An itemized list of errors in popular physics theory
MV vs 1/2VMV
Video listing some of the many reasons the kinetic energy theorem (1/2vmv) fails reasonable testing.
1/2vmv Is nonsense ...Argument #1
The first argument explains that the thousands of years old testing device of the lever/balance decisively proves that there is no room in real physics for 1/2vmv. The balance allows you to test different masses and velocities and plainly see the equalities. The balance says a 1 Mass going 2 Velocity is the same "energy" as a 2 mass going 1 velocity. The proof of the equality is complete and disputes the argument that the 1 Mass going 2 Velocity has twice the "energy".
1/2vmv Is nonsense ...Argument #1b
In this addition to the first argument I describe a spinning top which demonstrates not only equalities in gravitational force but also what masses and velocities are equal as angular momentum. I also include an explanation of how gravity actually works to produce momentum.
1/2vmv Is nonsense ...Argument #2This video deals with thrust and work using the examples of moving a spaceship (or object in space) and the ballistic pendulum. What is demonstrated is that kinetic energy (if it was real) can't be collected as a form of energy that can be converted to work or more precisely momentum. Experiments show that momentum is conserved and kinetic energy cannot be conserved without creating free or extra momentum.
1/2vmv Is nonsense ...Argument #3
This video generally deals with collisions where kinetic energy is not conserved and it is demonstrated that if it was real it can't do any real work. Also referenced his lack of consistency with mechanisms like electricity where the parallel function of voltage is not squared. There is also a light reference to the fact that moving fluids do not behave consistent with kinetic energy Theory.
1/2vmv Is nonsense ...Argument #4
This video explains how gravitational force is collected and clearly illustrates it is a Time dependent force. Viewed as a Distance dependent Force creates paradoxical inconsistencies with what is known about weight. Also Illustrated are Galilean principles that explain why faster objects can travel proportionally more distance. It is demonstrated that the cause of this effect is the fact that friction is seldom linearly consistent.
1/2vmv Is nonsense ...Argument #5
This video deals with substances like water and wind and points out that any contrived increase in kinetic energy cannot be converted into useful work. Momentum is what is conserved because momentum is all there is.
1/2vmv Is nonsense ...Argument #6
This video asks the question do you really believe it takes 25 times this fuel to spin something five times as fast? The video goes on to explain how wrong assumptions regarding how gravity functions instigated a lot of bad science.
The leibnizian Axiom that 4 lbs dropped one foot is the same energy as 1 lb dropped 4 ft is False.
The false theory is Restated in the formula F=mgh (The correct formula is F=mgt ...gravity is a time-dependent force)
The false Axiom has never been tested by credible experiment.
No experimental references/sources
The Axiom can be restated as a 1 mass going 2 units of velocity is the same energy as a 4 mass going 1 unit of velocity.
The Axiom is proven incorrect by decisive experimental evidence.
A lever/balance clearly demonstrates that a 1 mass traveling 4 units of velocity is the same force/energy as a 4 mass traveling 1 velocity.
A rotating wheel In either a vertical or horizontal configuration provides confirming evidence.
Misunderstanding the true physics of energy is catastrophically destructive to the development of accurate and coherent physical Theory.
Errors in the foundation compound into more errors
net Force = the total (net) change in momentum
Gravity imposes momentum at a "rate" of 9.8 meters of velocity per "1" second interval.
What would our atomic weight be if electrons have the same mass as protons?
Can't link to any good evidence
No evidence it takes 25 times the fuel to rotate something five times faster.
Pressurized fluids a water hose their theory predicts I can change the energy of the pressure by changing the size of the exit valve.
Water has more energy if you narrow what it flows through
The ballistic pendulum demonstrates kinetic energy to be Phantom energy. Kinetic energy can't be converted into momentum
You have to use momentum to make heat. Heat is momentum
The liever or balance proves a 1 Mass going 4 velocity equals a 4 Mass going 1 velocity.
Newton wouldn't have proposed the third law if he believed in mv squared
The free momentum experiments
Can the same spring produce different momentums?
Low friction carts that don't store their energy as linear velocity.
Heavy small wheels fast rotating axle
Energy can never cancel... It must produce motion and matter are speed of light radiation.
An amount of movement cannot make more movement. There is no free momentum. The Paradox of twice the momentum forward and a unit of momentum backward.
Spinning top
Proves the weights don't balance ... The gravitational force collected is not equal
Also proves that the linear or angular momentum produced by the force that spun the top is not balanced or apportioned equally.
The top will wobble and process
Law the lever is good solid science
1/2 MV squared is not good science it isn't even good religion because it makes claims it can be falsified or proven wrong fails testing
Their counter argument
The lever can't detect the hidden kinetic energy?
I will present in this paper a logical argument proving that momentum is the only real energy in the universe that momentum is the only quantity conserved through interactions exchanges and that the known facts cannot be collectively organized to support the claim that there is any such thing as a living Force formalized in the equation 1/2 MV squared
The bad Science History
A unproven by experiment axiom
Contradicts the well-proven law of the lever
The next bad science chapter
Denting clay
Rolling objects
Sand explosions
The next bad chapter
Contrived a set of circular formulas to support the theory
The jewel experiments
Dropping things in gravity
Force changes with time exposed to the force
The experiments
Water hose water wheel
One half the volume at twice the speed cannot do more work
Navigating in space landing on the moon
25 times the force 5 times the velocity
Represent catastrophic failures that would render the theory in viable if not majority held
Heat is momentum weight is momentum thrust is momentum
The two concepts of motion are not compatible has both cannot be conserved when energy is transferred between unlike masses
In every case tested momentum is concerned
The bad show experiments
Hair tracks head energy
Low friction carts her designed with wheel structures that store a lot of angular momentum
Guns and Newton's third law
The law can't be applied
Impotent energy