12/11/ 2006


Chester, New Jersey

The West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education met in Regular Session Monday, December 11, 2006 at 7:02 p.m. in the West Morris Mendham High School Library.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. John Notte, Board President. Mr. L. Douglas Pechanec, Board Secretary, read the opening statement.

Public Notice of this meeting was given 48 hours in advance on May 4, 2006 in the Observer Tribune, one of the Board's official newspapers. Notices were sent to the Daily Record and the Star Ledger, to the Morris County Clerk and the clerks of the municipalities comprising the regional district. These notices indicated date, location, time and type of meeting. Notice was also posted in the District Administration Building, West Morris Central High School, West Morris Mendham High School and on the West Morris Regional website.


Present Absent

Meg Berlin None

Julie Clements

Robert Connelly

Jeff Emery

James Johnston

John Notte

Michael Raj

Jackie Schram

Theresa Townsend

Student Reps:

Brian Merker, WMC

Allison Wilkinson, WMM

Also Present

Dr. Anthony di Battista, Superintendent

Mr. L. Douglas Pechanec, Bus. Adm./Bd. Sec.

Mrs. Carol Lum, Asst. Bd. Secretary

Ten (10) Students

Nine (9) Staff Members

Seven (7) Visitors


Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Clements, to adopt the November 13, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes, as submitted.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Townsend Abstained – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.


1. Dr. Alyce Hunter, Director of Curriculum, presented the Board the 2007-2008 Program of Studies.

  1. West Morris Central High School student reported to the Board on the Semi Formal held December 7, 2006 and thanked Mr. Notte for his help with the event. The student raised $10,000 to be donated to the Habitat for Humanities Youth United Program and Darfur relief.

Dr. di Battista introduced Mrs. Barbara Quinn, Math Teacher WMM and students from her Further Mathematics class. The students presented the Board with an example of “further “ math.


Mr. Notte opened the meeting to the public at 7:43 p.m.

West Morris Mendham High School tennis parents inquired into the status of the proposed tennis courts at West Morris Mendham and if a coach had been hired for the boys Tennis Team.

Mr. Notte closed the meeting to the public at 7:49 p.m.

Mr. Notte and Mrs. Townsend presented Mrs. Lum with a plaque for 25 years plus service to the district and wished her well on her retirement.

A short reception was held.

The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:03 p.m. and took the following action.


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to adopt a resolution to go into Executive Session at 8:03 p.m.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows:

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION to discuss a matter relating to:

1. Negotiations relating to Construction

which matter is permitted by Section 7.B of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of the State of New Jersey for 1975) to be discussed in closed session in the absence of the public; and

WHEREAS, the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION has determined that it is necessary in the public interest that the matter in fact be discussed in closed session, and has estimated that, as nearly as can now be ascertained, the results of the discussion can be disclosed to the public at the following time and under the following circumstances:

A. The Board will reconvene in approximately

one hour and a half. Action will be taken.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved that the public be excluded from this the remaining portion of this meeting, during which only the aforestated matter will be discussed.

All in favor.


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to close the Executive Session at 8:57 p.m.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Emery, to adopt a resolution to amend the 2006-07 budget appropriations to include gate receipts for November 2006 in the amount of $2,541 to help offset officials’ fees.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to approve the attached 2006-07 budget appropriation transfers, as per appendix 4940-A.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, that the Board of Education, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11, certifies that as of October 31, 2006 after review of the Secretary’s monthly appropriation report and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of their knowledge no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to accept the following financial reports. These reports have been reviewed by the Secretary and found to be in agreement, as per appendix 4940-B.

a. Board Secretary’s Report of October 31, 2006.

b. Treasurer’s Report of October 31, 2006.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to authorize payment of bills on the Bill List dated December 11, 2006, as per appendix 4940-C.

Roll Call Vote – Mr. Johnston Abstained on Check #236921-Mr.Notte Abstained on Check #236921 - Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to authorize payment of bills on the Student Activities Bill List dated November 30, 2006, as per appendix 4940D.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Johnston, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to authorize payment of bills on the Cafeteria Bill List dated October 31, 2006, as per appendix 4940-E

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to into a Joint Transportation Agreement with the Mt. Olive Township Board of Education as follows:


VT1 9/1/06–6/30/07 Morris County 12/WMR $11,187.00

School of 42/Mt.Olive


Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to enter into a Joint Transportation Agreement with the Washington Township Board of Education as follows:


VTS-1 10/2/06–6/20/07 PM Trans From WMC 8/WMC $119/per diem

To Student Residences

NOTE: Transportation home after students return from Vo-Tech at 3:30 PM on M, W & F. On Tu & Th, students ride 4 PM Late Buses.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to authorize Payment #8 to D & K Construction Company in the amount of $51,175.19 for the West Morris Mendham High School Renovation & Construction Project #5660-050-04-1000.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to authorize Payment #9 to D & K Construction Company in the amount of $243,629.56 for the West Morris Mendham High School Renovation & Construction Project #5660-050-04-1000 contingent upon architect review and approval.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to authorize the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary to establish a student activity account for the "Class of 2010” for West Morris Central High School.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to authorize the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary to establish a student activity account for the "Class of 2010” for West Morris Mendham High School.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to adopt the following resolution to award a contract for professional services:

WHEREAS, the West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education requires the services of an engineering and surveying service firm to implement Phase II - Option " D ":

Option "D" is to renovate and provide additions to West Morris Central High School and West Morris Mendham High School and to continue to address the sewerage/wastewater issues, traffic safety & parking at both schools.

WHEREAS, the Public School Contract Laws permit the Board of Education to engage in such professional services by resolution at the public meeting without advertisement for bids;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education enter into an agreement with Ferriero Engineering, Inc., to provide such services to the Board of Education for West Morris Central High School Construction Project State Project #0556-030-04-1000 with a fixed amount of $25,500 for permit review, site plans and specifications and an estimated cost not to exceed $9,000 for Construction Administration for a total cost not to exceed $34,500. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a professional service under the Public School Contract Law, as per appendix 4942-A.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to adopt the following resolution to award a contract for professional services:

WHEREAS, the West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education requires the services for pre-construction services firm to implement Phase II - Option " D ":

Option "D" is to renovate and provide additions to West Morris Central High School and West Morris Mendham High School and to continue to address the sewerage/wastewater issues, traffic safety & parking at both schools.

WHEREAS, the Public School Contract Laws permit the Board of Education to engage in such professional services by resolution at the public meeting without advertisement for bids;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education to revise its agreement with Turner Construction Company, to provide such services to the Board of Education for West Morris Central High School Construction Project State Project #5660-030-04-1000 for an amount of $4,500/per month not to exceed 4 months effective December 1, 2006 and provide a cost estimate for the project not to exceed $21,000 for a total amount not to exceed $39,000. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a professional service under the Public School Contract Law, as per appendix 4943A.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, The West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education of the County of Morris, New Jersey (the “Board”), desires to proceed with a school facilities project consisting generally of:

Additions and Renovations to West Morris Central High School, State Project #5660-030-04-1000.

WHEREAS, the Board now seeks to take the initial steps in order to proceed with the project:


Section 1. In accordance with the requirements of Section6A:26-3 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, the Board hereby approves the Educational Specifications prepared in connection with the project and the Board further authorizes the submission of same to the Morris County superintendent of Schools and the New Jersey Department of Education for approval.

Section 2. In accordance with the requirements of Section 6A:26-3 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, the Board hereby approves the Schematic Plans prepared in connection with the Project and the Board further authorizes the submission of same to the Morris County Superintendent of Schools and the New Jersey Department of Education for approval. The Board further authorizes the submission of the Schematic Plan to the Municipal planning board for its renew.

Section 3. The Board hereby authorizes the amendment to its Long-Range Facilities Plan in order to reflect the proposed Project.

Section 4. The School Administration and such other officers and agents of the Board as are necessary, including the Board attorney, bond counsel and architect, are hereby authorized to perform such other acts, to execute such other documents and to do such other things as are necessary to implement the determinations of the Board set forth in this resolution. Including the submission of Information to the New Jersey Department of Education as set for the in Section 5(d) of P.L. 2000, c72 in connection with receipt of a grant with respect to the proposed Project.

Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mrs. Berlin, to approve the 2007-08 Program of Studies, as per appendix 4944-A.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mrs. Berlin, to approve home instruction as follows:

Student #922749 effective 11/14/06 to receive not less than 10 hours per week while hospitalized; instruction will be provided by Saint Clare’s Hospital at $44.00 per hour.

Student #922907 effective 11/17/06 to receive not less than 10 hours per week while hospitalized; instruction will be provided by Saint Clare’s Hospital at $44.00 per hour.

Student #9073 effective 11/1/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week as per doctor’s recommendation; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #9074 effective 11/17/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week as per doctor’s recommendation; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #922914 effective 10/13/06 to receive not less than 10 hours per week as per IEP; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #9R4090C effective 11/8/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week as per doctor’s recommendation; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #9075 effective 11/22/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week while hospitalized; instruction will be provided by Professional Education Services, Inc. at $33.00 per hour.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mrs. Berlin, to approve placement of special education student #22941 as per IEP, at a non-approved out of district facility (Cornerstone Day School, Springfield, NJ), for the 2006-07 school year at a tuition cost of $65,000.00 for twelve-month program.

Note: Placement is contingent upon Commissioner of Education approval of facility.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mrs. Berlin, to accept two grants from the Morris County Sheriffs CrimeStoppers, in the amount of $500 each for West Morris Mendham and West Morris Central High Schools, for the 2007-2008 school year.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mrs. Berlin, to approve an overnight trip for WM Central students to travel to Boston, Massachusetts to perform at the Heritage Music Festival (April 20-22, 2007).

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mrs. Berlin, to approve an overnight trip for WM Mendham students to travel to Cuzumel, Mexico via flight and cruise ship, to perform and receive coaching from professional entertainers, and visit historical ruins in Cuzumel (April 9-13, 2007).

Note: Same trip approved August 14, 2006 for WM Central students.

Roll Call Vote – Mr. Connelly voting No - Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded Mrs. Berlin, to enter into a Settlement Agreement regarding student #22757, as per confidential agreement.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to accept the retirement notice of Michael Bourdius, Administrative Assistant, WM Mendham, effective January 31, 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to accept the resignation of Todd Toriello, Teacher of English, WM Central, effective on or about January 22, 2007.

Note Effective date to be adjusted contingent upon availability of teacher filling vacancy.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to appoint Joseph Trainor as a Guidance Counselor, WM Mendham, at a salary of $58,360* (Step 9 Level MA+30), effective on or about February 12, 2007 through June 30, 2007, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees.

Note: Position available due to a resignation; effective date contingent upon release from contract with current employer; *subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to appoint Susan Kratch as a Supplemental Secretary, Board Office, at the rate of $14.00/hour, effective December 4, 2006 through June 30, 2007, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees.

Note: Position available due to a reassignment.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to appoint Alexis Saskowitz as a Teacher Assistant, WM Central, at a salary of $17,000 (Step A; $16,000 + $1,000 training differential), prorated, effective December 12, 2006 through June 30, 2007, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees.

Note: Position available due to growth.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve Juanita Togno as a per diem School Nurse, District, effective December 12, 2006 through on or about March 9, 2007, at the rate of $150 per diem.

Note: Coverage for school nurses on extended medical/disability leaves.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve the revised job description for Secretary to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary, including a change in title to “Executive/Confidential Secretary to the Business Administrator – Assistant Board Secretary”, as per appendix 4948-A.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve the following 6th period teaching assignment, effective November 27, 2006 for the remainder of the 2006-07 school year:

Marjorie Saperstein Adaptive P.E. 2/3 of 1 Period

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve an adjustment to the calculation of 6th period teaching assignments for teachers providing coverage for teaching on disability/maternity leave for the period September 6 through November 8, 2006, as follows:

Judith Bower $170.38 additional

Poonam Gahlawat $109.54 additional

Cynthia Hannas $115.82 additional

William Librera $ 98.00 additional

George Magliaro $185.20 additional

Note: Previously approved at the per period rate (20% of full time salary/200 days) for number of school days in the leave period; adjustment reflects payment for full pay periods at the 6th period rate (20% of full time salary).

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to appoint the following persons to coaching/co-curricular positions for the 2006-2007 school year:

WM Central - appoint:

Kevin Burns Assistant Wrestling Volunteer

Cristy Chory Music Dir.-1st Perf.

Musical (1/2) Level A Step 1

Debbie Gonzalez International Club* Level C Step 1

Christopher Marold Assistant Wrestling Step 2

WM Mendham - appoint:

Dennis Jarvis Assistant Winter Track Step 2

Meimee Persau Assistant Fencing Volunteer

*this club replaces the Friends & Buddies Club at WM Central.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve Alberto Joseph Errico, Athletic Trainer, to provide coverage on an as-needed basis during the 2006-2007 school year, at the rate of $33.00*/hour.

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize the Director of Special Education to employ the following STRIVE Program participants for part time work in accordance with the Board approved hourly rates for substitute employees:

611, 613, 615, 616

Note: This activity is funded by Juvenile Justice System STRIVE Grant; positions/hourly rates to be determined based upon individual work assignments. Locations are WM Central Cafeteria and WM Central Maintenance Department.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize Katherine Carrion-Alverez, Seton Hall University athletic training student, to complete a student athletic training assignment under the direct supervision of Suzanne Barba, Athletic Trainer, WM Central, during the period January 2007 to June 2007.

Note: A previous assignment request from Seton Hall University for this time period was withdrawn.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize Matthew Holder, Centenary College student, to complete a practicum at WM Mendham, under the supervision of Deborah Karczewski, Teacher of English, during the period January 23, 2007 through May 15, 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize Anthony Nigito, Centenary College student, to complete a practicum at WM Mendham, under the supervision of Douglas Kirk, Teacher of English, during the period January 23, 2007 through May 15, 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize Erin Kida, Centenary College student, to complete a 600-hour guidance internship at WM Mendham, under the supervision of Marianna Marchese, Director of Guidance, during the period February through May 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to authorize Jacqueline Oswald, Rutgers University Student, to complete a 150-hour field experience at WM Mendham, under the supervision of Jane Brooks, Educational Media Specialist, during the period December 15, 2006 through May 9, 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve revision of the 2006-2007 rates of pay for the following categories of student employees, effective October 1, 2006:

Student Food Services Worker $7.15/hour

Student-in-Training $7.15/hour

Student Teacher Assistant $7.15/hour

Rates revised in accordance with New Jersey’s new minimum wage which became effective October 1, 2006.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve the following substitute employees for the 2006-07 school year, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees:

Michael Bourdius Secretary

Ruth Lashevicki Secretary

Theodore Manner Teacher

Richard Moran Teacher

Stephan Sliasky Teacher

Cathleen Stenger Nurse

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to resolve, that the Board of Education approve submission to the County Superintendent of applications for emergency hiring and the applicants’ attestations that he/she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of NJSA 18A:6-7.1 et.seq., NJSA 18A:39-17 et.seq., or NJSA 18A:6-4.13 et.seq. for the employees listed below:

Kevin Burns

Cristy Chory

Robert Dachisen

Susan Katcher Kratch

John Kovacs

Meimee Persau

Alexis Saskowitz

Stephen Scerbo

Joseph Trainor

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to appoint Mary Lucia as Executive/ Confidential Secretary to the Business Administrator – Assistant Board Secretary, District, at a salary of $56,125 (Level I.D; $54,625 + $1,500 board meeting stipend), prorated, effective January 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007.

Note: Position available due to a retirement.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – No comment.


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to adopt a resolution to go into Executive Session at 9:21 p.m.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows:

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION to discuss a matter relating to:

1. Negotiations

which matter is permitted by Section 7.B of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of the State of New Jersey for 1975) to be discussed in closed session in the absence of the public; and

WHEREAS, the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION has determined that it is necessary in the public interest that the matter in fact be discussed in closed session, and has estimated that, as nearly as can now be ascertained, the results of the discussion can be disclosed to the public at the following time and under the following circumstances:

A. The Board will reconvene in approximately

fifty minutes. Action will be taken.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved that the public be excluded from this the remaining portion of this meeting, during which only the aforestated matter will be discussed.

All in favor.


Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to close the Executive Session at 10:154 p.m.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to adopt the November 13, 2006 Executive Session Meeting Minutes as submitted.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Townsend Abstained -Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.


Mr. Pechanec reviewed with the Broad the proposed West Morris Mendham High School Tennis Courts and possibly a new multi purpose field at West Morris Central High School. The Board gave verbal authorization to Mr. Pechanec to proceed with Robert Walsh Associate’s proposal for the Tennis Courts and determine costs for the multi purpose field.

Mr. Emery updated the Board on issues with Massa Montalto Architects.

Mr. Notte requested input from the Board members regarding the sample flyer that could be mailed to the municipalities with budget information and suggested contacting the president's of all the parent booster clubs to help get the budget message out to the communities.

Mr. Notte discussed with the Board the proposed cell towers at West Morris Mendham High School could be a large fake tree instead of large flagpole.

The Board discussed the feasibility of placing their email addresses and phone numbers on the district website.


The Board has received requests to reconsider private music lesson at West Morris Mendham High School.

Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to adjourn at 11:11 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

L. Douglas Pechanec, Bd. Secretary

MENDHAM ...A lovely town, with a really ugly Government.