9/27/03 - 9/28/03
We Ought to Outie Audi [out of Mendham]: I have received from the town a tape copy of the September 15th council meeting and provide the summary below. I am offering a CD audio copy of the meeting to anyone interested. I request a $3 donation to cover time and materials --but payment is not required. To arrange a pickup time e-mail "tapes [at] inmendham [dot] com" [E-Mail address disguised to discourage automated Spam]
September 15th meeting of the Mendham Borough Town Council:
The council met in executive session with a paid consultant regarding legal issues involving EPA violations at the sewage plant.
The counsel tabled a resolution regarding the boroughs $1.5 million contribution to the new Mendham Township/Borough library.
A resolution was approved regarding the rules of the October hearing regarding the fire department "issue". The resolution also covered the hiring of a hearing officer that will apparently have no meaningful authority to render a independent, binding decision.
Members of the public requested of the council explanation regarding what information the town council considered before proceeding in their effort to dismiss the two firefighters. On the advice of counsel the mayor chose not to comment. The council's legal representative stated that the police report was what was considered in deciding to have a hearing. A member of the fire department expressed disappointment that the fire departments (50 members) general right to handle the matter internally in accordance with bylaws was not respected by the town council.
The council discussed extending for another two years the contract with the company that provides "mobile data" for the police department. The contract price has apparently been increasing by 8% every two years for a number of years.
Drake road access to the high school was again discussed. Apparently, the Board of Education is not inclined to pay for police presence and would prefer to pursue state authority for the installation of a traffic light on Route 24.
Final approval of the "outdoor display ordinance" was discussed. A representative of the business association requested that final passage be delayed to provide opportunity for some objections to be considered and perhaps resolved. The Mayor and Council obstinately rejected that possibility. Issues raised by the public involve the arbitrary and unfair nature of a 5 item limitation [seems to me some "percentage of storefront" would make a more sensible limitation]. Objection was also raised by a representative from King's Supermarket regarding unfair exemptions provided for auto dealerships, plant nurseries, etc. [this argument also seemed worth consideration as exemptions, if provided, should be items specific - plants and firewood for example - as opposed to store specific - Kings verses the Garden Center. With the rather un-helpful advice that variances be sought by those feeling unfairly treated, the mayor and council unanimously passed what [I think] was an unnecessarily flawed ordinance.
Public Comment:
A resident of Orchard Street once again [apparently repeated requests have been made] requested action from the mayor and council regarding Audi of Mendhams use of their street as a parking lot. The mayor was very unsympathetic to the residents' concerns and offered no supportive help in finding a resolution. The mayor basically said "businesses will be businesses" and because we won't forced them to live up to their promises, you can go stuff yourself -- or hire a shyster lawyer.
A street perpetually littered with cars is an offense to the beauty and tranquility of country/residential living. There is no excuse for our town government to tolerate the unnecessary pollution of a residential neighborhood because some business finds it convenient to spill its enterprise on its neighbors.
The Mayor and Council certainly could have passed a resolution demonstrating their opinion that Mendham Audi is acting in a manner hostile to the interests of the people of Mendham. And they could make it clear that this discourteous business will receive from Borough Government no courtesy or benefit beyond the minimum that the law requires.
In my opinion, if the town council won't do it, we "the people" should teach Audi of Mendham a little Respect. "do on to others, as they do on to you" if Audi of Mendham is going to use legal loopholes to tarnish a neighborhood, than they deserve the same kind of legally clever tarnishment.
A couple of less than brilliant suggestions:
If you have some extra dog-doo in your pocket, maybe you should take a walk by Audi of Mendham and hope you accidentally spill some. Or If you have an old, ugly, junkie car that you only use on Saturdays to transport toxic/radioactive waste to the county dump maybe you should park it in front of the Mayor's house during the week. After all, in the Mayor's opinion apparently there's no legal impediment and absolutely nothing anyone could do to stop you.
Or maybe you can support your neighbors by helping create a big enough "public stink" for Audi of Mendham to feel obligated to fulfill its neighborly responsibilities.
If you have a good idea, or opinion, than help: Teach Audi of Mendham a Little Respect.
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9/25/03 - 9/26/03
"If It Weasels Like A Weasel" [it's a Weasel]: You would think with the whole fire department mess, that the mayor and town council would have enough worms to put back into the can to be pretty adverse to the risk of opening any other no-good-reason-to-open cans...but,. I guess when you leave [or elect] weasels to watch the worm cans, you get what you get-- worms. The Interesting thing about the newest opening can, is that it has my name on it, and it has 4 years worth of worms in it.
I won't bore you with 4 years of details, suffice to say I've been engaged in a long battle with Borough officials in the effort to make town held public documents accessible on the Web. In that time, I've patiently accepted losing most battles, but there comes a point where you draw a line and say "I'm mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore". For me, the Officials of the Borough of Mendham, crossed the line this week when they rejected my last appeal for reasonable compromise, and added the insult of establishing a blatantly illegal obstruction [establishment of a two week delay in access to audio tape copies of council meeting] to me providing a timely summary of council meetings and easy pick-up access to audio copies. It seems apparent, that establishing this delay was a decision of the town council. it also seems likely, that legal counsel [shyster] was consulted.
The fact is I've read a lot of case law on the subject of fair access to public records, and there is absolutely nothing in that case law that would defend the town action. Recordings of public council meetings are not an editable record, and they cannot be held from public inspection for reason of irrelevant "approval". Council meetings are what they are and the recorded (audio) history they represent cannot be altered at the whim of the council. Unless the town government changes its tune (something less Soviet empire-ish) it is my intention to file a lawsuit in Superior Court. Winning on the issue of this BS two week delay will be a slam-dunk and the Borough will be obligated pay to my legal expenses-- but that is only one worm. If I'm going to have to endure the insult, and nuisance of filing a lawsuit then I am going to release 4 years of resentment and personally sue the Mayor the Police Chief and the Borough Administrator for past trespasses including the damage they've done to this Web Enterprise, and for violating my civil-rights. I have lots of tape recorded conversations, that will also prove maliciousness that perhaps will justify a painful (enough to buy a house in Mendham) punitive damages award.
Remember that smelly bum who got rich suing the public library. .. Well I think I have bigger, better worms in my can than that guy had.
The good news is, a very hostile lawsuit will no doubt give me something else to write about than the Mendham less-Mud Hole. ---------------------------------
On the subject of the Borough Pond (surprise, surprise) I did some more fish relocation this week. Having already moved to the pond most of the more aggressive smaller fish, I was able to catch some much nicer fish this time around. I got three bass that are each in the 3 lb range. I also got over a dozen catfish-- a couple over a foot long. It really is amazing how many fish were/are in the small patch of water below the bridge.
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9/13/03 - 9/24/03
The Town is Looking "All Wet" [after trying to "put out" the firemen]: In another example of what seems like the borough's ever diligent effort to do everything the stupid most expensive way--the town has decided to discipline the fire department for some recreational excesses, by making a legal Mountain out of a-$0.50 smoke bomb-molehill. The hearing [at which the council will hopefully apologize itself out of further legal jeopardy] has been rescheduled for sometime in October. - posted opinions-------------------------
In other "incompetent local government" news: Apparently, the Borough doesn't maintain a backup copy of its web site [mendhamnj.org] and a rather routine server glitch, has the site reduced to its even more useless former self (for over two weeks now). I guess they just don't get "the efficiencies of the digital age" thing. -------------------------
In other "Broken Internet" News: Internet navigation, and ultimately Internet value, is being substantially compromised by corporate control. By allowing "marketing interests" to control "map making" we are effectively establishing a "marketing tax" that is consuming the Internet's potential efficiencies. Doing a google search on the keyword "Mendham" you'll have to sift through nearly 100 results to find the first reference to this web site (a link to a business associations sub-page). If quality, free content isn't going to be fairly accessible-- it won't (to our detriment and shame) exist. -------------------------
In other Business Association News: The annual golf outing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21, 2003
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9/7/03 - 9/12/03
Home Sweet Home
[perspective is everything]: The tide at the Borough pond is rising, and forecasted rain should have it back to its natural level by Saturday. I have returned the three displaced painted turtles to the pond, on first arrival back home they didn't seem very enthusiastic, they just sat there like.. well ..turtles, maybe it was just "bucket lag" from the trip from my house. After exchanging don't eat anything a vulture wouldn't touch salutations we parted company hoping the best for each other.  Having an available empty bucket, I moved on to the stream just below the dam to begin doing a little fish relocation. There are literally hundreds of X-pond fish trapped below the dam.and in less then two hours I would estimate that I got some 80 fish for release back to the pond. More than 90 percent were Sunnys and bluegills but I did get a few pretty good bass.
Regarding The Inlet Bridge, it is my information that it won't be completed [installed] until the end of October or beginning of November.
In non-pond news, I had requested and have received audio tape copies of the August 18th and September 2nd, Town Council meetings. In future, receiving these audio tape copies should provide me the opportunity to post "meeting summaries" within days of actual meetings-- a vast improvement over having to wait on minutes approval. [I am making digital copies of the audio recordings, and in future will make them available on CD-ROM.]
The August 18th meeting was dominated by discussion concerning the closing of the Drake road access to the high school. The issues involve: reckless driving in the connected suburban neighborhood, lack of cooperation by the Board of Education, an "excessive" number of student drivers and drop-offs, and the "old news" problem of high traffic volumes at peak hours on Route 24. The council and public discussion, was polite and thoughtful, to everyone's credit. It was decided, to continue negotiations and extend final decision, to the next council meeting-- At which, it was decided on 09/02/03, that Drake road access would be provided in the mornings and afternoons [and on special occasions] with police presence to be paid for by the Board of Education. At all other times the road is to be closed to high school access. It seems a reasonable compromise, but in my unsolicited opinion a few speed bumps, and a couple of automized digital cameras would more efficiently alleviate much of the "safety" problem that is not intrinsic and intractable.
Other items: The Borough is receiving a $280,000 grant from the New Jersey Historic Trust and one hundred thousand dollars from a Morris County grant to be used for the 3/4 of a million-dollar restoration of the Phoenix House.
The subject of outdoor display in front of businesses was "again" discussed. The new, seemingly more agreeable, resolution will allow outdoor display for one week in April and again in September.
At a cost of perhaps a half a million dollars, all Mendham properties are going to be inspected, measured and appraised . The last detailed evaluation took place in 1982 and apparently time and changing circumstances have created substantial distortions in assessed values. The Borough has the option of conducting the detailed survey "In House" or to Contract with a state approved company. Over the next couple of years this subject will no doubt cause some well attended council meetings.
The Borough has received $5,000 for the clean communities program to be used for "different things"
A resolution was passed regarding the replacement of the two main pumps, and backup diesel generator at the sewage plant.
The September 2nd meeting began with a rather somber summation of activities revolving around an incident that took place at a fire department "Wet Down". Apparently two fire department volunteers were implicated in some illegal recreation and there has been recommendation that the volunteers be dismissed from the Department. A hearing has been scheduled, to consider the charges and the appropriate legal action. The council met in closed executive session to discuss the matter.
A related issue: The Borough first-aid squad has requested permission to organizationally separate from the fire department. The council seemed quite supportive of that request and offered the services of the council attorney in helping with the logistics of the separation.
Other items briefly discussed: Apparently the town is having some legal troubles regarding sewage plant violations and Bulk trash pickup has been changed from Saturday to Monday.
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8/22/03 - 9/6/03
Money Down The Drain
[or through the sluice gate, I should say]: I wasn't going to bother pointing out that the Borough has gotten pretty thoroughly soaked on the Borough Pond reclamation project-- but a pretty irritating conversation with the town clerk has me in the mood to throw some dredge. I'm always pretty apprehensive about calling the town, because there is like a 70 percent chance of the conversation escalating to argument.
It's likely that no one else has noticed, but the Borough website no longer has the working link to the town council minutes. I thought I would inquire as to why the link was removed and follow-up on a request I made regarding tape copies of council meetings. Over the years, I have been re-formatting for Web publication the council minutes. Unfortunately, because of the town's "approval policy" [waiting untill the next meeting or later to approve the minutes from the previous session] minutes have been routinely published a month after the date of the meeting-- this circumstance has substantially reduced the value of publication. After years of requesting policy more consistent with open-government and the digital age, to no avail-- I decided my only recourse was to attempt to transcribe a summary of the meetings myself. The Borough does tape record the meetings, so I provided some blank cassette tapes, and made the rather simple, legal request that copies be made and sent to me. Experience should have told me that for the Borough of Mendham there is no simple request.
The financial chronology of the Mountain Valley Park Project:
$2,000.00 to remove some fish (~50) from the pond and dump them in an old evaporating pool at the sewage plant. [there is speculation that the retired pools might be used as part of a plan to increase plant capacity.
What happens to the $2,000 fish?]
$54,500.00 for the dredging. [ If the town was willing to leave the pond dry for two months (as they in-fact have) they probably could have allowed the Public Works Department to complete the project at little or no cost.
In its current well dried condition many feet of sediment could easily be removed/moved with just a bulldozer. In an ironic twist the Works Department last week was removing soil from the Ironia Rd. dredge dump location and returning it to the Mountain Valley Park to be used to grade the area where the new bridge is to be installed. Why not just scrape out some more Dry "mud hole", instead of bringing dredge back?]
$12,250 To provide for the replacement of the sluice gate valve.
[A new, custom-made, all stainless steel sluice gate is a preposterously excessive expense. For $200 in materials (and a days labor from a competent handyman) the old galvanized gate could have received a serviceable repair.
$36,000 For a wooden footbridge. [designing and constructing a wooden footbridge really shouldn't be beyond the competence of the Public Works Department. As they say, it ain't brain surgery]
$104,750.00 Total ...so far
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7/8/03 - 8/21/03
It Takes a Village...
[idiot, to produce this web site]: The Borough pond, is still the Borough ditch, even though dredging is complete. The delay in refilling the now deeper [but not as deep as I thought it would be] pond is likely the result of having to do some repair work on the dam drain and waiting on whoever is going to be erecting the proposed Bridge over the inlet stream. Unfortunately, when the pond reclamation is complete it will still be missing the pair of swans that gave the old mud hole some real charm. Before winter set in last year the swans took off, apparently never to return. Worse, the 4 or 5 young swans produced by the pair at the sewage plant last year were apparently all killed by a fox.
I received a phone call last week from an ancestor of Ebenezer Byram [Mandhans founding father] the caller wanted to inform me of some inaccuracies in the Byram related information on the site. The call has me re-motivated to attempt to further develop the historical information provided on this site. Unfortunately, members of the town's historical Society haven't been very responsive to my past requests for assistance in that development. A couple of years ago I did secure a printed copy of a "walking tour" and some "Historic District" information. I didn't have the time or "secretarial skills" to retype all the information into a web-usable digital form, so I just put it off... until now. I recently acquired some very good OCR character recognition software that makes digitally converting the information a more practical process. I still have to do some formatting, proofreading and organizing, but here is a preview of some of the information.
I hope in future to include pictures of the referenced locations. Maybe I can get someone to volunteer their services as site photographer. All you need is at least one hand that isn't all thumbs, some spare time, and of course, a willingness to risk being arrested as a suspected terrorist. [e-mail: icandoit at inmendham dot com]
Hear are some interesting opinion pieces from the Observer-Tribune
Tax cuts a bonanza for billionaires, not ordinary folk
Tax cuts are best thing for the economy
I would offer my opinion, but being that this town is full of greedy rich people who think the unearned income from their investment capital [partially borrowed from payroll tax trust funds] should be taxed at a much lower rate than the sweat wages of the peasants-- it's probably in my own interest to keep my opinion a secret.
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7/2/03 - 7/8/03
Mud and Pigs Flying [this title is more interesting than the content]: The Boroughs "offical" website has finally begun posting the minutes from council meetings. Unfortunately, the same old, two week to a month delay for "approval" continues to diminish usefulness. Until the town site provides a substantial archive, and a search feature I will maintain the index on this site. In another "when pigs fly" move, the town site has actually produced some content. The down side here is they've provided it in the form of a 1500K .pdf file. I have reformated most of the information into this much lighter HTML file. There is some interesting general information and the bonus of these pretty good maps.
Dredging Update: As anticipated they have begun dumping some of the "soil" that was the mudhole down at India Brook Park.
In not so good news, the final drying out of the pond did end up wasting some fish.
I also found a third painted turtle [I think that's all of them] Unfortunately, the night before I found the turtle it apparently had attempted to lay its eggs and was interrupted by a raccoon or other menace. I found the turtle amongst the leathery shells of 3 or 4 eggs next to a newly dug fist size hole in the ground.
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5/30/03 - 7/1/03
From Mudhole to Stinkhole
[got to break some nose hairs, to...]: Dredging of the Borough pond has begun, and for neighboring residents, it kind of stinks. The borough administrator euphemistically calls the dredge, "soil" and says--"We are making arrangements to have most of the soil taken by local contractors". I don't think there are enough "local contractors" in the business of yard stinkification to dispose of "most" of the dredge, but we will see. I personally think most of the old mud hole is going to end up as frosting on the layers of wood chips down at India Brook Park. As a regular park frolicker [nice place to hit a few golf balls-- that is, when they regularly cut the grass] I guess I can only hope it will be a very dry July.
In walking around be drained pond, I came across two displaced painted turtles. It is a little disappointing that the EPA would worry about very un-endangered common pond fish-- and apparently make no requirement that any provision be made to "save" other pond life like less common turtles. I plan on giving the turtles a good cleaning and de-leeching and will return them to the pond when it's back in working order.
Watching these guys, try to grab previously uncaptured fish as they washed out of the pond, was worth the price of admission.
In other not so great news: A cat has gone missing around the intersection of mountainside road and Ironia Rd. It is a small - but not young- Siamese cat that has been missing since june 28th. If you have any possibly useful information call 973 543-6003 and I will forward the information to the owner.
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5/20/03 - 6/29/03
A Pretty Fishy Story [with real FISH in it]:
The Borough of Mendham is in the process of dredging the "mud hole" / "blinky's pond" or as officially titled "The Mendham Borough Pond" [located at the bottom of Mountain Avenue between Valley Way and Florey Farm Road] Yannuzzi & Sons, Inc., has been awarded the contract to do the dredging at a cost of $54,500.00. Actual dredging should begin sometime during the first week of July. It was initially planned that the pond be dredged last year. Apparently there were some environmental impact/EPA hangups that were responsible for the delay. One of the EPA requirements for permission to do the dredging was that some effort be made to remove the existing fish population. To satisfy that requirement the town enlisted the services of Great Blue Lake & Pond Management, Newton, NJ "for an amount not to exceed $2,000. (see April 7th minutes). On Thursday, June 26th, "the great fish capture" took place. I was on hand for the event and, in truth, it could be called, at best, "the moderately interesting -some- fish capture."
Upon my arrival, the two-person team was setting up and preparing to launch, the "S.S . Zappum", a vessel of no doubt historic adventure. The captain and her first-day-on-the- job-mate, were likably friendly, but seemed a little unaccustomed to the forming lookie-lu crowd of a dozen or so [mostly public works employees]. An early minor misadventure took place while attempting to fill the storage tank for the fish. It was decided to take advantage of a powerful [and unfortunately for locals, kind of loud] diesel pump that was being used to drain the pond [as the 30 year-old drain, built into the dam was broken].
Unfortunately, the foreign-speaking gentlemen who were left to watch the pump apparently had no clue as to how to turn the diesel engine off. The 600 or so gallon tank was filled in about 15 seconds. For the minute or so after that, Mountain Avenue got washed, while I tried to suffocate the "engine that wouldn't quit" into submission by blocking the air in-take. Barely averting the near disaster of having my new camera watered into uselessness, it was now time to watch how the most expensive fish [on this day] in New Jersey get caught.

The process used to catch the fish was "shockingly" moderately effective. The boat was equipped with an electrode of sorts that dangled in the water ahead of it. I don't have the exact details, but apparently every few seconds a jolt of high-voltage electricity delivered by the electrode would temporarily paralyze nearby fish--which then could be almost easily netted some of the time. After an hour or two of fishing [in the rather opressive near 100 degree heat] I would estimate that maybe 60 fish were captured-- of that total I would guess only about 20 were bass or catfish--the bulk being bluegills and suckers. There were a few nice 2 to 3 lb. fish, but most even a cat would probably just snub.
The real catch of the day was a fifteen or so pound snapping turtle that was obligated to leave his home in an eroded part of the dam drain. I wasn't the only spectator to note that this was one of the most aggressive snapping turtles ever observed. I placed it on the ground to take some pictures, and it kept coming at me like a dog looking to get petted.
Although these turtles can be nasty, they generally avoid conflict. This turtle, on the contrary, seemed to be saying, "Are you looking at me?" I didn't let him have a piece of me, but he did his best to make sure I didn't get any great pictures either. After he entertained for a few minutes, it was decided to let him go downstream. As no one else volunteered, I carried him {you have to carry these turtles by their tails to avoid getting snapped} across the street, got some really strange looks from people driving by, and set him off to his new life humming a little bit of "Born Free."
The real punch line to this story isn't how much we paid to "save" these fish--the real fishy, funny part is that they're not going to be returned to the pond. In what has to be a disappointment to the fish, and a confusing fact to the logical, their new permanent residence is one of the old evaporating pools at the sewage plant. [left: Some of the uncaptured fish]
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4/18/03 - 5/6/03
Minutes Too Late [better late then never]: I have added the April town council minutes to the Minutes Index. As funny coincidence I sent in my out going mail a nag to the clerk at the same time I was receiving in my "in" mail the requested files.
Reading over the April 21st minutes the town is going to pay waste management $165,000 to pickup large junk on Saturdays for the coming year. That works out to about $100 per household. ( seems kind of pricey for the one water heater I threw out last year ) In my opinion the old system of having two bulk pickup days a year was a much better system-- more economical and more environmentally sensible as it allowed garbage pickers ( like myself) to do a lot of recycling.
On the subject of recycling, the minutes indicate that we might be switching back to "source separation" recycling. remember clear, green, brown....
In the "makes my brain want to explode" category there is this little exchange with the mayor:
"Walter Schubert, requested an update to the Borough website as it seems cumbersome to navigate, he stated that for $1,500.00 per month the Borough could have a very streamlined site. The Mayor stated that the money is not in the budget, if Mr. Schubert knows of any volunteers interested in maintaining the site, he would be very glad to speak with them." ( I guess they didn't record part where the mayor says "..then I will string them along, treat them like dirt, and fire them without even the courtesy of letting them know".)
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2/22/03 - 4/17/03
Too Blogged down to Blog [good thing no one's reading anyway]:
I don't have any real news to report, but I did hear the other day that The Black Horse Inn .. I mean "Tavern", has been sold to a new owner. I don't have any details, and this event may be of little interest to most people, but for me it seems a lamentable circumstance. At age 15 I got my first real job at the Black Horse Inn.(delivered the Daily Record for five years previous but that was too much like insane voluntary slavery to be called employment). In hindsight, I can see my three years at The Black Horse Inn spending every Friday and Saturday night and a couple of weekdays literally breaking my back for less than the minimum wage, as "a youth wasted" -- but at the time, and in my memories, the building and the experiences, had a quality of ugly perfection that I felt necessarily attached to. I guess you could say the place got under my skin, and into my blood.

I noticed I inadvertently misplaced the minutes from the January 1st "reorganization" town council meeting and have added it to the minutes index. The file includes information regarding job appointments for the year.

The official Borough website, has changed its look a little, but not much else. It would appear they have at least updated the phone extensions for various officials.
Mendham Borough phone extensions

Coldwell Banker's Mendham Office has a web site that's worth a visit.
Town Magazine
Community Events Calendar

New links added: Turpin Realestate
Mendham Hills Chapel
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| 11/22/59 - 2/22/03
Mendham + Web + Log = [Blogham]: This "news" page has become too much of an "olds" page.... So I'm converting it into a Blog, with the hope that will somehow inspire me to make at least weekly posts. Besides providing links to what Mendham "news" I can find, I will try to keep updated on what's happening on other local websites and report, or "log", my findings. This more casual format might encourage some reckless rants, and even sloppier writing (than my usual bad grammar and spelling) but I will try to hold the "the MaYor iS a biG jeRk beecAuSe" stuff to something under gratuitous excess.

For those of you who haven't received enough junk mail, or visited enough junk sites, to know this shysternet isn't the "information superhighway" we were promised. Consider this bit of evidence: In spite of all the money that has been spent on IT and Internet innovation, a five year-old element of Internet Explorer functionality has been left languishing and completely unexploited. If you use Internet Explorer 5 or 6.0 check out this "functionality enhancement" and consider the discouraging fact that I "innovented" this pretty slick toolbox having only marginal programming knowledge and skills. Then consider the fact that no technology news providers will report my discovery and you should be able to see that Internet inefficiency and dysfunction is, in fact, by deliberate design.
One of my favorite "just for fun" tools is the page/image embosser.
 This affects took just a matter of seconds to achieve. Here is a link to the original image.
Old News Page
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