. |  As you scroll down a page just mouse over some empty space where the menu was and it will pop back into view.
InMENDHAM WallPaperThe pictures don't exactly say Mendham... but they do have a InMendham.com label. |
MENDHAM MenopolyI wrote this JavaScript game a few years ago so it could use some updating. The good news is the script is compatible with older browser versions (3.0+). If you're using a dial up connection, or an older computer the install-able off-line version (only 360k) might perform better. Just saveAs this file mendgame.exe -find it on your hard drive, and "execute it" (double click). A link to the offline game will be placed in your favorites/bookmarks menu. |
Birds InMendham Concentration GameIn this variation on the traditional matching game you must match the bird to its name. | |
PowerconsOf course, as the inventor, I think this tool box is a brilliant Internet innovation. Unfortunately, no one else seems to think so. If you're using Internet explorer a functional toolbox should have loaded in the right hand margin-- as it does on many InMendham.com pages. The installed version of the toolbox enables you to easily load the toolbox on most any other web page you are viewing. In my opinion, the
font (type) enlarger/reducer,
image enlarger/reducer, and the
"select text and search" easily make this toolbox worth the two minutes required to install it. The bonus of 60 other tools and an extensive local links menu is just nice "usability" icing. |