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Town Stuff:
The Next Council Meeting:
   By 06. 06. on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 7:57 am: |
Questions to be asked of the council at the October 2nd meeting. 1) On two previous occasions I have requested that the council provide an explanation regarding what exactly the deer management signs posted in local parks are intended to make park users think, or do. I again explicitly request an explicit explanation of what a citizen's rights are to use public parks posted with deer management signs? 2) As of September 28th the home page on the "official" Borough website was prominently promoting events that took place months ago. In the six years I have monitored the Borough website this useless quality of the content has been the norm, rather than the exception. Now the Borough intends to manage a television station cleansed of any issue relevant content? I would inquire of the council, how this lack of communication, and censorship, respects anything that could be termed an "American Value"? 3) At the last meeting of the council, the mayor and a council member, found it necessary to make the explicit point that "the cable company", as opposed to cable subscribers, was financing Channel 25. I would inquire if the council members actually believe that relevant $60,000 was actually extracted out of the net profits of the company? or do they have some other theory regarding how this business expense was not paid by subscribers? |
   By 06. 2....... on Friday, October 06, 2006 - 6:43 am: |
The mayor has, once again, confirmed the fact that under his leadership there shall be class's of American citizenship in Mendham. For the second time the mayor didn't read my "public comment" questions until after the room had been cleared for an executive session. Clearly, by the mayor standard, my right to be heard is not worthy of the same respect he provides others seeking to exercise the same right. Someday when I find an honest American court room YOU will pay for the constitutional treason you have installed as a "we the elitist people" Un-American government. On the issues: The mayor confirmed what was established in lengthy discussion during the meeting... the public parks are open even when publicly subsidized sadistic nuts with BOW AND ARROWS are lurking in the trees looking to cause some mammal, some gratuitous suffering for their entertainment pleasure. As with all government policy, this public policy is pretexted on a lie... ie. that recreational hunting will "control" deer over-population. As for question No. 2: The mayor and council provided no response.... as they are in fact unAmerican bastards with no hope of contriving any rational statement defending their willful violation of the values codified in the United States Constitution. As to question No. 3, the mayor eventually conceded that I have a point, logically confirming the fact they choose to avoid accountability by engaging in silly word games. Here is an audio clip of the questions and answers. |
   By 07. 1... on Saturday, May 14, 2016 - 8:51 pm: |