and blue (blue walls with white stars and a red striped bedspread) ... in thinking about it, maybe I did it because John Kennedy was assassinated on my birthday, or maybe I was still so impressed by the American scientific accomplishment of walking on the moon... Whatever the reason, I feel a million miles from that naive kid who once believed in the fairy tale of a nation of people who believed in "liberty and justice for all". In Mendham of 2006, the control freaks rule by the consent of the majority... and people routinely wave flags, and talk American talk, but they don't have the discipline to walk a foot in the name of an American Constitutional principle.... as I've been saying the last few years, you people really suck! It seems probable that I'll be suing the school board... at minimum they owe me some 18 months of interest on my hundred dollars. |
   By 06. 137... on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 8:35 am: |
Perhaps you vitriolic tirades have made them rethink accepting anything from you. You cannot call people every name in the book, criticise their work and efforts and exepct them to love you. |
   By 06. 2....... on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 8:53 am: |
The only thing I "expect"--and will attempt to defend--from you ignorant elitist thugs, is respect for the United States Constitution. The document exists to protect my unpopular speech, and doesn't exist to be used as toilet paper by you hypocrite Americans with your silicone patriotism. |
   By 06. 06. 137... on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 5:25 pm: |
You are the hypocrit. You only understand what you think is right and refuse to acknowledge any other opinion. |
   By 06. 2....... on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 9:04 pm: |
What "other opinion" have I refused to "acknowledge"? You are the assholes who can't defend any of your 2 sentence fart gibberish with any facts, or rational, comprehensively complete, argument. Is it your "other opinion" that they should be teaching in high-school civics that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution doesn't cover the public property outside a high-school... and that, that space can be sold to advertisers who are a friend of the political party controlling government and that those holding an opposing view can be constitutionally denied equal access? If that is your stupid Un-American opinion I have "acknowledged" it...and properly ridiculed its fascist traitorous character. |
   By 06. 2....... on Thursday, December 28, 2006 - 8:15 pm: |
I have decided to pursue litigation against the school board for this abuse and the related "fraudulent election" issue. Instead of filing a new complaint in federal court I am petitioning the judge to add the issues to the currently pending litigation.... this might save me 350 bucks, but I'll lose the advantage of maybe getting a better judge. So any ideas regarding a settlement? How about a front-door statue of me flipping the guy getting dressed "the bird"... or maybe a inMendham.com "Memorial" par-3 golf course, shaped like Thomas Jefferson, that runs across all the dumb ass sports fields.... |
   By 06. 32... on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 11:36 am: |
What were you going to have engraved in the brick? |
   By 06. 06. 06. 2....... on Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 1:50 pm: |
although you're asking me to be a bit redundant, it Was: "WAR IS HELL" DoNotGo There InMendham.com |
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