January 22, 2007


Chester, New Jersey

The West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education met in Regular Session Monday, January 22, 2007 at 7:05 p.m. in the West Morris Central High School Library.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. John Notte, Board President.

Mr. L. Douglas Pechanec, Board Secretary, read the opening statement.

Public Notice of this meeting was given 48 hours in advance on May 4, 2006 in the Observer Tribune, one of the Board's official newspapers. Notices were sent to the Daily Record and the Star Ledger, to the Morris County Clerk and the clerks of the municipalities comprising the regional district. These notices indicated date, location, time and type of meeting. Notice was also posted in the District Administration Building, West Morris Central High School, West Morris Mendham High School and on the West Morris Regional website.


Present Absent

Meg Berlin Jeff Emery

Julie Clements

Robert Connelly

James Johnston

John Notte

Michael Raj

Jacke Schram (arrived at 7:07pm)

Theresa Townsend

Student Reps:

Brian Merker, WMC (arrived at 7:08pm)

Allison Wilkinson, WMM

Also Present

Dr. Anthony di Battista, Superintendent

Mr. L. Douglas Pechanec, Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Mrs. Mary Lucia, Assistant Board Secretary

Nine (9) Students

Seven (7) Staff Members

Seven (7) Visitors


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mrs. Clements, to adopt the January 8, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes, as submitted.

Roll Call Vote - Mr. Notte, abstain. Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly,

Mr. Johnston, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


1. Superintendent’s Report

  • Dr. Anthony di Battista, Superintendent, spoke about the progress of the new semesterized courses. He introduced West Morris Central teacher, Mr. Jeff May, and 9 students in his “Chemistry: Forensics” semester course.

  • Mr. May advised the board that this course originated from the IB program and exposes students to every aspect of forensics science. Combining the principles of biology, chemistry, physics and human psychology, students are taught laboratory and instrumental analyses and decision making skills to investigate topics in forensic science and criminalistics. Students are assessed based on their ability to utilize this training to study evidence, analyze the facts presented, and reach a conclusion.

  • The West Morris students presented a slide show of information, tests conducted, and conclusions reached during a mock investigation. They answered questions from the board and visitors about the different experiments they conducted to reach a conclusion.

  1. Facilities Update

  • Mr. Douglas Pechanec, Business Administrator, updated the board regarding the ongoing WMM Construction and Renovation Project. They are preparing for steel to be brought in sometime next week.

  • Robert Walsh Associates, LLC is working on preliminary design and cost estimates for installation of the tennis courts at West Morris Mendham. We anticipate this information by mid February at which time we will determine the design and structure the bid.

  • The West Morris Central plan is being updated as we move toward the bid process.

  • The WM Central wastewater disposal project has been delayed due to negotiations pertaining to change orders for rock removal and the pump house. Ferriero Engineering and the Washington Township MUA are working out details for the change orders with Montana Construction.


Mr. Notte opened the meeting to the public at 7:34pm.

Ms. Kathleen Salerno, Mendham Resident, asked the board if they would consider including the installation of a turf field at West Morris Mendham High School as a budgeted item for 2007-2008. Ms. Salerno presented the board with a packet of information to consider during the upcoming budget meetings. Mr. Notte accepted the packets for the Finance Committee and board members to evaluate.


Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to adopt a resolution to amend the 2006-07 budget appropriations to include gate receipts for December 2006 in the amount of $1,305.00 to help offset officials’ fees.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to approve the 2006-07 budget appropriation transfers, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, that the Board of Education, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11, certifies that as of November 30, 2006 after review of the Secretary’s monthly appropriation report and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of their knowledge no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to accept the following financial reports. These reports have been reviewed by the Secretary and found to be in agreement, as per appendix.

a. Board Secretary’s Report of November 30, 2006.

b. Treasurer’s Report of November 30, 2006.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to authorize payment of bills on the Bill List dated January 22, 2007, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to authorize payment of bills on the Cafeteria Bill List dated January 17, 2007, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to authorize Payment #10 for November, 2006, to D & K Construction Company in the amount of $354,080.86 for the West Morris Mendham High School Renovation & Construction Project #5660-050-04-1000, subject to architect review, as per appendix.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to approve a resolution for the district to withdraw from the Central Jersey Instructional Media Service (CJIMS) effective July 1, 2008 in compliance with N.J.S.A. 18A:51 which governs the AVA Commission.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to adopt the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED that the ballot position drawing take place in the West Morris Central High School Library on March 7, 2007 at 4:15PM.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the hours of the polling places for the Annual School Election on April 17, 2007 be set for 2:00PM to 9:00PM.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the date of the Public Hearing on the Budget be set for March 26, 2007 at 7:00PM.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Townsend, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to adopt the following resolution to continue membership in the Morris Essex Insurance Group – MEIG:

WHEREAS, a number of Boards of Education in Morris County have joined together to form a Joint Insurance Pool as permitted by N.J. Title 18A-.18B; and

WHEREAS, said Pool was approved effective February 10, 1984 by the New Jersey Commissioner of Insurance and has been in operation since that date; and

WHEREAS, the Pool contains elaborate restrictions and safeguards concerning the safe and efficient administration of the public interest entrusted to such a Pool; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the West Morris Regional High School District has determined that membership in the MORRIS ESSEX INSURANCE GROUP is in the best interest of the District.

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Education of the West Morris Regional High School District does hereby agree to renew membership in the MORRIS ESSEX INSURANCE GROUP and hereby accept the Bylaws as approved and adopted. The renewal term is from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2009.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Secretary/Business Administrator is authorized to execute the application for membership and the accompanying certification on behalf of the District; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Secretary/Business Administrator is authorized and directed to execute the Indemnity and Trust Agreement and such other documents signifying membership in the Pool as are required by the Pool's Bylaws and to deliver the same to the Executive Director.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, to accept a grant from the Eagleton Institute of Politics in the amount of $300, to be used to offset bus rental costs for a WM Central history class to travel to Trenton for a special tour of the State House.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve an overnight trip for WM Central cheerleaders to compete at the Competition Cheerleading Nationals in Richmond, Virginia (February 24-26, 2007).

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve an overnight trip for WM Central students to travel to Hyannis, Massachusetts (April 26-28, 2007) to experience a Whale Watch and related activities.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, to approve an overnight trip for WM Central and WM Mendham students to travel to Edison, New Jersey to participate in the FBLA State Leadership Conference and Competition (March 13-14, 2007).

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj, to rescind placement of Student #22750 at The Matheny Medical and Educational Center, Peapack, New Jersey, effective 12/31/06.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj to approve placement of Student #22750 as per IEP, at the Regional Day School, Morristown, NJ, effective January 1, 2007, at a tuition cost of $31,140 for the remainder of the 2006-07 school year.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Schram, seconded by Dr. Raj to approve home instruction as follows:

Student #9081 effective 11/27/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week while hospitalized; instruction will be provided by district.

Student #9082 effective 12/21/06 to receive not less than 5 hours per week while hospitalized; instruction will be provided by Professional Education Services, Inc. at $33.00 per hour.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to accept the resignation of Richard Boardman, Facilities Monitor, WM Central, effective January 12, 2007.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve a disability/maternity leave for Jessica Callanan, Teacher of History, WM Central, effective on or about May 21, 2007 through June 30, 2008, using accumulated sick and personal days for the disability portion before leave without pay.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to appoint Timothy Socha as a Facilities Monitor, WM Central, effective January 23, 2007 through June 30, 2007. He has satisfied the criminal history background check for school employees.

Note: Position available due to a resignation.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to appoint Natalie Vazquez as a Teacher of English, WM Central, at a salary of $49,000* (Step 4 Level MA), prorated, effective on or about March 12, 2007** through June 30, 2007, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees.

Note: Position available due to a resignation; *subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations; **effective date contingent upon release from contract with current employer.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to appoint Nicole de Vries as an Interim Teacher of English, WM Central, at the rate of $200. per diem, effective January 23, 2007 through on or about March 9, 2007*. She has satisfied the criminal history background check for school employees.

Note: Appointment to provide coverage between last day of resigned teacher and start date of new permanent teacher, which is contingent upon release from contract with current employer.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve a revision to the movement on guide for the following 2006-2007 staff member, effective September 1, 2006: Kristie Prokop, From BA+15 To MA+15

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve movement on guide for the following 2006-2007 staff members, effective February 1, 2007:

From To

Ned Panfile MA MA+15

David Quinn BA BA+15

Brett Raimondo MA MA+15

Eleni Zavros BA BA+15

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve up to 5 hours for each of the following staff members to proctor the Princeton Review Assessment, held January 6, 2007, at the rate of $33.00*/hour, in accordance with Article VII.H of the WMREA contract:: Courtney Darche, Janice Higgins, Darlene Maurer, Alice Mollitor, Linda Noll, Sandra Oatley, Robert Raymond.

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve up to 3 hours for each of the following additional staff members to update the District’s 2006-07 Staff Development Plan, at the rate of $33.00*/hour, in accordance with Article VII.H of the WMREA contract:: Debbie Gonzalez, Susan Tramaglini

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve revision of the honorarium to the following teacher for mentorship of new teacher in accordance with Article VII.R of the WMREA contract:

Mentor New Teacher

Todd Toriello (.5) $620$310 Joseph Geddes

Note: Mentor resigned; remainder of mentorship to be completed by another teacher; *subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve payment of an honorarium to each of the following teachers for mentorship of a new teacher in accordance with Article VII.R of the WMREA contract:

Mentor New Teacher

Ralph Caiazzo (.5) $310 Joseph Geddes

Michele Pastore (.4) $248 Natalie Vazquez

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve revision of the appointment of Todd Toriello to the Long Range Planning Council to .5, and adjust his stipend to $310* (1/2 of full stipend) in accordance with WMREA contract, Article VII-Q.1.

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to appoint the following staff members to the Long Range Planning Council, effective February 1, 2007 for the remainder of the 2006-2007 school year at a stipend of $310* each (1/2 of full stipend), in accordance with WMREA contract, Article VII-Q.1.

WM Central WM Mendham

George Schroepfer Fred Fell

*subject to adjustment at completion of WMREA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to revise the appointment of the following person to a co-curricular position for the 2006-2007 school year:

WM Central Michael Penna Asst. Drama Director/Choreog. Level C Step 2 4

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to authorize Dr. Alyce Hunter, Affirmative Action Officer, to form an Affirmative Action Team.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to authorize the Affirmative Action Team to conduct a needs assessment and develop a District Comprehensive Equity Plan.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve Joe Elefante as an hourly music instructor for the 2006-2007 school year, at the rate of $33.00*/hour, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve the following substitute employee for the 2006-07 school year, contingent upon satisfying the criminal history background check for school employees: James Gervasio, Teacher

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve submission to the County Superintendent of applications for emergency hiring and the applicants’ attestation that he/she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of NJSA 18A:6-7.1 et.seq., NJSA 18A:39-17 et.seq., or NJSA 18A:6-4.13 et.seq. for the employees listed below:

Joe Elefante James Gervasio Natalie Vazquez

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to appoint Lori Welles as an Administrative Assistant, WM Mendham, effective January 23, 2007 through June 30, 2007, at a salary of $33,810* (Step 5), prorated, effective January 23, 2007 through June 30, 2007.

Note: Position available due to a reassignment; *subject to adjustment at completion of WMRAAA negotiations.

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dr. Raj, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve the following Site Managers for conference, county and state championship swim meets during the 2007-2007 school year, at the rate of $65/event:

WM Mendham: Tara Finley, WM Central: Mary Lynn Miles

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.


Mr. Notte opened the meeting to the public at 7:53pm

No Comment


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Dr. Raj, to adopt a resolution to go into Executive Session at 7:54pm.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows:

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION to discuss a matter relating to:

1. Personnel Matters

2. Negotiations

which matters are permitted by Section 7.B of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of the State of New Jersey for 1975) to be discussed in closed session in the absence of the public; and

WHEREAS, the WEST MORRIS REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION has determined that it is necessary in the public interest that the matter in fact be discussed in closed session, and has estimated that, as nearly as can now be ascertained, the results of the discussion can be disclosed to the public at the following time and under the following circumstances:

A. The Board will reconvene in approximately thirty minutes.

Action will be taken.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved that the public be excluded from this the remaining portion of this meeting, during which only the aforestated matter will be discussed.

All in favor.


Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Dr. Raj, to close the Executive Session at 8:26pm.

Roll Call Vote - Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram, and Mrs. Townsend, voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mrs. Clements, to adopt the following resolution to award a contract for professional services:

WHEREAS, the West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education requires architectural services to implement Phase II - Option " D ":

Option "D" is to renovate and provide additions to West Morris Central High School and West Morris Mendham High School and to continue to address the sewerage/wastewater issues, traffic safety & parking at both schools.

WHEREAS, architectural services for the West Morris Mendham Project SP #5660-050-04-1000, have been provided by Massa Montalto Architects, PC (“MMA”) pursuant to an Agreement dated March 10, 2004, and subsequently amended by letter agreement dated September 25, 2006; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to said Agreement and its amendment, the Board’s contract with MMA expired on November 3, 2006; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the continued services of a full service architectural firm are needed to successfully complete the construction and close-out phases of the West Morris Mendham Project; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the District that the Board authorize the Administration, with the assistance of Construction Counsel, to negotiate either an extension of the MMA Agreement or a new agreement with a different architectural firm to provide the aforementioned services.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the West Morris Regional High School District Board of Education as follows: The Superintendent, Business Administrator and the Board’s Facilities Committee Chair are hereby authorized to negotiate for the continuation of architectural services for the construction and close-out phases of the West Morris Mendham project with MMA or such other architects as may best serve the interest of the District. Construction Counsel is hereby authorized to prepare a contract and such other documentation as may be required to effectuate the purposes of this resolution.

Roll Call Vote -Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram, and Mrs. Townsend, voting Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mrs. Schram, to accept the Executive Session Meeting Minutes for January 8, 2007.

Roll Call Vote -Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte,

Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram, and Mrs. Townsend, voting Yes. Motion carried.


Mr. Connelly questioned whether or not the Washington TWP Police Department has been approached to provide a Student Resource Officer at West Morris Central High School similar to the one at West Morris Mendham High School.

Mr. Notte will contact Mr. Short to discuss options.

Mr. Connelly asked about the possibility of using the Hilltop School property as additional fields and the status of the Black River fields.

Mr. Notte has heard nothing new regarding these options. Mrs. Schram will look into the Hilltop Fields.

Mr. Johnston indicated that Mrs. Salerno’s proposal for turf fields and alternate funding options will be detailed further to the Finance Committee.

Mr. Notte updated the board on his meeting with the K-8 sending districts and their discussions regarding the school budget votes, the 2007-2008 calendars. Installation of a telephone cell tower at WM Mendham seems unlikely.

Mr. Notte advised the board of two upcoming School Board Meetings: Essex County January 30, 2007, and Morris County January 31, 2007.


Dr. di Battista discussed a change to the current school calendar. In order to accommodate the NJ Mandated testing, and for a variety of educational reasons, based on his recommendation and the recommendations of the school administrators, the Teacher In-Service originally scheduled for Monday, March 12th, will be changed to Friday, March 9th.

Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mrs. Townsend, to change the date of the professional day from March 9, 2007 to March 12, 2007

Roll Call Vote – Mrs. Berlin, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Notte, Dr. Raj, Mrs. Schram and Mrs. Townsend voting Yes. Motion carried.

Dr. di Battista discussed the efficacy of the telephone snow chain. He is looking into an instant notification system, utilized in many districts already, and will report back to the board on his findings

Dr. di Battista advised that a Long Range Planning Team must be assembled. Students, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members will be called upon to volunteer their time.

Mrs. Clements commented, and the entire board agreed, that having students and their teachers present at the board meetings has been a terrific addition. She thanked Dr. di Battista for initiating this practice.

Mr. Johnston advised that the last paragraph of page 2 of the recent Turner report should be changed to reflect 2007.

Motion by Mrs. Berlin, seconded by Mrs. Clements, to adjourn at 9:10pm.

Respectfully Submitted,


L. Douglas Pechanec, Board Secretary

MENDHAM ...A lovely town, with a really ugly Government.