June 14 & 28
July 12 & 26
August 9 & 23

Recycling is picked up curbside every other Thursday. Recyclables must be placed curbside in appropriate containers by 6:00 a.m. Newspapers, magazines and corrugated cardboard must be tied. Junk mail and cardboard (cereal boxes) can be put into brown bags. All cans (aluminum and "tin"), and all glass or plastic bottles (no window glass, mirrors, etc. and no plastic tubs) are to be put in a sturdy re-usable container (no paper or plastic bags). Decals for containers can be obtained at the Phoenix House. If your recycling has been placed at the curb properly, by 6:00 a.m., and is not picked up by 4:00 p.m., please call Borough Hall (543-7152) by 10:00 a.m. the next morning. We can arrange to have the hauler return for your recycling. The Borough uses an answering machine during non-business hours; you can leave a recycling message at any time.

*** BOTTLES/CANS *** *** PAPER ***

Large Bulky Trash

Large items will continue to be picked up curbside every saterday (borough).
This does not include construction materials.
Call 543-7152 for more information.

Brush, Leaves and
Lawn Clippings may be taken to the Borough Garage
Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm
April 10 - December 4