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Gun Ownership in Femington,NJ
Gun Ownership in Femington,NJ
   By 07. 07. on Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 1:50 am: |
Its been over 30 days (the laws time allowed according to state statute) that I submitted my request for a permit to purchase a gun at the local Flemington, NJ police seargent in charge and no response yet. After downloading the so callend acceptable state application and filling it out I was forced to resubmit a local form slightly different but I did so thinking it was necessary. The seargent then asked me for two letters from the already posted on application refernces to be included before any permit is given. No such mention in the state laws on gun ownership was found so I then asked the two refernces to send the Flemington Police the requested letters. I am still waiting for a response meanwhile (without really knowing the laws or procedures) I purchased a gun on the internet with a NJ dealer but I can not take possesion until I get the permit. Why did I even want a gun? Well It's a right I have not excersised and I wanted for personal protection as the 2nd Amendment is suppose to allow me. Now I know not all are or should be allowed to own a gun like criminals, physcos, etc., but I am none of that and a law abiding citizen who just wants to excersie his right to own a firearm. I was also not aware that to carry a gun required an almost impossible process by the state but I can't even get passed this first herdle. The seargent explaind that almost everyone was refused to carry unless they were retired law enforcment or involved with the need to carry due to their jobs so I had no chance to get it. Again I have to raise the race issue because it is always a factor as an hispanic and the uncomfortable response and look of the seargent in charge of gun permits at the Flemington Police. I really hope it is not an issue. I like to think of people as being just and good in general unless they prove me otherwise. Even though I am 3rd generation US citizen, I have many in my family that are mixed with the so called white majority and probably are not considered hispanic because of their last names but they are. So numbers do not truely reflect our population as many have you believe. As a final note please consider that my race (Puertoricans) are US citizens who have served our country honorably for years and in disproportionate numbers relative to the so called white majority. |
   By 07. 2....... on Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 8:34 am: |
Personally, I'm not a big fan of gun rights. As a practical fact it's not two hundreds years ago. Our nation now has a standing army and we face no threat a citizen militia would be of any use in combating. As for personal security I believe statistics indicate that a gun purchased for that purpose is more likely to be used to commit a crime, then effectively prevent one. Regardless of my personal dislike of guns... I certainly support the principle that the law must be applied equally and evenly allowing no room for perversion by personal affiliations or bigotries. To be clear, I am not saying all people should be expected to be void of any personal preferences and prejudices-- just that they should never be free to compromise someone else's rights based on that usually less than fair judgment. In all honesty, I lament, the slow death of my race, and the less than elegant and beautiful contribution third-world diversity has made to American culture--or more precisely "New England" culture. In my opinion there is no getting around the fact that people have uniquely personal conditioned sensibilities, through life and experience we acquire likes, and dislikes, and naturally some of those subjective opinions "color" our vision...sometimes in unexpected ways, for although I grew up in the South (Louisiana), I pretty much despise that ignorant, violent, redneck culture and would probably rather live in Harlem than Arkansas. Beyond this personal mush, I suspect I am trying to say that civilizing--constitutional style--principles (not punishing the innocent for the acts of the guilty) should make racism irrelevant as a social blite. Unfortunately, because too many people don't make constitutional principle a first priority, that should, is just a could. |
   By 07. 1... on Friday, January 15, 2016 - 9:25 pm: |