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The Next Council Meeting
Town Stuff:
The Next Council Meeting
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Posts |
Updated |
   | 10/02/06 | 4 | |
6/16, 3:56 am |
   | 7/17/06 | 7 | |
6/16, 3:41 am |
   | 12/18/2006 | 6 | |
6/16, 3:34 am |
   | 12/04/2006 | 12 | |
6/16, 3:34 am |
   | 2/21/06 | 5 | |
6/16, 3:32 am |
   | 9/5/2006 | 7 | |
5/14, 8:51 pm |
   | 4/2/2007 | 5 | |
4/07, 9:26 pm |
   | 3/05/07 | 3 | |
4/07, 9:17 pm |
   | 3/19/2007 | 6 | |
4/19, 7:55 pm |
   | 6/4/2007 | 11 | |
6/23, 9:34 am |
   | 05/21/2007 | 2 | |
5/30, 4:52 pm |
   | 5/7/2007 | 2 | |
5/17, 12:36 am |
   | 4/16/2007 | 3 | |
4/21, 8:42 am |
   | 1/15/2007 and 2/5/07 | 11 | |
2/09, 4:41 pm |
   | 11/20/2006 | 3 | |
1/17, 9:22 am |
   | 11/6/2006 | 2 | |
1/17, 9:19 am |
   | 10/16/2006 | 2 | |
10/19, 4:45 pm |
   | 09/18/2006 | 3 | |
9/22, 6:00 pm |
   | 08/21/2006 | 2 | |
8/24, 5:09 pm |
   | 8/7/2006 | 3 | |
8/11, 8:08 pm |
   | 7/3/2006 | 8 | |
7/08, 10:48 am |
   | 6/19/2006 | 15 | |
7/03, 8:33 am |
   | 6/5/06 | 3 | |
6/10, 12:44 am |
   | 5/01/2006 | 5 | |
5/13, 7:41 am |
   | 4/17/06 | 2 | |
5/13, 7:38 am |
    | 4/3/06 | 7 | |
4/22, 7:01 pm |
   | 3/20/06 | 1 | |
3/17, 1:46 pm |
   By Not InPerson on Tuesday, October 04, 2005 - 1:12 pm: |
I have decided to start making an effort to submit some "public comment" questions to the town council. At the twice-a-month meetings, the council is infrequently challenged by any member of the public to explain, or account for, many policy decisions. If you have any questions, you would like members of the town council to answer, please submit them here and I will incorporate them into the questions I submit to the town council. I intend to make every effort to keep the questions I ask as serious, concise, and polite as possible-- please don't waste your time, or mine, if you don't intend to make an effort to do the same. Questions asked at the December 5, 2005 meeting of the town council: Regarding: Police Blotter or Emergency Log Borough administrative staff claims that the police department retains no computer records detailing or even summarizing police activity--at least they have not complied with my repeated legal request to access the information in the most economical format retained by the Borough. For the record I have made the request over a period of years now, and never objecting to the reasonable removal of personally sensitive information. I would claim that information is power, and as a practical truth lives might actually be saved by the knowledge and "warning" log information could provide. We should take every opportunity to learn from each other's mistakes. We should also be afforded the opportunity to know when others are in trouble, as we might be able to provide some needed help. In my opinion the police department insults us as individuals, and as a community, when it deliberately denies us the "service" of knowing what's happening in our own town-- your tolerance and/or orchestration of this circumstance is in my opinion likewise insulting. Regarding the merged library: As your response to my previous inquiry would suggest, you are apparently not very willing to engage in reasonable discussion regarding the merits of this proposed, and secret committee developed/orchestrated $6 million public/private financed library merger. Obviously you are satisfactorily convinced that it is the public's will, and it is in the public interest, that this new library be built. I would inquire to know what facts-- perhaps actual citation to a credible statistic-- inspire such confidence. As a follow-up question, it seems quite obvious that the development company is receiving "benefits" in return for their land donation that actually exceed the real value of the land being "donated". In practical effect, the construction of this library will in fact facilitate the development of the connected property by making development less-expensive and substantially improve the property by connecting it to a neighborhood enhancing piece of social infrastructure. In my opinion using the words "gift" or "donation" implies something that is not taking place here. I would inquire if the council feels any similar discomfort with this "appearance problem". The Council's Response. Side Note: I took the text for the comment regarding police logs from this old message board subject. _____________________________ Questions asked at the November 21, 2005 meeting of the town council: Regarding the Mendham Messenger: During previous council meetings it has been implied that the council may increase the expenditure to subsidize the publication of the Mendham Messenger. I would suggest that a more cost-effective approach might be to sensibly reduce the number of households receiving the mailed publication by allowing technically equipped residences to agree to receive an electronic copy over the Internet or by e-mail. In simple truth, it is likely that only a small number of residents (likely elderly) actually "need" a mailed hard-copy to have convenient access to the information. If you make "opting in" to receiving an electronic copy voluntary it seems a harmless method of cutting costs. On a related subject, the mayor has stated that the town website receives "limited use". Would the council concede that the website earns some of that limited use-fulness by not updating things like the minutes index in nearly a year? Regarding the Phoenix House Garden upgrade: I personally think $5,000 is a lot to pay for a redesign of a garden-- especially considering the subjective nature of aesthetics. I would suggest the council consider the alternative of perhaps sponsoring a design contest and offering perhaps a $500 prize for what the council eventually approves as the design idea that is the-- most historically sensitive, practically efficient, and generally attractive use of the space. Also, has it been considered that it may be advisable--if a redesign is to be done-- to trade some non vital garden space for some very valuable parking spaces. 11/25/05 update: The Council's Response. _____________________________ Questions for the October 17, 2005 meeting of the town council: Regarding The Deer Issue: Realizing that most deer do not die quickly from an arrow hit-- and that perhaps as many as 50% of animals hit are not recovered. Do the members of the council believe that hunting deer with a weapon as crude as a bow and arrow is an acceptably humane, and is overall the most efficient, method of addressing the problem of deer overpopulation? If a local farmer were to "cull his herd" using a Bow and Arrow for the "fun of it". Would members of the council oppose the prosecution of that farmer for animal cruelty. Regarding The Merged Library: Considering all expenses (extra staff, engineering, etc.) can council provide an approximation of how much money the Borough has already spent on "preparation" for this project? Accepting that for as little as perhaps $50,000 a year the Borough could hire a bookmobile to "home" deliver and retrieve materials from the extensive County Library Resources. How do members of the council justify spending over $1.5 million on an edifice that will cost over $200,000 annually to maintain, to provide what will be, in many respects, less convenient or complete services. Regarding Voucher Information: Currently the borough's administrative staff claims it does not retain any electronic/computer data that provides a viewable connection between service providers and the amount they were paid. Having such electronic information available seems a very rudimentary essential of coherent accounting and I would request that the council address the issue with administrative staff. On a related note... has the council established any policy regarding Borough employees making an effort to keep "Borough" purchases local? ... I would suggest that it may be possible to negotiate a discount with local providers that would enable the Borough to keep tax dollars within the local economy. 10/22/05 update: The Council's Response. _____________________________ Questions asked at the October 3, 2005 meeting of the town council: Regarding the special election: In any communications with the regional board of education has any council member or the mayor been given any indication regarding what capital reserve projects are to be canceled if substantial money is moved from the capital reserve account as per the September 27th referendum. Do council members have the expectation that the $2 million being moved from the capital reserve account will be replaced (through taxation) in future regional school budgets. Regarding affordable housing funds: What research was performed in determining that upgrading/subsidizing MASH was the most appropriate use of the $80,000? Will there be a (need based) means test regarding the subsidy of any MASH rents or improvements? 10/06/05 update: The Council's Response. _____________________________
   By KillingTimeStandingOnLine on Wednesday, October 05, 2005 - 11:40 am: |
I notice in the monthly bills/vouchers list, payments to Home Depot Credit Services. Why are these purchases not being made locally? Mendham Hardware and Mendham Plywood either have or can get virtually anything that Home Depot sells(except certain exclusive items like lighting fixtures/fans) and Mendham Hardware has prices that quite often are LESS than Home Depot. By the time you figure the cost of an employee (and I have seen 2 wandering the Depot aisles) and the ever increasing cost of fuel, any savings is quickly negated. Supplies SHOULD be purchased loally as these businesses pay taxes to the Borough. An audit of the Home Depot purchases should be made, item by item, to confirm they were indeed for Borough use. A credit card can be a dangerous thing. |
   By Thomas on Wednesday, October 05, 2005 - 12:50 pm: |
I seriously doubt that ANY items are cheaper at Mendham Hardware than Home Depot. |
   By see on Thursday, October 06, 2005 - 8:46 pm: |
i checked .. Not one nail is cheaper in Mendham. average markup is 53% higher than HD |
   By Save The Gas on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 10:08 am: |
I decided to do some checking over the weekend and found that Mendham Plywood is steep, but the quality is a hell of a lot better, especially the lumber. Mendham Hardware was the real bargain, prices were comparable to Home Depot and several items were LESS...Seems they are part of a buying group(ServiceStar) and the group has quite a bit of $$$ clout when it comes to buying from the mfrs. KillingTime makes a valid point, when you figure in gas/salaries/etc for the Depot excursion, the borough would certainly get more for the buck buying local. There seems to be an endless array of DPW trucks in the shopping center at all times of the day, so maybe the town could actually make the 29th coffee run of the day a little productive by picking up needed stuff from the local stores. The Home Depots/Lowes of the world don't contribute one nickel to the town, so why waste our tax dollars with them? Mendham Hardware was lower than Depot on the following: Vinyl Adhesive Caulk, 1/2" PVC fittings and wall switches. No, I didn't check EVERY item, as I don't work for DPW and don't get paid to idle in the aisles for hours on end. |
   By Anonymous on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 10:14 am: |
Mendham DPW TOADIES.....Which one of them is a Fire Chief in Chester?? thats the real sandbagger..seen him around doing a whole lot of nothing..... |
   By DoWhatItTakesToKeepItLocal on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 12:17 pm: |
An angle I think worth looking at, is the possibility of local merchants providing the town with a discount. A discounted price of perhaps 10 or 20 percent over cost would probably guarantee price competitiveness, give the local retailer some profit, save us a lot of money and in general be a big win for the community. [P.S. good post, Save the Gas.] |
   By WhichWayDidDago? on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 4:20 pm: |
The Sandbagger? Hell, he goes home cleaner than he came to work! |
   By Q's for the A's on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 12:01 am: |
I plan on E-mailing these questions on Friday morning-- if there's something you would like to add, or correct, I would appreciate your contribution. Regarding The Deer Issue: Realizing that most deer do not die quickly from an arrow hit-- and that perhaps as many as 50% of animals hit are not recovered. Do the members of the council believe that hunting deer with a weapon as crude as a bow and arrow is an acceptably humane, and is overall the most efficient, method of addressing the problem of deer overpopulation? If a local farmer were to "cull his herd" using a Bow and Arrow for the "fun of it". Would members of the council oppose the prosecution of that farmer for animal cruelty. Regarding The Merged Library: Considering all expenses (extra staff, engineering, etc.) can council provide an approximation of how much money the Borough has already spent on "preparation" for this project? Accepting that for as little as perhaps $50,000 a year the Borough could hire a bookmobile to "home" deliver and retrieve materials from the extensive County Library Resources. How do members of the council justify spending over $1.5 million on an edifice that will cost over $200,000 annually to maintain, to provide what will be, in many respects, less convenient or complete services. Regarding Voucher Information: Currently the borough's administrative staff claims it does not retain any electronic/computer data that provides a viewable connection between service providers and the amount they were paid. Having such electronic information available seems a very rudimentary essential of coherent accounting and I would request that the council address the issue with administrative staff. On a related note... has the council established any policy regarding Borough employees making an effort to keep "Borough" purchases local? ... I would suggest that it may be possible to negotiate a discount with local providers that would enable the Borough to keep tax dollars within the local economy. |
   By uh ... dooogan on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 1:52 pm: |
Gee, gerry. You might think you would learn that they will not reply. |
   By ReadBetween TheBS on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 3:17 pm: |
The comments/questions will be read during the "public comment" portion of the meeting. An inability or unwillingness to reply--will be in itself a reply... the electorate will ultimately decide if "I'm unaccountable" is an acceptable answer. |
   By factologist on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 6:39 pm: |
I imagine ... the questions wont be read .. and if they are .. there will be no real answer. |
   By Factose Intolerant on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 9:10 pm: |
They legally have to read the questions/comments... and as a practical matter, for appearance sake alone, they will have to contrive some kind of answer. |
   By HolyCrossBow Crap on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 3:55 pm: |
I got the tape of the council meeting today and as the old cliche goes, their response to my questions provokes more questions than answers provided. I will write up a more detailed response but here's a couple of first impressions. I was kind of disappointed that my courtesy of asking polite questions and providing them in advance didn't earn me much reciprocal courtesy. Obviously, the Council decided the mayor would be spokesman and that there would be no individual obligation for council members to articulate an accountable explanation of their understanding and opinion. Obviously, regular members of the public in attendance get a more honest "surprise" reaction to their questions and not just a precooked contrived cop-out. Really surprising is that the precooked answers contained glaring factual errors and some really very stupid "malicious" statements. The good news is the odds of me winning my lawsuit have been substantially improved. Thank-you, Lawrence and Dick. |
   By LetThem ReadCake on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 8:33 pm: |
Here is the more (red) detail |
   By 2....... . . on Sunday, December 11, 2005 - 7:17 pm: |
Here is a preliminary outline of the questions I intend to submit for the December 19th meeting. Regarding the merged library: I've attempted to solicit from the council a coherent explanation for their support for this rather substantial investment of public tax dollars. I have received what I believe is an insincere, and contrived justification that is not consistent with the facts. The land "donation" is in fact a land exchange that will earn the development company benefits that exceed the value of any sacrifice. I believe it is also undeniable truth that libraries are "archaic infrastructure" that while still valuable do not merit, by best efficiency, substantial future investment.
quote: Mayor Kraft read aloud questions received via e-mail from resident Gary Mosher regarding the merging of the libraries and the donation of the land for this purpose. Mayor Kraft responded that there has been no Borough opposition to the merging of the two libraries; in fact, there has been general support. He noted that the land donation is not from a development company but from private landowners. These landowners already have access to their property without the library road. The land has been zoned to permit cluster development for approximately 20 years. The agreement allows for the donation of the land without the loss of density attributable to the donated land. An application for a zoning change has not been made. No plans for the development of the balance of the property have been made known to any Borough board. Without any zoning changes, the owners can develop the 90 acre tract as a 3 acre residential housing development or a cluster development with no variance or zoning changes. There were discussions on a possible senior housing development known as a CCRC (Continuing Care Retirement Community) and the owners have informally discussed applying for increased density but there has been no formal request made.
Considering that these stated facts and related concerns have not been decisively dismissed by reasoned argument... I would claim that the council has some responsibility to make a reasonable effort to prove public support for this substantial investment.
quote:Mayor Kraft commented that the use of the libraries continues to increase. The library provides use of computer systems and data services, rentals of movies, lending of books, general information via periodicals and published media with their use steady and growing.
Early next year there will be another school board initiated election/public-vote.... I would contend that this would provide a opportunity to solicit a measurement of public support by putting the merged library to a vote through a non-binding referendum. The fact that school board elections traditionally only compel the participation of individuals generally sympathetic to public investment in educational infrastructure, the council should be willing to concede that, the library merger should not take place if it can't at least win the approval of this generally supportive portion of the electorate.
quote: Mayor Kraft noted that school board elections are exclusively for schools and the municipal government cannot become involved. Councilman Henry supported Mayor Kraft's comments and concluded that Feasibility and Focus studies have been done for the library. He also noted that non-binding referendums to ascertain voter sentiment on every issue are no practical.
   By 2....... . . on Thursday, January 12, 2006 - 7:23 pm: |
I plan on E-mailing these questions on Friday-- if there's something you would like to add, or correct, I would appreciate your contribution. Actual replies from the January 16th meeting in quotes Regarding the merged library:
quote:MAYOR: Some of these questions are a bit redundant... From what we have had in the past... but we will go through them again.
1) Would you agree that if this library is built with included improvements to the access road that the value of the attached developable property will likely be enhanced and in very real practical terms development will be facilitated?
quote:MAYOR: The answer has been, and continues to be, no.... there are other access points to that property if they need them.... yes we are fixing the road... the road exists ... it goes to their tree farm... and there are no plans at this point for development as stated by the owner. 2) How much would you estimate will be spent to improve the access road to "public road" standards ie. including utilities, storm sewers, sidewalks, curbing, resurfacing, etc.?
quote:MAYOR: $200,000 ....That is a best estimate we are not at that point yet as we don't have DEP approval... we're still working through that.
3) What would you estimate the effective market value of a development credit to be on an average "good" property in Mendham?
quote:MAYOR: Absolutely no idea because, number one, the property has no proposed development... so we can't apply the credit value until we know what the development is and that development credit is only towards cluster housing not toward anything else so it's an unknown.
4) Regarding secrecy: The only information regarding the planning and development of the library project I have been able to secure through document requests is a copy of the contract signed by the two towns detailing their commitment, financial and otherwise, to the development of this project. How can you logically conform that real-world result with your publicly professed assurance that "There are no hidden agendas" and "officials [who] strive to be open and above board"
quote:MAYOR: Stated again there are no hidden agendas.... we have stated in everyone of our meetings what we are doing.... all meetings have been reported on.... I don't know what else we could do. RB: can't give MAYOR: this particular person doesn't believe it I can't change his mind. RB: you can't give documents to somebody that don't exist. MAYOR: Exactly... there's none that exist... every meeting that we have ever had has been on the minutes... Neil has reported what goes on at those meetings.... and you can't vote on things in those meetings... boards have no power they have to come before this board to be voted on.
5) The mayor has again insisted on using the word "donation" to describe "the land exchange" agreement. Please explain what real world asset is to be donated that will not be offset by compensation received. Put another way, if a town resident decides to enter "donation" agreements with retailers (in exchange for goods and services) will the Council direct the town police force to protect that citizen from arrest by the state for sales tax evasion?
quote:MAYOR: the logic is his not mine... I totally disagree with it.... it is a donation we are not giving them anything back.... every agreement can have prid pro quo's in it... this has a few in it... no questions about it... down the line as this thing works out there may be other donations from that family as well... again this person's perception... is not the perception of many others.... we will leave it at that.
---------------------------- Here are a couple of Observer Tribune editorials from the mayor and council published this week.
   By 2....... . . on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 - 8:19 pm: |
I have added the answers to the above questions. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" ....I just made a Krafty "donation". ... The mayor is just another elected Dick fucking the truth. |
   By 2....... . on Thursday, February 02, 2006 - 11:18 pm: |
I plan on E-mailing these questions on Friday-- if there's something you would like to add, or correct, I would appreciate your contribution. Related to the merged library, council has previously defined a "donation" as synonymous with "a profitable exchange". I would inquire if the council believes the term "Local Access" regarding television, is synonymous with the turm "Government Controlled"? If the council believes there is, or should be a difference, would you explain what you think the difference is, or should be? |
   By 32... . on Sunday, April 30, 2006 - 11:23 am: |
Ask the mayor if it would be okay to set up a "less than premiere" food tent for the "local have nots" also known as "oldtimers". Was thinking we could do a deluxe spread of Slim Jims, Pickled Eggs, Hot Dogs and a couple cases of Schaefer. Had to laugh at the $40 price for the "big shots" spread. You can get a lot more than they are offering for $40, but what I really like is the feeling of "community" that is created by buying your way in with the "smellers" rather than hobnobbing with the poor lowly folks. |
   By 06. 06. 06. 98... on Friday, November 24, 2006 - 7:48 pm: |
Dear Mayor As we all know that the DPW superintendent has been removed. At this time you have a acting Superintendent Mr Wright, well he is wrong!! Keep in mind he was fired from the Board of Education for putting exlax in the teachers coffee and was hired by Mr Miller. He should not be eligable for the job at all. Mr Wright is wrong he is a wanna be leader, and his track record of employees at the plant should reflect he is a problem. Please Mayor and council take this into concideration before you put another wanna be leader in the DPW |
   By 06. 06. 98... on Saturday, November 25, 2006 - 6:05 pm: |
Mr Gary Please remove the above statement from this site. |
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