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Mosher vs.
Active Litigation:
Mosher vs.
   By 06. 06. on Thursday, July 06, 2006 - 8:07 pm: |
NjInNj.com-- No justice in New Jersey (Primary focus is the inability to secure fair accountable "due process" in the New Jersey courts regarding various constitutional issues including public access) |
   By 06. 06. 2....... on Thursday, July 06, 2006 - 10:53 pm: |
In brief here's the story: The governing committee of a township of about 5000 people decides to finally activate a PEG access channel made available as part of a franchise agreement with Patriot cable. I make repeated, and very polite, efforts to volunteer what technical skills I have to the endeavor. The offers are presumably rejected without any reply even though the Township continues to solicit volunteer help. Ultimately the cable channel is activated calling itself an "Access Channel of Mendham Township"-- Mendham TV 25. The initial Programming is tediously redundant info banners and some still photography. I decide to submit some photographs I had of a local park... they do broadcast the photographs for a relatively short run. I also submit some home produced video of a television show I call "in Mendham Dot com the TV show". They never run the show (any of five segments submitted) and provide no explanation for its rejection. Over semi-parallel issues regarding the Open Public Records Act and document requests I decide to initiate litigation in Superior Court adding the additional claim that I have been unconstitutionally denied access to a public access channel and its audience. The Township files a letter brief in response to my complaint, claiming among other things, that the station is "government dedicated" and imply no obligation to provide public access. The Township also attempts to use (abuse) a provision in the court rules that allows preposterously frivolous litigation to be dismissed without paying a filing fee, answering the complaint, or permitting discovery... if "matters outside of the complaint" (presumably proof of mental illness or something like that) are raised and substantiated. Of course, being that Superior Court judges wouldn't know a court rule even if you could force one, to read one, The unconstitutional court allows the completely unsupported letter brief to inappropriately transform into summary judgment motion for dismissal. The legal proceedings are ludicrous and include this preposterous exchange.
quote:J- Wilson - you don't have a First Amendment right to appear... to take part in somebody else's broadcast.... P- Mosher - so you're declaring the cable access channel something "they" own... it's not a public property, it's a property of the committee of Mendham Township. J- Wilson - No what I'm saying is you can go get your own access channel if you want to.
Obviously colossal stupidity and arrogance of this magnitude cannot be reasoned with, and judge Wilson willfully violates my constitutional rights and dismisses the case. I have filed a federal action citing this case, among others, as evidence of the fact that the New Jersey court system is incapable of providing constitutionally required "due process"-- and has maliciously violated my constitutional rights (repeatedly). Basically the issue is: Can a town, or cable company, use the term "government dedicated" to convert public access into "Government Controlled Access" with no obligation to respect First Amendment rights? Or in other words, can there be Government access (controlled) without providing, legally complete, Public access? I would argue there is no case law defending this (exclusionary) rationale, and no reasonable excuse for "professional counsel" to advise that such a strategy has any hope of overwhelming the substantial legal precedent establishing such conduct (the intention) as illegal, and a violation of constitutional rights. A recent addition to the crimes was the Borough of Mendham joining in, and expanding, the traitorous tyranny. I haven't decided who to sue, where, as still pending litigation does provide complications. As for the legal argument this quote from the precedent setting Supreme Court case pretty clearly establishes the Supreme Court does not think "Government access" can take place exclusive of all REAL Public Access.
quote: A "leased channel" is a channel that federal law requires a cable system operator to reserve for commercial lease by unaffiliated third parties. About 10 to 15 percent of a cable system's channels would typically fall into this category. See 47 U.S.C. § 532(b). "[P]ublic, educational, or governmental channels" (which we shall call "public access" channels) are channels that, over the years, local governments have required cable system operators to set aside for public, educational, or governmental purposes as part of the consideration an operator gives in return for permission to install cables under city streets and to use public rights of way. See §531; see also H. R. Rep. No. 98-934, p. 30 (1984) (authorizing local authorities to require creation of public access channels). Between 1984 and 1992 federal law (as had much pre-1984 state law, in respect to public access channels) prohibited cable system operators from exercising any editorial control over the content of any program broadcast over either leased or public access channels. See 47 U.S.C. §§ 531(e) (public access), 532(c)(2) (leased access).
When you choose the term "public access" to represent/define PEG channels, or programming, you pretty clearly establish public access as the primary, and obligatory, access. |
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   By 07. 1... on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 - 10:26 pm: |