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InMendham.com Fishing Derby [uncensored/junk]
Town Stuff:
InMendham.com Fishing Derby:
InMendham.com Fishing Derby [uncensored/junk]
   By EClitorisUnum on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 4:38 pm: |
Saw the Mayor and a few Council members trolling the mudhole.....think they were looking for fish. |
   By No You Didnt on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 10:43 pm: |
Liar |
   By dueeh on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - 5:09 pm: |
Hee hee .. this is absolultely classic. That ought to do it Gerry. For $100 Ill tell you free ways that in about 8mins you can (at least) get your site to register on google. Under the fish plan ... hits will go down .. be honest when that comes to pass ... if you are capable. |
   By nah on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - 5:10 pm: |
offer recinded, you took too long. |
   By Go lick a Vish on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - 7:37 pm: |
I know how to scam the system-- I have been writing on the subject for six years -- the point is... I refuse to become another scumbag... I refused to do something in a back assword way, that just helps further corrupt the system, when a little common sense added to the rules of the game could give us the real information superhighway we deserve. I have no expectation-- you moron --that my fish plan will change this sites engine visibility the least little bit (but how exactly could hits go down?). I'm using this traditional marketing method because at least it doesn't reward evil corruption which is thriving on the monetize-every-link google-net. What I do expect is that the fish plan should get this site some word-of-mouth exposure. (especially if I can get some others to increase the fish bounty and perhaps inspire a few kids to participate in a wholesome, traditional, American pastime. |
   By V honest on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - 8:51 pm: |
Fine loud mouth - but be honest when the hits go down (you'll see) |
   By V on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - 8:51 pm: |
V giveth V Taketh away |
   By see? on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 10:42 pm: |
There is a boycott on among V Friends ... I am sure hits are down by at least 30 today - more to come, Unless you fess up. |
   By In awe on Friday, July 15, 2005 - 12:39 pm: |
Is there a hit counter that everyone can see somewhere on this site? |
Site statistics can't be publicly accessed but here is a copy. Along with the excessive drooling, I guess V has one of those "premature" problems.... a day early and a brain short! admin note:Just so there's no confusion... there are a number of websites like the silver brigade (silverbrigade.com) that reside on top of the inMendham.com domain-- and statistics include hits for all web sites. A few site pages like the Blog page do list referrals (hits from online links) at the bottom of the page but there is no time reference to indicate how many hits per day. |
   By nah on Friday, July 15, 2005 - 8:07 pm: |
most of those (alleged) hits are gery's own. |
   By V on Friday, July 15, 2005 - 10:54 pm: |
heehee keep cogitating, steinmetz Admin note: The previous 11 posts were moved here because V has once again provided nothing but empty accusations and useless baby-talk, 4 word sentance distraction. |
   By stay tuned asshole on Saturday, July 16, 2005 - 10:17 pm: |
and a severe cut off of hitcounts suck suck suck 39 hits yesterday shitook ! of course a smart pud whakker like you should know there are many free counters that can tell a lot more than your primative counter. |
   By fuck-off fuck-off fuck-off on Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 5:50 am: |
you are such a fucking asshole with your double or triple space half sentence paragraphs and your 4 year-old "suck" fixation why don't you and your 39 fucking useless hits go straight to fucking scumbag hell and spare the rational universe the indignity of having to scrape you off its shoe. As for "free" hit counters they are a jerk offs paradise-- the high-school website had one that would crash Internet explorer -- the Borough site had one that produced pop-up ads showing women in suggestive positions. Besides the fact that "free" counters are not really free-- all hit counting consumes server side resources (bandwidth) for little useful purpose. As for this classic quote:
quote:the "Teachers Union" does not set salary policy
I think it kind of proves that you have whaked your little pud right into insanity. |
   By Dearest gerry on Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 6:22 am: |
you really are daft .... how you could miss the whole point of the whole teachers strike arguement is indicative of why you are so consistantly losing your little suit. what kind of an idiot would think that a teachers union would set salary guidelines. They were (in that case) fighting and WINNING the unjust salary policy SET BY THE BOARD OF ED. ( they won - a concept/outcome you clearly have never known) Gery, I am the genius and you are a chimp. If you could simply dislodge your head from your rectum for a minute, if you looked up, you would see that on a whim .. I brought your hits down as promised. And you should thank me that I pointed out your little fishing derby really is the EVIDENCE that you have, in fact, "whakked YOUR little pud right in to insanity". It is quite possibly, the stupidest, most ineffectual, short sighted piece of shit idea I have ever heard of. I hope your neighbors are the only ones who come calling to your welfare shack for your "fish money". (which i doubt you have) Once again, thank you thank you thank you for dragging your rubber hose around town on your purple bike. PS (try Urchin Counter) and send me a check of gratitude. C.O. the family of that dog that bit you. |
   By Vadam YouGotAFatAss on Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 1:11 pm: |
Would a real man call his junk a Pud? or defend the greedy, out of touch, mercenary little Pollyannas of the teachers union? They "win" by pointing a gun at the head of children and saying give is what we want or else. Extortion is a weapon of cowards-- and the teachers' union use of it should disqualify them from any job influencing the molding of a young person's character. Both political parties must placate the voting bloc teachers represent-- in turn the teachers' union has been allowed to impose preposterous concepts like tenure and triple pay for staying on the job well after the point you become a technology/generation gapped useless artifact. The BOE and their wacky 12% election schedule are a contrivance of the teachers union... the teachers' union is in fact the root of the evil and is consuming most of your property tax dollar. (my apologies to the 10 % of teachers who actually have a sincere passion to nurture knowledge and wisdom and some real integrity as thinking human beings... to the rest of you who expect to get paid very well and also retain copyright authority over the belched bullshit laughingly called your intellectual property-- may your progeny get the public "education" it deserves) As for:
quote:I brought your hits down as promised.
Why would I possibly give a damn. I don't like that you, or your kind, lives on the same planet as me... why would I find it disturbing if you were no longer hitting my website? I've stated quite explicitly that I would be very happy if you and your 39 hits would never return... ever! You are useless shit, incapable of participating in rational argument and therefore of no use to me.
quote:It is quite possibly, the stupidest, most ineffectual, short sighted piece of shit idea I have ever heard of.
At best it runs a second to my shit idea of providing a message board allowing "Vnonymous Voward" free-speech. What is it about a "fishing derby" that has provoke such preposterously excessive rhetoric-- Do you have some "special relationship" with the mudHole fish ?? As for the "Urchin Counter" it is essentially spyware that tracks users, rather than use, using cookies. Why slow down a website and allow others to control the cookie stored relevant to this domain... for the pretty useless information hit counting provides. Now have the forklift load your fat ass on your little pink wagon and have your boy push you the fuck out of here. |
   By V on Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 5:47 pm: |