November 13, 2006


Chester, New Jersey

The West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education met in Regular Session Monday, November 13, 2006 at 7:02 p.m. in the West Morris Central High School Library.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. John Notte, Board President. Mr. L. Douglas Pechanec, Board Secretary, read the opening statement.

Public Notice of this meeting was given 48 hours in advance on May 4, 2006 in the Observer Tribune, one of the Board's official newspapers. Notices were sent to the Daily Record and the Star Ledger, to the Morris County Clerk and the clerks of the municipalities comprising the regional district. These notices indicated date, location, time and type of meeting. Notice was also posted in the District Administration Building, West Morris Central High School, West Morris Mendham High School and on the West Morris Regional website.


Present Absent

Meg Berlin Theresa Townsend

Julie Clements

Robert Connelly

Jeff Emery

James Johnston

John Notte

Michael Raj

Jacke Schram

Student Reps:

Brian Merker, WMC

Allison Wilkinson, WMM

Also Present

Dr. Anthony di Battista, Superintendent

Mr. L. Douglas Pechanec, Bus. Adm./Bd. Sec.

Mrs. Carol Lum, Asst. Bd. Secretary

Eight (8) Staff Members

Eleven (11) Visitors


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Dr. Raj, to adopt the October 23, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes, as submitted.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.


  1. Dr. Anthony di Battista, Superintendent reviewed with the Board the Board Goal regarding Long Range Planning, discussed Ms. Lichatin’s planned student field trip to Morristown to meet students from Frederick Douglas Academy for a visit to Jockey Hollow and a tour of Drew University.

Ms. Lichatin shared with the Board that a second West Morris Central student will have an article published in The Concord Review.

Dr. Alyce Hunter, Director of Curriculum updated the Board on discussions with Washington Township Board of Education, Mendham Borough Board of Education and the Chester Board of Education regarding concern with articulation to the West Morris Regional High School District.

Dr. Marianna Marchese, Director of Student Personnel Services WMM spoke with the Board regarding ACT and SAT Testing.

Mr. Mackey Pendergrast invited the Board to the dedication of the Veteran’s Memorial scheduled for November 20, 2006 at 1:30 p.m.

2. Dr. Alyce Hunter, Dir. of Curriculum and Mr. Mackey Pendergrast, Director of Staff Development discussed with the Board the Annual QAAR Report.

3. Mr. Pechanec, Bus. Adm./Bd. Sec. and Mr. Jeff Emery, Facilities Chair updated the Board on the on going WMM Construction and Renovation Project, the WMC Wastewater Disposal Project, the proposed WMM Tennis Courts and Mr. Pechanec reviewed the construction costs to date.

4. Mrs. Julie Clements, Finance Committee Chair reviewed with the Board the 2005/2006 District Audit.


Mr. Notte opened the meeting to the public at 7:56 p.m.

Members of the public expressed their concerns regarding the timeline of the proposed construction of tennis courts at WM Mendham High School and inquired about lighting on the WM Central High School Tennis Courts enabling the WM Mendham Boy Tennis Team to share the courts with the WM Central Boys Tennis Team.

A Chester resident questioned the ACT vs. SAT Testing and asked when the peak enrollment would hit the district.

Mr. Notte closed the meeting to the public at 8:16 p.m.


Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, to adopt a resolution to amend the 2006-07 budget appropriations to include gate receipts for October 2006 in the amount of $5,046 to help offset officials’ fees.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve the 2006-07 budget appropriation transfers, as per appendix 4927-A.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, that the Board of Education, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11, certifies that as of September 30, 2006 after review of the Secretary’s monthly appropriation report and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of their knowledge no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, to accept the following financial reports. These reports have been reviewed by the Secretary and found to be in agreement, as per appendix 4928-A.

a. Board Secretary’s Report of September 30, 2006.

b. Treasurer’s Report of September 30, 2006.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, to authorize payment of bills on the Bill List dated November 13, 2006, as per appendix 4928-B.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to authorize payment of bills on the Student Activities Bill List dated October 31, 2006, as per appendix 4928-C.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to authorize the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary to Request Proposals from Insurance Brokerage Firms for Property & Casualty and/or Health Benefits for the 2007-2008 school year.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to accept the financial audit for the year ending June 30, 2006, as prepared by Nisivoccia & Company L.L.P. The Board authorizes the Business Administrator to implement the procedures outlined in the attached Corrective Action Plan to be submitted to the County Office, as per appendix 4928-D.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to authorize Payment #7 to D & K Construction Company in the amount of $126,037.40 for the West Morris Mendham High School Renovation & Construction Project #5660-050-04-1000, as per appendix 4928-E.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to authorize the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary to solicit bids for Technology Equipment for the district.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to amend the Joint Transportation Agreement entered into with the Chester Township Board of Education with West Morris Regional as the host district with regard to the following route:


G1 Gill St Bernards 29/CT; 12/WMR $27,150 $19,203.80

NOTE: The agreement was approved October 23, 2006 for two routes totaling $38,493. The amount previously approved for this route was the cost of the full route ($27,150); the revised amount above reflects the Chester Township portion only.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve payment for bus transportation and liability insurance for WM Central and WM Mendham toward the cost of Project Graduation, June 21, 2007.

Note: Estimated transportation cost is $5,000.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve additional design work by Ferriero Engineering Inc. for the West Morris Central High School Wastewater Disposal per appendix 4929-A.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to approve Change Order #2 not to exceed $10,000 to Montana Construction Corp. Inc. pertaining to pump house redesign for the Wastewater Project West Morris Central High School, after consultation with the Facilities Committee and Finance Committee.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to authorize Payment #3 to Montana Construction Company Inc. in the amount of $800,056.84 for the West Morris Central High School Wastewater Disposal Project SP #5660-030-05-3000, as per appendix 4930-A.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve the Winter 2006-07 Sports Schedules for both schools, as per appendix 4930-B.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to accept the 2005-2006 Quality Assurance Annual Report, as per appendix 4930-C.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve submission of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) entitlement grant application for Fiscal Year 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve submission of the annual Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, Part B (IDEIA-B) funding application for FY2007 in the amount of $422,873.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to adopt a resolution to refuse $2,515 in funding under NCLB Title III, Part A: Grants and Subgrants for English Language Acquisition and Language Enhancement for Fiscal Year 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve home instruction as follows:

Student #9R4090C effective 10/26/06 to receive not less than 10 hours per week as per doctor’s recommendation; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #922288 effective 9/21/06 to receive not less than 10 hours per week as per IEP; instruction will be provided by the district.

Student #922277 effective 10/19/06 to receive not less than 10 hours per week while hospitalized; instruction will be provided by SLS Residential, Inc. at $40.00 per hour.

Student #9072 effective 10/26/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week while hospitalized; instruction will be provided by Saint Clare’s Hospital at $44.00 per hour.

Student #922566 effective 10/19/06 to receive not less than 10 hours per week while hospitalized; instruction will be provided by Saint Clare’s Hospital at $44.00 per hour.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to rescind placement of special education student #22914, at a non-approved out of district facility (Sage Day School, Somerset, NJ), effective 11/6/06.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Clements, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to rescind placement of special education student #22801 at Shepard High School, Morristown, New Jersey, effective 11/3/06.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to accept the retirement notice of Carol Lum, Executive/Confidential Secretary to the Business Administrator and Assistant Board Secretary, effective December 31, 2006, with regret.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to accept the resignation of Colleen Macaluso, Teacher Assistant, WM Mendham, effective November 3, 2006.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mrs. Clements, to approve a disability/maternity leave for Jessica Ewer, School Nurse, District, effective on or about January 2, 2007 through on or about March 9, 2007, using accumulated sick and personal days for the disability portion before leave without pay.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mrs. Clements, to appoint Lindsay Brinkerhoff as a Teacher Assistant, WM Mendham, at a salary of $17,000 (Step A; $16,000 + $1,000 training differential), prorated, effective November 14, 2006 through June 30, 2007, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees.

Note: Position available due to a resignation.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mrs. Clements, to appoint Christopher Marold as a Permanent Substitute, WM Central, effective November 14, 2006 through June 30, 2007, at $90/day, plus benefits, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees.

Note: Position available due to a vacancy.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Connelly, seconded by Mrs. Clements, to appoint Mary Anne Culik as a part-time Accountant, Board Office, at the rate of $25.50/hour, effective November 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. She has satisfied the criminal history background check for school employees.

Note: Position available due to a reassignment.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve an increase in the FTE for Marla Guariglia, Speech Language Specialist, WM Mendham, from .6 FTE to .7 FTE for the 2006-2007 school year.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve revision of the honorarium* to the following teacher for mentorship of a new teacher in accordance with Article VII.R of the WMREA contract:

Mentor New Teacher

Laura Tyroler (.2) $1,240$248 Courtney Bertos

Note: Mentor for two-month period; remainder of mentorship to be completed by another teacher; *subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve payment of an honorarium* to each of the following teachers for mentorship of a new teacher in accordance with Article VII.R of the WMREA contract:

Mentor New Teacher

Patricia Danner (.8) $496* Mary Daly

Francis Gavin (.8) $992* Courtney Bertos

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to approve the following additional professional consultant for NJAC 6A:14 mandated Child Study Team evaluations for the 2006-07 school year:

SLS Residential $40.00 per hour Tutorial Services

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to appoint/revise appointment of the following persons to co-curricular positions for the 2006-2007 school year:

WM Central - appoint:

Jacob Prince Drama Dir.-1st Perf. Musical Level A Step 4

Amanda McMeniman Competitive Cheerleading Level A Step 2

WM Central – revise:

Anne Meagher Competitive Cheerleading (1/2) Level A Step 2

WM Mendham - appoint:

Mary Daly Orchestra Director Level B Step 1

David Foster Sound/Lighting Level C Step 1

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Connelly, to resolve, that the Board of Education approve submission to the County Superintendent of applications for emergency hiring and the applicants’ attestations that he/she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of NJSA 18A:6-7.1 et.seq., NJSA 18A:39-17 et.seq., or NJSA 18A:6-4.13 et.seq. for the employees listed below:

Lindsay Brinkerhoff

Christopher Marold

Amanda McMeniman

Jacob Prince

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – John Notte, Board President

Mr. Notte opened the meeting to the public at 8:38 p.m.

A member of the public addressed the Board regarding an article that appeared in the newspaper about Westfield School District not requiring students participating in sports are exempt from taking gym.

Mr. Notte closed the meeting to the public at 8:42 p.m.


Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to adopt a resolution to go into Executive Session at 8:42 p.m.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows:

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION to discuss a matter relating to:

1. Personnel Matters

which matter is permitted by Section 7.B of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of the State of New Jersey for 1975) to be discussed in closed session in the absence of the public; and

WHEREAS, the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION has determined that it is necessary in the public interest that the matter in fact be discussed in closed session, and has estimated that, as nearly as can now be ascertained, the results of the discussion can be disclosed to the public at the following time and under the following circumstances:

A. The Board will reconvene in approximately

twenty minutes. Action will be taken.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved that the public be excluded from this the remaining portion of this meeting, during which only the aforestated matter will be discussed.

All in favor.


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to close the Executive Session at 9:05 p.m.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to accept the resignation of Marc MacNaughton, Permanent Substitute, WM Central, effective January 26, 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.


Mr. Pechanec reported to the Board on the revenue received to date on the district vending machines.

Mrs. Berlin shared with the Board the lack of information available from the Legislative Conference she attended.

Mrs. Berlin forwarded a request from a resident to have Board Members email addresses on the website and more up to date minutes available.


Mr. Notte reported to the Board on a seminar he attended on “How to Pass the Budget”. Mr. Notte asked Board Members to review the handouts and get back to him with their suggestions and recommendations.

Mr. Notte discussed with the Board authorizing the Superintendent to do emergency hiring after consulting with the Board President when the need arises between meetings.


Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Emery, to adopt the October 23, 2006 Executive Session Meeting Minutes, as submitted,

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Emery, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj and Mrs. Schram voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to adjourn at 9:31 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

L. Douglas Pechanec, Bd. Secretary

MENDHAM ...A lovely town, with a really ugly Government.