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![]() Mendham bonfire Jan. 6 to mark 'Twelfth Night' © From December 2001 Observer Tribune Mendham residents are invited to add their Christmas trees to the community bonfire that will mark the traditional ''Twelfth Night Celebration'' at 6 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 6, at the Borough Park, Mountain Avenue. The day will commemorate epiphany, the 12th day after Christmas when Christians celebrate the arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem after following the Christmas star to find Christ. Christians adopted the practice of burning trees, which were seen as symbols of life, as an expression of purging sins of the old year and starting fresh in the new year, particularly the new millennium. The Mendham Fire Department will sponsor the 13th annual celebration. Residents may drop off trees at the Borough Park from Sunday, Dec. 30 to 6 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 6.
© Excerpts from 12/30/01 Observer Tribune Story Charles Topping's colleagues at Mendham's First Union bank held a luncheon for him last Friday celebrating his retirement after nine years as a teller. The 71-year-old Mendham resident, however, has no plans of idling away his golden years. Leaving his full-time job as a teller, Topping intends to become a full-time participant in borough activities. A man who wears many hats, Topping is active in several groups and committees, is helping to organize the borough's 100th anniversary, and is even writing a book on the historic Phoenix House..... © Excerpts from 12/30/01 Observer Tribune Story MENDHAM TWP. The first woodland trail in the Burnett Brook Natural Area has been opened to the public, according to a statement from the Mendham Township Environmental Commission. The one-mile loop trail has been constructed as the initial step in the utilization of the natural area, which was acquired by the township last year and provides opportunity for short, easy walks through a classic wetland setting.... ...The new trail at Burnett Brook Natural Area expands the length of trails open to the public in Mendham Township to 55 miles. Township- owned properties that are open to walkers include Meadowood Park, Dismal Harmony Natural Area, Buttermilk Falls Natural Area, India Brook Natural Area, Tempe Wick Reserve and Cold Hill Reserve.... |
Dreams of expanded ice cream parlor melt after Mendham opposition © Excerpts from November 30, 2001 Observer Tribune Story MENDHAM Borough: When David and Lisa Rosenstrauch opened Emack and Bolio's Ice Cream and Espresso Shop five years ago, they had big dreams that their business would be a part of the town for a long time. ....But the Rosenstrauchs' dream of a permanent home in Mendham died earlier this month as Emack's closed its doors after a two-year battle with the borough. The couple had wanted to expand their business but borough officials said an expansion would exceed the water flow permitted for the business. Borough officials have said the expansion of businesses, particularly restaurants, is difficult because of state-imposed limits on the flow into the borough 's sewer facility which is already at capacity. ... © Excerpts from 11/30/01 To EDITOR: Observer Tribune ...Who would want to run a business that has no future chance of expansion or increased profit? The reason to go into business is to nurture and grow your business to meet the needs of the community and to make a living that will support you and your family. ....The borough of Mendham has made it impossible to do just that. ...So with great regret, we are cutting our losses, selling the property and moving our business to a neighboring community that hopefully is more business friendly. ... © Excerpts from 12/09/01 Daily Record Story MENDHAM TWP: The hunt for deer is once again on in township parks, as officials search for ways to thin a growing population blamed for ravaged landscaping, Lyme disease and dozens of car accidents....From Wednesday through Friday, shotgun deer hunting from tree stands will be permitted in Buttermilk Falls, Burnett Brook and Meadowood natural areas, township officials said... State wildlife officials estimate that nearly 1,000 deer inhabit Mendham Township. Only 13 deer were killed last year, in part because the parks were not fenced. Animals fled when they heard gunshots, and hunters could not pursue the deer onto private property adjacent to the parks.... |
Mendham backs library merger © Excerpts from 11/09/01 Observer Tribune Story The Borough Council voted unanimously Monday to support plans to merge the libraries in the Mendhams. The resolution, which was also adopted by the Mendham Township Committee at its Oct. 23 meeting, said the two municipalities will develop a funding formula to build the merged library along with providing for its yearly operating budget . ''This library is very much needed by the community,'' said Borough Councilman Gerard Dolan. ''It is incumbent on us to come up with something that is workable for both communities.'' Members of the merger steering committee said they were pleased the towns ha d moved forward with the resolutions.... © Excerpts from 11/08/01 Daily Record Story
....This year saw the second-most applications since the inception of the county open space tax in 1993, which raises about $16 million a year. Of that sum, about 45 percent goes to towns and nonprofits, 25 percent goes to farmland preservation and about 12.5 percent each goes to the Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority and the Morris County Park Commission.
© Excerpts from 11/04/01 Daily Record Story ....An analysis of a Morris County database of voting records found that fewer than a third of 140 candidates for local and county offices and the state Legislature have voted in all of the last 12 elections - primary and general elections from the 1996 primary through last June’s primary and the 2001 school election. Eleven candidates (8 percent) voted only half the time. ... © Excerpts from 11/02/01 Daily Record Story ....The new process started Monday, when the Dover K-12 district instituted strict regulations for opening mail. At each school, when mail arrives, it is immediately brought to a storage room or area not used for instruction. The mail remains untouched until after dismissal time, when a staff member opens and sorts all mail, except personal correspondence. ... ....Mendham Township surveyed parents about the district’s traditional eighth-grade trips -- one to Washington and another to New York, where students visit Ellis Island and Radio City Music Hall and take a walk down Fifth Avenue. The results of the survey now have the K-8 district looking for alternative sites, said Superintendent Gerald Vernotica. ... © From the Observer Tribune Dolan, 69, a Dean Road resident, is retired from First Fidelity Bank. He has been on the council since 1984 and is a member of the Public Safety Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Public Works Committee. Andrus, of Hillcrest Avenue, works in the trust department for Chase Bank and wins a third term on the council. He has served on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the Open Space Committee, and as chairman of the borough Recreation Committee. More added 11/19/01 Observer Tribune Story Dolan received 1,312 votes and Andrus garnered 1,283 votes. Out of 3,706 voters in the borough, 1,855 or 50 percent went to the polls... © Excerpts from 11/01/01 Observer Tribune Story Several employees of the borough's Department of Public Works will be culling during the regular hunting season on borough-owned land including property behind the borough's public work's facility off Ironia Road, Borough Administrator Ralph Blakeslee said on Monday. The employees will be allowed to keep whatever they shoot. Blakeslee also said several residents from the Florie Farm Road area have be en granted permission to allow bowhunters to cull within 450 feet of their residences on borough-owned land between Florie Farm Road and Valley Way. ... ....Kathy Franco of Florie Farm Road said 19 residents in the neighborhood have granted permission to bowhunters to hunt within 450 feet of their properties. She said residents on Valley Way, which borders the other side of the borough- owned property, are also considering granting permission to the bowhunters. ''We are not trying to do this culling on residential properties,'' said Franco. ''Most of the culling will be done on the borough-owned property from portable tree stands with the hunters pointing down at the deer or the ground. We have been assured that it is safe.'' Franco said six experienced hunters from around Morris County would be involved in the culling. She said deer were often spotted in her neighborhood. She said she took an informal survey of residents and found that there had been 19 cases of Lyme disease on her street. .... |
Hunting rules, schedules © Observer Tribune October 04, 2001 From the Observer Tribune Superintendent named in Mendham district 10/10/01 Watershed land deal protects reservoir land, its drinking water 10/10/01
Inter-municipal Partnership Preserves Clyde Potts Reservoir Here are a few links to Daily Record news items: Morris County victims 9/15/01 Sorrow, candles fill Green 9/24/01 Mendham parades its bravest 9/04/01 His former customers recall man’s generosity-- "The Place" 10/05/01 Protecting area’s water a key issue 10/5/01 Complex proposed by St. Mary’s 9/11/01 From the Observer Tribune Mendham borough will receive $19,330 in funding 9/27/01 Mendham man killed on motorcycle 9/27/01 Loss of pioneer preservationist 9/27/01 Allison Lynn Kraft is engaged to wed Murray Stuart Edwards 9/20/01 Mendhams respond to tragedy 9/20/01 bridge repairs in Washington, Mendham Twps. 9/13/01
August 30, 2001 In and Around Our Houses of Worship Lawsuit key to water protection Townships hope to protect 900 acres August 15, 2001 --Homeowner has serious concerns with Nickelodeon Park plan
Mendhams' roads done
Cablevision gets nod from council to provide services
Play area proposal survives a tempest ----Discussion Inmendham
From the Observer Tribune
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All the candidates had expressed support for open space preservation and parking improvements, and Andrus acknowledged that the campaigns had been low-key. "I don't think there were any issues, to be honest with you," he said. | ||
Mendham Boro Council 2 (REP) | 5 / 5 | 100.00% |
REP - J. B. (Brad) Badal | 349 | 32.14% |
REP - Gerard T. Dolan | 385 35 | 45% |
REP - John M. Andrus | 351 | 32.32% |
Write-In | 1 | 0.09% |
TOTAL | 1,086 | 100.00% |
Mendham Twp Committee 2 (REP) | 5 / 5 | 100.00% |
REP - Sante D'Emidio | 549 | 49.95% |
REP - Brian J. Phelan | 546 | 49.68% |
Write-In | 4 | 0.36% |
TOTAL | 1,099 | 100.00% |