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Lets Do It Right

Mendham: SSB Was A Fraud: Lets Do It Right
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By . . on Monday, January 09, 2006 - 2:30 pm:
I set up this page for discussion of an "idea breeding system" that would both create incentive for participation, and rules likely to thoroughly test, through comprehensive cost benefit analysis, ideas, and ultimately reward the "best". I will post my blueprint as soon as I find the time to write it.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By 46... . . on Monday, January 09, 2006 - 8:42 pm:
Here are 2 of mine I thought had merit:

Use an Important Resource Better
Submitted by anonymous in South Carolina
Problem: Education and learning resources not openly available to public.
Solution: make available to anyone willing to learn; free simple access through the internet to structured internet classes. Presently theses are expensive; require registering and student management for course credit and degree. By providing unmanaged internet attendance through the internet without credit or degree you have an unused resource otherwise wasted. There could be a no cost registration and password on the web for audit and to prevent abuse. Course material (textbooks, library research access) could be allowed using validated registration password. Restricted limited access to the course and material through registration and ID verification on web access would be possible for little cost. This cost could be funded by the government. The government will get more public education at the smallest cost to taxpayer. Schools can receive a small subsidy for non paying public attendance that can put more classes online and improve quality.
Benefit: a better educated public, the best use of resources, giving learning opportunity to people that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

4 ways to better the economy
Submitted by anonymous in South Carolina
Problems; for us industry
1. High worker’s comp & Outsourcing.
2 Import of cheap foreign products
3 Fuel cost
4 Expensive oil for raw materials & Electric cost
1. Combine fees business pay in each state to create one national fee; this will reduce the overhead incurred each adds on in administration cost. Reject claims that are from illegal workers making the employer liable. Subsidize the fund by levying fees on company’s outsourced employees, with the new national percentage; this will reduce the overall normalized cost to business.
2. Transportation surcharge on foreign goods entering our country (.04 per pound)
3. Federal and within state fuel tax exempt cards truckers and service sector; National retail company transportation ownership disqualified
4. Oil Extracted from US price regulated to cost + 20% for Industrial use, raw
material production and Utilities Use. Negotiate with Oil Co. suspend all new Oil& Gas mineral rights contingent on this agreement or require 25% of all US production to (cost +20%) for all Oil from public lands and new offshore sources.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By 2....... . on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - 6:17 am:
anonymous in South Carolina,
Please take no offense... but I will be moving your post to a more appropriate subject thread. The subject here is designing a better sense-sliced-bread idea slicer.... until that is accomplished there is not much point in submitting your general change-the-world ideas. Coincidentally, one of your ideas pretty closely parallels this idea I submitted-- Free Knowledge

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