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Show #10 [tobacco tax litigation]
InMendham.com THE TV SHOW:
Show #10 [tobacco tax litigation]
   By 07. 07. on Wednesday, January 03, 2007 - 3:26 pm: |
This is a first in a series of shows where I explain some of my legal adventures. The show provides a chronology of the tobacco tax litigation. It's not very creative programming, but if you like a good train-wreck rant their should be some entertainment value. View OnLine: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 |
   By 07. 143... on Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 10:17 am: |
I've seen your show a few times as I flipped through channels late at night. Last night was one of those nights. I just quit smoking as a New Years resolution ( we'll see ! ), but even as a "ex-smoker" I found your arguement right on the money. ( you are also very entertaining and refreshing, right or wrong you don't pull any punches ) You are absolutely correct on the cigarette tax, the hypochracy or such a high tax on a group that will probably never organize, and don't vote as a block, and the total arogance of the judicial system to threaten additional penalties for bringing the case to court rather than take amnesty. ( However isn't this somewhat comparable to a plea bargain deal? ) New Jersey is the biggest rip-off state in the union. And I know you probably won't agree with me on this one, but as long as we keep electing Democrats into office we'll always get screwed with taxes! ( I consider myself an independent, pro-choice, pro stem cell research, etc., but really dislike the Democrats in power.( Hillary, Kennedy , Gore, and that whole ilk . Anyway, You sound pretty liberal, which is fine with me. Your show is awesome, I'm going to look for it for now on rather then just stumble on it. Let me know when you come out with you 1 st season DVD set like Seinfeld ! |
   By 07. 2....... on Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 3:44 pm: |
Thanks for the encouraging post, and I certainly hope your willpower wins out over the nicotine menace. Regarding: However isn't this somewhat comparable to a plea bargain deal? In my legal papers I call it "threat bargaining" ...the big difference is they were not offering a better deal for a court-cost-saving confession... they were using the unbargain of plan extortion to scare victims out of even attempting to seek justice. Regarding: I know you probably won't agree with me on this one, but as long as we keep electing Democrats into office we'll always get screwed with taxes! Well you are right, I don't agree. In my lesser of evils analysis (something like Mussolini verses Hitler) the fascist borrow-and-spend Republicans are the bigger threat to the rational social policy I would like to see implemented. Democrats, no doubt squander a lot of public resources, but generally speaking they at least force the parasitic Union bumbs to show up for work. Republicans, on the other hand, are happy to lock up half the national economy in the hands of people who did nothing to earn it but fall out of the right vagina....then there's the evil war crap... and the disgustingly arrogant bow to my God crap.... Regarding: really dislike the Democrats in power.( Hillary, Kennedy , Gore, and that whole ilk) Well the Bush, McCain, Cheney ilk ain't exactly a rational alternative. Regarding: Let me know when you come out with your 1st season DVD. Until I find a big enough squirrel to power the inMendham.com production facilities
I can't realistically mass-produced DVDs ... but being that demand (one) hasn't yet stressed supply (one). If you send like $3 I'll send you a DVD with most of the first 10 shows on it. (in spectacular somewhat diminished quality) Send to: inMendham.com c/o G. Mosher 147 Ironia Rd. Mendham, NJ 07945 |
   By 07. 1... on Sunday, April 19, 2015 - 7:52 pm: |