The internet life of the feeling and thinking being commonly referred to as inMendham
Site Map
donotgo.com : Around the year 2000 this was my first website which basically chronicles my efforts to help prevent "the indexing" of the young internet from being corrupted by spammers and such. The fact is you can't search the actual internet you can only search what's some other human, or some computer algorithm, says is the internet.
whatis the whois
donotgo blog
se game
inmendham.com (
This link redirects to the old website) The old town of Mendham website. Realizing the town I lived in did not have a website I offered to produce one at no cost to the town. The town accepted my offer claiming it would provide content for the website (which I expected to include information regarding what the mayor and Town Council we're voting on). I soon learned the town had no interest in making the public aware of what the town officials were up to, and my efforts to secure content for the website became somewhat contentious. Without informing me the town was actively seeking to replace me even though I was paying the production costs of the website. Obviously I wouldn't have continued to improve and pay for a website they intended to discontinue. Fact is they were guilty of lying and theft and I eventually sued the town officials. The lawsuit spent seven years in court in a system engineered to protect government officials from accountability. After the town fired me as volunteer I established the unofficial website inmendham.com
inmendham.com 2005/6 Council Meeting Summaries
Alt Location
InMendham the youtube channel : When youTube became a thing I decided to create an account where I would publish some content relevant to living in Mendham. For various reasons I ended up publishing philosophical commentary relevant to a broader audience. Atheism soon became a focus of the channel although I made lots of videos regarding relevant economic and political subjects. Eventually I decided to be completely honest regarding my opinion of the human race, and the living condition and started making anti-life videos.
DoNotGod.com : Once the Google Monopoly destroyed any hope of accountability in internet indexing I decided to purchase a new domain name more relevant to the causes I was still fighting. Do not God.com was also intended to protect some of my content from the very real threat that YouTube would eventually censor me. They made good on that threat many times terminating the donotGod youTube channel and killing the inMendham YouTube channel for some 2 years.
yes no logic
efilism.com : In order to distinguish myself from the term anti-natalist which included a lot of logically weak philosophical perspectives, I came up with the term efilist... Life spelled backwards to describe more accurately my belief that there is pointless waste of suffering in all living conditions not just the Human Condition.
draftScience on youtube : Somewhere around 2013 I started including some Physics arguments in my commentary regarding the nature of life on earth. In many ways the science of physics is just another under evidenced if not unevidenced religion. As many viewers didn't like the mixture of the content I made a separate YouTube channel and website to devote to arguments related to the weak logic applied to the facts by "scientists".
Profiles in Cowardice
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