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OFF-Subject V Crap
Town Stuff:
Sept. 27th 2005... Special School Election:
OFF-Subject V Crap
   By V on Monday, September 26, 2005 - 10:55 pm: |
gerry, one fine reason no one expressed/es any outrage toward this and other horrible atrocities on these pages, is because you are pariah and have driven away rational thinkers (and voters) with your liberal harrangue, fantasy philosophy, and because you continually crudely express the idiotic hypocrisy that is your hallmark to anyone who will read your gibberish. no one cares what you think or want. you are wrong on virtually all of your tenants and you are just about to lose finally and uncerimoniously on Alls Hallowed Eve. i am always right and you are nearly always wrong. why would anyone side with you in these pages ? shut the fuck up for awhile and see what happens .. PS .. your fish tags really worked huh ? right again ... I have tried to explain over and over that you can never win in arguement or desire ... the day of the hyenah liberals are over. you lost - repeatedly ... go away quietly. |
   By WinOneFor TheGibberish on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 1:53 am: |
The very idea that a thinking person, can be driven away from argument, is oxymoronish mush--quite consistent with the drool you leak ALL OVER these pages. A thinking person might not bother responding to most of the irrelevant "personal" references you make... but no thinking person would let a rational idea be logically slandered without coming to its defense. You prove who is a blight on this message board every time you distract from a subject by personalizing argument, making cheap unsupported innuendo, and by using lame attempts to slander the opposition point of view through contrived guilty association (truly preposterous "liberal" association when I am speaking against the BOE, The teachers' union, and excessive government spending) You are the consummate pontificating blowhard-- your writing style even reeks of it. You can't argue the facts so you argue irrelevancy and with egomaniacal arrogance you declare victory and applaud yourself... while the truth is you are shameless human garbage... afraid of a fair fight... whos only victorys have been in battles with strawman of your own creation. In the past I have made the mistake of calling you merely useless, but in truth you are much less than that. |
   By Victorious on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 8:51 am: |
there you go again. You are guilty of every Sin you object to. I have over and over told you the BOE is the "evil" in the equation .. yet because of your poor experience you continue to malign teachers you know nothing about. I told you your fish reward idea was gibberish .. you lied - said it boosted traffic, so I decimated your traffic, and you didnt even really acknolwedge it. now, that arguement long forgotton, you concede that "no one comes here" or something to that effect. I could site specific examples over and over of me being right and you being wrong .. (I think in maybe 2 or 3 instances you were "right" over me. usually I conceded it) the reason this site is shit IS PERSONAL - it also happens to be the truth. You are a pontificating blowhard of singularly liberal and egocentric delusions. You can not be separated from your arguement BECAUSE your silly little opinion is based on your narrow and limited existance. how could a man value a tennis court, if by his own admission he hasnt left his house in decades ? I am the best thing that ever happened to this site. Before you open your stupid little mouth, - play Devil's Advocate and imagine, nay REALIZE that whatever gibberish you are about to spout about ME is in fact true of YOU. I dont really "know" you - I have only drawn from what you have posted on these pages as fuel for my diatribes. |
   By V on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 9:45 am: |
ps: I am not "for" the tennis courts either .. for other reasons .. would be curious what proponents of them might argue. (not at all curious about gerrys ranting on "why not" side - but like everything else he says ..who is ?) |
   By Farthington on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 6:38 pm: |
BRAVO ! I am in full aggreement with V. |
   By Runs AllOver on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 11:04 am: |
quote:there you go again.
No, it is you who keep repeating your crimes against me, this free-speech message board, and everyone who might value the unique opportunity it provides. Obviously you keep doing this because you see purpose in wasting my time, or purpose in giving me reason to say "the hell with this" and incentive to shut this board down. I don't need this message board to do my Liberal ranting-- I can in fact more easily just incorporate all my commentary into my twice a month summations of council meetings. the simple truth is, I provide a message board because it seems the American thing to do.... and I understand the simple truth that ideas must survive challenge to have any real merit. I say your intention is obvious because the blight you have created is obvious. On perhaps more than a dozen subjects --you have chosen to desrespect the substance of the subject to restart at another location the same stupid personal argument. The obvious inefficiency of spreading an argument over several message board subjects... makes you obvious. You complain about censorship but clearly you are attempting to impose it by creating enough noise to make meaningful speech impossible. Like your hero Howard Stern you are the antithesis of a free-speech advocate. quote:You are guilty of every Sin you object to.
A simple accusation the has absolutely no meaning without evidence. Where have I, without direct provocation, made a post that is in substance a personal attack against the poster of the argument I wish to challenge? quote:I have over and over told you the BOE is the "evil" in the equation .. yet because of your poor experience you continue to malign teachers you know nothing about.
In the first place, I have never been a supporter of the Board of Education-- they are elected in a fog of ignorance, and are generally Education Pollyannas' closely affiliated with the Education Industrial Complex... On one occasion, I did support the Township Board of Education's effort to rebalance salaries by shifting a small percentage of a salary increase to younger new hires from the way overpaid tenured archaic deadwood. The fact that their effort failed does not alter my support for the idea that salaries need to be rebalanced-- especially in light of the accelerating nature of technological change. In the second place my "poor experience" is not the source of my opinion... it merely verifies it. Independent of my experience, and in light of technological advance, I am of the opinion that the only education the public needs to provide is the ability to effectively use language/communication skills. Being able to read (understand words, and in turn written instruction) is truly the cornerstone of knowledge. Put simply, until you acquire that skill all other education is a distraction-- and once you acquire it all other forced education (except information/education held from the public, by the Education Industrial Complex) is unnecessary as knowledge can be acquired by will alone. Just as doctors and lawyers have earned "maligning opinion" I believe teachers (as represented by their greedy, socially destructive, Union) have earned my contempt. They are not blazing a trail to the future, they are attempting to block all roads that would acknowledge the simple truth that they are on the list of things made obsolescent by technical progress. quote:I told you your fish reward idea was gibberish .. you lied - said it boosted traffic, so I decimated your traffic, and you didnt even really acknolwedge it. now, that arguement long forgotton, you concede that "no one comes here" or something to that effect.
More unsupported claims and accusations... this lie, where is it? This decimated traffic... where's the evidence-- I posted website statistics and they showed no evidence of decimation. The argument isn't long forgotten... its right over here and here... and the only thing the argument is, is preposterously stupid... because you apparently have some kind of bizarre fish fetish. quote:I could site specific examples over and over of me being right and you being wrong .. (I think in maybe 2 or 3 instances you were "right" over me. usually I conceded it)
It takes under 60 seconds to start a new subject called Evidence of Gary's lies and inaccuracies. I wish you would post your "specific examples" I only request/demand that you do it in one place you fucking moron. quote:the reason this site is shit IS PERSONAL - it also happens to be the truth. You are a pontificating blowhard of singularly liberal and egocentric delusions.
Maybe I should just make the simple rule that people who think this site is shit shouldn't be afforded the opportunity to visit it anymore. I mean the rest of the Internet web sites relevant to Mendham are so much more engaged and insightful why should I inconvenience jackasses like you by allowing you to voluntarily be exposed to this Shit. Your argument is really soooo stupid.... if someone else was running this website I could be posting anonymously.... like the rest of you cowards.... and you would have no ability to take any cheap personal shots.... How exactly would that message board, run by someone else, be less shitty than this one -- unless of course you think that message board should ban me from posting. quote:You can not be separated from your arguement BECAUSE your silly little opinion is based on your narrow and limited existance. how could a man value a tennis court, if by his own admission he hasnt left his house in decades ?
Another really stupid argument-- for all we know some 10 year-olds have posted opinions here. Your obsession with the source/messenger of an argument is in my opinion your most irritating character flaw. I say again... the whole point of this message board providing for anonymous postings is to encourage people to ignore the who and pay attention to the what. I would approximate that 90 percent of your posts contain some kind of maligning reference to the "person" posting. In my opinion this is as inconsistent with the rules of debate as ear biting is inconsistent with the rules of boxing... Regarding the specifics of your contention that I lack life experience. I lived 20 years as a "regular citizen" before the limitations became egregious... would you argue that all 20 year-olds should be disqualified from voicing an opinion (even though they're old enough to volunteer to get blown to bits and some trumped up war). Then there's the 25 year sense where I have had various life experiences... a taste of homelessness (lived in a car) and a taste of desperate poverty (lived without heat or hot water) ... of course nothing about my "limitation" has done anything to prevent me from observing the world or acquiring knowledge of it... Consistent with your low character-- you're the kind of person who would trip Helen Keller to prove an irrelevant point-- you just keep taking cheap shots without having the guts to come out of your hiding place and risk the same exposure. quote:I am the best thing that ever happened to this site.
I wish you would take a year or two off so we could test your theory.... or why don't you take your "bestness" to some free message board service and start your own less shitty message board? quote:Before you open your stupid little mouth, - play Devil's Advocate and imagine, nay REALIZE that whatever gibberish you are about to spout about ME is in fact true of YOU.
The old, I am rubber you are glue ploy... Kato where's my inflatable parrot we are being attacked by a real intellectual. quote:I dont really "know" you - I have only drawn from what you have posted on these pages as fuel for my diatribes.
You haven't posted diatribes... you've posted diarrhea. |
   By nah ... rubber & glue .. on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 5:07 pm: |
meh .. all the same rehashing of your same ol nonsense .. NO NO NO and .. 90% of all posts by anyone on this site include insults you stupid sod. |
   By facts on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 1:19 pm: |
gerry on the bush re election WRONG gerry on the results of his fish fry WRONG (look again at the chart, stupid from the days I was doing my voodoo July 9th to like 17th hits dropped .. substantially) gerry on the Mendham Twp Pay practices - wrong - gerry on the result of the Boro School referendum RIGHT - but .. in the end WRONG because ALL (apparently including tennis courts) I will continue later, if I care to. |
   By cont. on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 1:19 pm: |
because ALL expenses requested will be realized despite the NO vote |
   By VverAndOut on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 8:05 pm: |
quote:gerry on the bush re election WRONG
Wrong about what? I made no claims that George Bush would not be re-elected? I do in fact predict that future history will concede the simple truth that George Bush was an incompetent, reckless, moron. quote:gerry on the results of his fish fry WRONG
Once again, no evidence of anything, just baldly stated LIES. What results did I predict? What claims beyond the success of harmlessness did I make? If we lived in different times you would earn a good stoning for all this "false witnessing". quote: (look again at the chart, stupid from the days I was doing my voodoo July 9th to like 17th hits dropped .. substantially)
Looking at this chart I would say your voodoo is doodoo.
quote:gerry on the Mendham Twp Pay practices - wrong -
Wrong how? Again I made no predictions so the only conclusion is, you think you have a right to imply that somebody made a mistake, or was inaccurate, or was in error, merely because they disagreed with your stupid fucking opinion-- if the issue ever gets on a election ballot I predict you will lose two to one-- because most people are smarter than you and know you are WRONGheaded on the issue. quote:gerry on the result of the Boro School referendum RIGHT - but .. in the end WRONG because ALL (apparently including tennis courts)
They did cut the budget by 1% so ALL seems obviously inaccurate... I don't think there's anything "apparent" about the tennis courts. If they build them without seeking public reapproval--they will be sued-- And as I believe they knew they were violating the intentions of the Constitution in perpetrating their sham election --they will be sued for damages. quote:I will continue later, if I care to.
Don't bother, unless you plan on providing EVIDENCE of your claims. I will soon be changing the operation of this message board to make continued sabotage by assholes like you less bothersome and less of a threat. |