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"Trans-Gender" teacher for your kids
Town Stuff:
"Trans-Gender" teacher for your kids
   By Fred Smith on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:15 pm: |
It's good to know that Mendham has joined the rest of P.C. Nation and is happy to have a teacher change gender mid-school year and go on like nothing has happened. Maybe it's just me, but is it possible that just maybe, that may screw up half the kids in the school. When we had a real country, he/she would be gone. Of course, now he/she can't ever be fired because he/she is 'protected' and any firing would be gender-bias/discrimination, etc., good grief. Thankfully, my kids don't go to the public schools. |
   By huh ? on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 1:00 pm: |
What ? for real ? |
   By NutlessAgain on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 7:32 pm: |
Rather have an open, transgendered teacher than a closet gay and/or pedophile lurking about. |
   By think on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 8:42 pm: |
or maybe you already have all 3 in one ... who is to say? |
   By onlyin mendham on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 7:12 am: |
What's up with this town? First St. Joe's abusing kids, now kids having to resolve the concept of trans-gender disorders, why can't kids just be allowed to be kids in this town without all the extraneous crap being piled on them by adults and their maladjusted sex issues. I know this is not a predatory issue, like at St. Joe's, but they're still kids and maybe the "education brings enlightenment" crowd could wait until kids get to high school or college before making them resolve these types of issues in their minds. |
   By SoSayethThe V on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 12:03 am: |
Does anyone watch South Park! ? Mr. Garrison gets a sex change ... should be mandatory viewing for anyone in this "guy/gal's" class .... |
   By Fred Smith on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 9:29 am: |
to 'onlyinMendham' FYI...It wasn't St. Joe's School. It was a priest (Father Handley) who was abusing parish kids (alter boys in particular)....and that certainly wasn't just a Mendham/St. Joe's issue....if you follow the news at all you'd know it's a national disgrace...so while I agree with most of what you said, that part of your comment is wrong. |
   By Fred, you dolt on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 10:17 am: |
Fred, Hanley was a priest at St. Joe's at the time of dozens of offences. This documented and known. In fact, in many ways, the St. Joes fiasco, offences & subsequent cover up by Lash & even Rodimer can be seen as a nucleus of the publicity that began the much deserved downfall of the "Catholic Church". |
   By onlyinmendham on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 10:23 am: |
Fred- you're correct, and I did not express that clearly. My apologies to anyone offended by that unfair generalization. |
   By onlyinmendham on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 10:32 am: |
For "dolt"... Msgr Lasch was one of the few with the courage to confront the problem, probably at great expense to his own position. If you watched the conferance of bishops who were sopposed to be addressing this problem, you may have noted that there was little outrage or sense of urgency to resolve the problem. Instead, most of them looked bored, put out, and extremely annoyed to be forced to admit a problem existed. |
   By Anonymous on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 10:42 am: |
Let's get back to the subject of how this will effect the kids at the school. He also has two kids that attend the twp schools. They will be teased endlessly. I feel sorry for them. The newspaper said that the school received little negative reaction from parents, but i don't believe most of the parents knew about it before the article was published. |
   By my $3 bills worth on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 12:12 pm: |
Superficially, it seems appropriate that there be some sort of limit on what "irregularities" we will tolerate in the overall demeanor of "teachers" -- but I don't think applying broad generalities is either fair or productive. Defining what personal aberrations are too distracting or detracting to be permitted is kind of a complex question when you consider all the permutations. Sometimes we are "weird" by no fault or choice of our own and it seems harsh and unempathetic to see the weirdness and nothing else. Even if I "choose" to tattoo "George Bush Sucks" on my forehead and "You Are Assholes For Voting For Him" on my butt cheeks -- how many doors of normal opportunity should I be barred from knocking on? I don't know enough details about what this teacher brings to the table that might compensate for the detracting weirdness-- So I personally can't say whether I think the person should be, or shouldn't be, a teacher. What I know for sure is that the teachers' union shouldn't be telling us what we can or cannot consider in deciding who's going to be a teacher-- or who's going to remain a teacher. |
   By Mary Smith on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 12:30 pm: |
My$3 bills has an excellent point in saying that the teachers' union should not be telling us which teachers we should keep and which ones should be let go. I do not have children that will attend that school. I'm still unsure of how I would feel if my child was taking 8th grade language arts with him/her. I would love to know what some of the parents,who's child will have him/her as a teacher this year, are thinking. |
   By Voltaire on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 4:07 pm: |
Boy that didnt take long for gerry the dim witted admin to somehow make it about the "teachers union" .... NO Business nor Public entity could fire some one on Gender Change, not just the (wrongfully supposed in this case) Teachers Union. As I have pointed out over and over .. the BOE is supposed to have oversight on such things. Many of you on this board often lean to the left liberal bent, but are frightened by this wee wee snipper ... (maybe rightfully so ... but). You, the Govt, a Company, no one can fire someone on this grounds .. its clear cut *heh heh) .... and (gerry hold your breath) ILLEGAL. As for your beloved Msgr Lasch: I was friends with several Altar Boys. Jim Hanley was known as "Father HandleMe" even back in 1980's .. it was no mystery, certainly at the time of Lasch joining St Joes. There are men of the cloth and men of God. Lasch is a man of the cloth. If you believe in that Christian Bullshit, you will know that the Lord will hold no quarter for your good Msgr., HandleMe nor the Bishop. A wrong of that magnitude should have been addresed immediately and totally, not thru the arcane buracracy of the church and a bunch of old men in dresses who sure as HELL were not going to admit to such a problem, let alone atone for it. As for the guy who wants tattos on his forehead and ass ... there is likely a vacancy at St. Joes for an Altar Boy "position" that will allow for almost constant viewing of your slogans by clergy, at least. |
   By Fred Smith on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 7:18 pm: |
Voltaire....you proved my point. The fact that it would be illeagal do do the sensible thing (i.e. fire he/she's ass) just illustrates how far down the shithole this once great country has fallen. p.s. to the moron who thinks I'm a "dolt"... you are truly an idiot. Father Lasch was about the only priest in the country with the stones to stand up and speak out on this issue. To even suggest he was part of a coverup just shows how ignorant and stupid you really are. You are truly a moron....and I don't think the "Catholic Church" (whatever the quotes mean) is going anywhere soon..sorry for the news flash genius. F'ingidiot. |
   By Dopiate of the Masses on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 7:34 pm: |
Enrollment is down, Church Coffers are at the Lowest ever, and everywhere you look, the once venerated church is mocked openly. As it should be. |
   By But ... so obvious & widely reported ... on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 7:35 pm: |
Apparently that's news to Fred Smith, the genius... |
   By Anonymous on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 8:08 pm: |
Can we please get back to the point of the teacher at the boro school district. Last year he was Mr. M, this year he/she is Mrs. M. Does anyone think this will effect the kids in any way? Let's forget about the teachers union, BOE, and St Joe's. |
   By dang me dang me might as well ... on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 8:09 pm: |
http://www.snapnetwork.org/priest_stories/lasch_lo oks_back.htm (reported in 85 .. filed 8 years later ... when statute of limitations had expired ... why do you suppose the lapse in time ... ?) Fred ... find a rope. |
   By ms Mz ?? on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 8:29 pm: |
Wouldnt it be Ms. M ? |
   By Anonymous on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 9:30 pm: |
I believe you're right. Ms. M would be correct! |
   By the v v v verdict on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 1:44 am: |
quote:NO Business nor Public entity could fire some one on Gender Change, not just the (wrongfully supposed in this case) Teachers Union
What federal or state law offers protection against discrimination based on "sex change". Sexual orientation (which is protected) is not the same as physical rearrangement . Furthermore, all civil rights legislation has been effectively modified by the high courts to include clauses that basically nullify a claim of discrimination if the "discrimination" was not just narrowly based on generalization and presumptive bigotry-- In other words, The law as interpreted does recognize extenuating circumstances that create extenuating problems that employers are allowed to consider in deciding who to hire or fire. Even furthermore, regardless of what any phantom V legislation might say-- a jury made of members of the community would ultimately decide (In any consequentially relevant matter) claims of discrimination, and considering the popular view of the community it is unlikely that a Board of Education would be punished for making a thoughtful careful decision with the best interest of the children as a priority. Put simply, the law is intended to stop people from acting on bigotry it is not intended to stop them from being reasonable.
quote:Boy that didnt take long for gerry the dim witted admin to somehow make it about the "teachers union"
Rules regarding hiring and firing-- like "tenure" -- are completely an entirely about the teachers' union. It is also a fact that there are clauses in the union-- imposed through extortion-- contract that prevent the Board of Education from making information relevant to such issues public. Any honest observer must concede that there is a lot wrong with the 10% democracy that installs the Board of Education and a lot wrong with the political influence the teachers' union is able to peddle through their publicly financed "organization". The truth is we have become slaves to our "public servants" and we really should make some effort to escape our bondage. News Story |
   By Fred Smith on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 8:28 am: |
you are truly a moron. Even if reported in '85, the statute of limitations had already expired (most acts occured in the 70's)...there were also settlement agreements signed by the victums and their families which prevented disclosure. Blame the Church all you want (I certainly do)...but leave Lasch out of it. You simply have no F'ing clue. |
   By V on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 9:01 am: |
Last time Fred, I can tell from your tone - YOU dont know. These were my friends, I was an altar boy .. '85 was when the publicity of the staff knowing what was going on took place. The reality is/was it was common knowledge for many years before - BUT no one had the courage to do anything about it UNTILL it became apparent the levee was going to break. Fred, a word of wisdom to you .. which is no doubt like a pearl on a swine - .. dont beleive everything you read, especially when the church and litigants are involved ... Fred - Im going to assume you lack education ... |
   By V on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 10:55 am: |
gerry the hapless admin = Mr/Ms M Social Deformaties and Abberations .. (gerry is fighting and losing a legal battle centering around his own disability) His comments should be stricken from the record, as clearly, he can not be objective. (** comment added for strictly incendiary purposes **) gerry, your legal "expertise" has failed you so far, what makes you think my interpretation of the FACT is phantom ... ( as for a jury ... gerry, good lawyers would ask for a change of venue ... look it up in your copy of "The Law for Dummies" ) We shall see .... wee wee snipper will remain teaching. |
   By VomanWith NoBalls on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 11:39 am: |
As usual, Voltaire replies with no facts just full ASS crap-ola pontification. If the teacher "will remain teaching" it won't be because the law says "We The People" have no choice-- it will be because the 10% democracy BOE and the teachers union say so... and we the people do nothing to say we don't want it that way. As for "change of venue"" No Judge would likely see any reason to change the "venue" out of Morris County. As for your baby-talk references to male body parts they certainly reveal your silly childish feminine side...I suspect you're a cross-poster. |
   By V on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 11:46 am: |
later I will find your little potty words like "Junkier Junk" and what not .. "Wee Wee Snipper" was (to the more astutue reader) a double entendre .. "Wee" as in small, inconsequential (in this case the offending appendage that denoted "gender") "Wee Wee" might be what a young person might call it (ie: a student, in this case). It comes as no surprise to me that these things are lost on you. I wonder if tax dollars paid for the operation ... (quick gerry .. blame the teachers union) |
   By V on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 11:52 am: |
gerry cant even get this right ... In the closest federal case on point, Ulane v. Eastern Airlines, a commercial airline pilot who underwent sexual reassignment surgery sued under Title VII for wrongful discharge. She had her birth certificate and her Federal Aviation Authority certification changed to show her sex as female. The trial court ruled that transsexuals are protected under Title VII, finding that "sex is not a cut-and-dried matter of chromosomes, and that ... the term, 'sex', as used in any scientific sense and as used in the statute can be and should be reasonably interpreted to include among its denotations the question of sexual identity." (more later .. this took 2 seconds.) |
   By Fred Smith on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 12:08 pm: |
V...you are a total fool. My education level [not that it matters except in your own warped mind] is certainly as high (likely higher) than yours...Graduate degree (law) and Ivy League undergraduate degree (history). The fact that you say you were an alter boy and were not abused says a lot. If "everyone knew" about Handley, where were your parents??? Seems to me if it was such an open secret they (or you) would have gone to the police to report it immediately... You have real issues (and you're a jerk). |
   By V on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 12:29 pm: |
I was an altar boy because it beat sitting in the pews .. ( i was a heathen even then ) My parental relationship is furthest from the issue here .. I couldnt care less that my fellow Altar boys got plugged .. at that time I was hardly concerned with their problems, it didnt happen to me .. cause I was (and like to think I still am .. ) mean as a snake .. I didnt waste my time on their fishing trips & whatnot .. I was a delinquent .. I am not surprised that your gandiose education seems to have skipped remedial spelling & grammer ( I dont take too much time editing these fights myself obviously, but) Based on your wirting and spelling "ability" - I am going to go ahead an assume that your ed. resume listed is a complete fabrication .. ( your spelling of "victums" is the funniest .. ) anyhooo ... You have obviously drank of the Kool Aid poured by Lasch & Co at St. Joes, and that makes you the biggest fool of all ... therein, whatever you may say I shall immediately put on the same low shelf with gerry the hapless admin. (right at "kicking" level ... ) |
   By Anonymous on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 12:41 pm: |
Back to the subject of................. |
   By V on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 1:28 pm: |
The wee wee snipper .. Dont forget this is a shock proof generation .. far from "A Christmas Story" and getting tongues stuck on frozen basketball poles. This is a generation that takes X (exctasy), Rx Pills and snorts Heroin at a frighteningly early age. A generation that thinks oral sex isnt sex (thank you president clinton). A generation that tattoos and pierces and wears hats with price tags still on them sideways, belted pants below the ass line and other crap older people have a tough time understanding .. (this is not Fonzie with a leather jacket and collars turned up) The New Dumb are Shock Proof, carry tazers and their parents sleeping tablets, just to get thru the day. They have seen internet clips of bestiality, beheadings and sexual deviations far beyond the pale of the missionary fucking of their parents. Mr. / Ms. M is the least of their problems .. |
   By 2 second Vman unsatisfactory on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 1:34 pm: |
quote:On appeal, the decision in Ulane (supra) was reversed. The Seventh Circuit, while acknowledging that title VII is a remedial statute and thus to be liberally construed, determined that it was "constrained" to rule that the term "sex" in the statute had to be given its "plain meaning [which] implies that it is unlawful to discriminate against women because they are women and against men because they are men" (742 F2d, at 1085, supra). Thus, it was concluded that while a transsexual claiming discrimination because of his or her current status as a male or female could state a valid cause of action under title VII, the discrimination here was because plaintiff was a transsexual, "a biological male who takes female hormones, cross-dresses, and has surgically altered parts of her body to make it appear to be female" (supra, at 1087), and the statute does not protect persons based on their sexual identity. In so ruling, the court observed that there was little legislative history to the amendment adding the word "sex" to the statute in that it was added as a floor amendment one day before House approval of the legislation as a "gambit" of a southern congressman seeking to scuttle the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which was originally designed only to prohibit discrimination based on race (supra, at 1085). The ruling in Ulane (supra) is consistent with the decisions of all Federal courts that have considered the issue, to wit: Dobre v National R. R. Passenger Corp. (850 F Supp 284 [ED Pa 1993]); Sommers v Budget Mktg. (667 F2d 748 [8th Cir 1982]); Powell v Read's, Inc. (436 F Supp 369 [D Md 1977]); Grossman v Bernards Twp. Bd. of Educ. (11 FEP Cases 1196 [D NJ 1975], affd 538 F2d 319 [3d Cir 1976]); Holloway v Andersen & Co. (566 F2d 659 [9th Cir 1977]); Voyles v Davies Med. Ctr. (403 F Supp 456 [ND Cal [1975], affd 570 F2d 354 [9th Cir 1978]).
   By eh .. 2 more secs/sexs on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 1:48 pm: |
Meh .. Im working on it .. (lazily and without the zeal of yer gerry .. ) I will find it .. You cant fire a cross gender (er) on that alone .. - maybe as a "public servant" .. AND OR like gerry - "it" could claim it's a disability (wanting to be a woman) .. hell gerry's own case might set some relevant precedent .. wouldnt that be FUNNYYYY ! AND / OR (again gerry .. try to think like a SMART lawyer .. i know its hard and it probably could give you a headache .. or worse .. ) "it" could claim it is Gay or ... sexually disabled or who knows what ... making it ALSO illegal to fire them on those grounds ... |
   By Fred Smith on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 1:57 pm: |
V...you're pathetic. Too bad Handley missed you (or so you say)...Actually, someone with your obvious mental problems was probably poked in the can... but good. p.s. which was it...first you say you had "friends who were alter boys"...now you claim that you were and alter boy...why don't you just admit you don't know what the F you're talking about. |
   By V on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 2:44 pm: |
ok fred .. it is now clear .. you are at best a day laborer .... home eating generic vicodin on account of a "bad back" as an Altar Boy .. I had friends who were Altar Boys ... see how that works, freddy ... perhaps you could find a child to explain it to you .. Caius is a man. All Men are Mortal therefore Caius is Mortal Now head back to St. Joes, put a $20 in the collection tray and forget that it is going straight into some attorney or insurance company's pocket to minimize legal punative damages for the the fact that boys were molested there repeatedly over many years, and that the administration saw fit to cover it up, pay it off an minimize it ... "for the good of the church". One of my friends laid down in front of the 5:17 train, fred .. so go suck the good Father off, pat him on the back and tell him jebus forgives him, you stupid hillbilly. |
   By V on topic on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 2:54 pm: |
http://www.transgenderlaw.org/#popular Apprently .. more states are working on this question ... but as you can imagine there is little .. "soft money" to speed legislation along. |
   By Fred Smith on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 3:35 pm: |
Hey V...What time is it? Do us all a big favor. If you hurry, I think you can still get up on the tracks and catch that same 5:17 express out of Morristown. You poor sap. |
   By V on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 5:01 pm: |
Thats good ... Ladies & Gentlemen .. Fred Smith is now making light of a St. Joes Abuse related Suicide. |
   By mike on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 6:33 pm: |
GENTLEMEN, Please,Please,Please don't make St. Joe's be the Knife you throw at one another.I too was an altar boy during those times and I also was not abused by that priest. I was born in this town and it is sacred to me. I was abused as a boy but not in the church and I always used the church for a sanctuary during those times. It destroyed me when I learned what had happened although I guess I too always knew something was wrong when the older boys kept me out of the rectory. Now I struggle to go to the church where my family is buried and the windows show my family name. I love my church but I am very confused as to what will happen to it or who is in charge and are they a man or woman of God or hiding from a society where they are not welcome. My 9 year old daughter who is going into 4th grade asked me today about the transexual teacher who she may have next year and I was amazed she already had this information. Yes people, the children know, they seemed to all be talking amongst themselves at the concert in the park like the children of the corn. I had to tell her it was true and explained to her what transgender was. A 9 year old just thinks it's interesting and non-predudicially wants to know more. I on the other handafter being abused is so protective that I am trying hard to view this situation with an open mind. I know in the end this teacher will either teach or be a billionaire after the initial witch hunt is over. God bless us EVERYONE. |
   By fred on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 6:44 pm: |
and you can prove the 25-30 year old abuse (and nothing else) caused the suicide, I suppose? p.s. hey dickhead, how about you stay on topic or move. You're boring everyone. |
   By Colin on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 6:48 pm: |
Fred, v has commented on numerous topics while you seem fixed on this one. Why dont you move on ? Maybe he's right. |
   By M on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 7:11 pm: |
Mike, Thank you for adding your point of view. I think many people will struggle to keep an open mind. I've heard he/she is a very good teacher, but I would honestly feel a bit on edge if my child attended school there. |
   By B.J. on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 7:29 pm: |
Yes, and V is always so insightful and interesting. His $.02 always seems more like a nickel. |
   By Mary on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 7:39 pm: |
V or whatever is funny. Everyone else is sad. And the $3 doller guy seems really sad. If somone hurt those boys and Fred Smith thinks its funny he can go to hell and i dont think Mike is sincere he sounds like the $3 doller guy and B.J. why did you even say anything, are you afriad to go outside ? |
   By mike on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 8:02 pm: |
The man who died was Mr. Kelly not a no name vagrant. He must have been struggling his whole life with this. Others from St. Joe's are drug addicts or living on the street with no will to live or they struggle to try to raise a family and forget the past. Mary you'll never know how sincere I am. I just know I miss the town of old where we all knew and cared for one another. And you always got a hello and handshake at (foodtown) and someone always stopped to let you out of a side street. |
   By Fred on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 8:21 pm: |
Mike, you sound like a good guy and I'm interested in your comments. It's just hard to restrain myself when that V jackass ruins the entire board with his useless rants. |
   By Hope on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 8:30 pm: |
I think all of us who grew up here miss the "old Mendham." Mr. Kelly and many of the other victims a lot us know/knew have to struggle everyday to get through this. His death was a very sad thing that should not be made light of when refering to this situation. It was tragic. I truely believe that his teacher will not hurt a child, but still feel somewhat apprehensive about children going to school there. Children have seen a lot on the internet and such, but this... in their own school is a big shock. I try to keep an open mind, but it is easier said than done. |
   By Voltaire on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 8:39 pm: |
Anyone interested ? Mike M Fred S and Hope are all the same IP address .. its the same person. trying (like gerry) to backpeddle and go back on their word(s). re read everything up till the last 3 or 4 posts ... and you will know ---- I am working on the address and we will have our "sinner" ie the one who is using the St. Joes epidemic to make some laughing boy point on this stupid web site. |
   By Angus on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 9:13 pm: |
v...you are a sad sack. |
   By dont tell yer mamma .. on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 9:23 pm: |
AND once figgered, I will send a transcript of this to both the Observer Tribune and the Daily Record. |
   By HowLowCan V Go on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 10:43 pm: |
I would have hoped it wouldn't need saying... but fraudulent or insincere posting is rude and inconsiderate behavior on a message board --it certainly is an abuse of the privilege of anonymous posting. IP addresses would indicate that V has posted as Mary and Colin, obviously deliberately intending to create false impressions... this behavior is low... even for this scumbag. I really don't wanna start filtering IP addresses (will just further slow the message board software down) but I guess something has to be done to prevent the scummy Vpples from leaving a distracting bad taste on every subject. When I get the time I will rewrite the message board software and use cookies, or some other device, to make it possible to efficiently tag and isolate repeat offenders that show no respect for message board participants or the art of argument. |
   By V sez Do It on Tuesday, August 02, 2005 - 7:30 am: |
Im all for it Jackass ... you know damn well there are multiple offenders, probably even you. |
   By Obvious Cat on Tuesday, August 02, 2005 - 8:56 pm: |
I think under that form of censorship, theoretically EVERYONE should be flagged. Of course, gerry the hapless admin will continue to ONLY single out V / Voltaire. Admin Note: For the record I've never posted using a fake "name" or with the intent to imply I was anyone else but myself. I haven't checked all the IP addresses but the only other minor deception I ran across was the fact that Fred and B.J. had the same IP. The software does permit me to make IP addresses visible but I don't think it's fair to the innocent to make those addresses public. In the future when I have time to rewrite the software bad apples like V will have all their posts marked with a unique identifier and anyone who persistently-like v- post off subject rhetoric... and lies, won't be censored, they will simply be denied posting privileges. |
   By and the farmer hauled another load away on Wednesday, August 03, 2005 - 7:46 am: |
More bullshit. |
   By V on Wednesday, August 03, 2005 - 11:42 am: |
And for the record: Because some of you imbeciles can NOT read. I am down on St. Joes and Co. because of What They Are. I do not condone nor abide by Fred making lite of the Altar Boy situation. As I said: AT THE TIME - I didn't care or want to get involved in other peoples problems. ( I was not even yet a teen ). the preist was known as "Father HandleMe" even then. I was friends with many of the people who were impacted by the Altar Boy thing, and this quite rightfully contributes to my disgust with St. Joes. It was a fucking Charade from the word, Go. Anything gerry says; all readers should know is coloured by the fact that he can only see V, so disregard it, like an Ape Flinging Poo all over himself at the Zoo. |
   By The Subject isNot on Wednesday, August 03, 2005 - 1:42 pm: |
The record regarding who is the reckless "poo flinger" around here is quite clear to any moderately intelligent reader. Your pompous arrogance might fool dugan-- but everyone else sees through it, to what you are... a useless menace to rational discussion. |
   By oooo no on Wednesday, August 03, 2005 - 2:05 pm: |
Meh ... sez you and one other jackass (fred)who is busy pretending to be 3 different people .. |
   By DickDoDoesnt on Wednesday, August 03, 2005 - 4:12 pm: |
Was wondering if this guy/gal/it was able to "do it" to/with him/her/itself when 1/2 way through the "process" |
   By heh heh on Sunday, August 07, 2005 - 10:00 pm: |
http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/08/06/church.abuse.ap/ index.html |
   By Day of Judgement on Monday, August 08, 2005 - 9:12 am: |
http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/08/07/bishop.subpoena.a p/index.html Yessir .. the Catholic Church is doing great things ... Super |
   By Old News on Monday, August 08, 2005 - 1:13 pm: |
This Catholic stuff is really off subject... and frankly it's unfair. I believe statistics would indicate that Trans-Gender "homosexuals" are less likely than regular homosexuals to act on any inappropriate sexual desires regarding children. Even "most" regular homosexuals are not child molesters. If you wanna discuss the Catholic Church and its silly policy of obliging its leadership to embrace unnatural celibacy or if you wanna discuss the foolish notion that a average, normal, man could find much gratification in hanging around with grammar school children all day -- start a New Subject! The subject here is about psychological confusion and "weirdness" and how much of it the taxpayers must tolerate being manifest in the teachers that have the power to influence the development of societies children. |
   By M - O - U - S - E eeeee Mickey etc on Monday, August 08, 2005 - 1:40 pm: |
Once again (shall I assume the hapless admin) is trying to take the discussion to some teacher bashing that is not going to happen. One person / teacher you know nothing about EXCEPT that he/she switched gender, is NO example you can intelligently base your twisted anti teacher rants on. Suppose this is an excellent teacher. Still ready to fire away ? Of Course you are. Why ? |
   By unimposed opinion on Monday, August 08, 2005 - 8:06 pm: |
quote:I don't know enough details about what this teacher brings to the table that might compensate for the detracting weirdness-- So I personally can't say whether I think the person should be, or shouldn't be, a teacher.
I think this was a pretty fair statement. Between the time of that post and now, I have learned a little more information and am leaning towards the conclusion that this individual isn't exceptional or vital enough to justify accepting the liabilities. Nothing in any of the articles I've read demonstrates exceptional competence or achievement... and for me personally I have little confidence in the character of people who describe themselves as a "wonderful" anything. It's my opinion that this teacher is pretty self-involved and very unrealistic in its expectation of understanding. Put simply, if I had a vote, I would say no based on what [little] I know... Even regardless of the merit of this person as a teacher --there should be enough respect for the taxpaying public that this "very unusual circumstance" not be a surprising imposition... but, more appropriately, a voluntary willful indulgence. |
   By Isn't that special! on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 - 5:51 pm: |
Since he is now a women was her pay reduced? |
   By Anonymous on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 6:46 am: |
This guy is obviously a troubled person who dealt with it.Now this person has to live in a hellish world of prejudgement,ridicule and verbal abuse.I vaguely knew this guy before all this.I know he is a big baseball fan and he loves his kids,he is a regular person with all the same problems we all have. Bottom line for me is I don't really care what HE is.He is a person who needs to move on away and start over in a place where nobody needs to know what he is, where no parent will have to explain to a small child what he is..... |
   By DUGAN on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 7:51 am: |
Banish him to boogie land .And what about that Day top priest. |
   By HE DID WHAT?!?! on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 12:27 pm: |
He/she must live with his/her decision and the effects it will have. In all fairness to him/her and his/her family he/she should resign and move elsewhere to start a new life. I think his/her actions were the extreme reaction to a deep rooted problem. I doubt there is any legal recourse for the BOE, nor should there be. However in everyone's best interests it would be appropriate to submit a resignation. I could go on and on but won't for sake of decency. |
   By Anonymous on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 12:46 pm: |
Here Here...well said.Time to move on...for EVERYONES best interest... |
   By I support her on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 5:40 pm: |
Assuming anyone is interested in an intelligent discussion of this issue: My son will likely have Ms. M this school year, and I'm absolutely fine with it. My son is fine with it, my younger children are fine with it. I met Mr. M at the end of last school year (though she was a woman then, she lived as a man for the remainder of the school year in order not to disrupt the school year with this transition) and he struck me as a lovely person whom the kids obviously adored. I hoped, then, that my son would have him as a teacher this year, as I now hope that he will have her. The kids to whom I've spoken (who might also have her this year) are curious, but respectful and have already accepted it. They still adore this teacher, as it should be, and are looking forward to being in her class this year. She is a woman, not a 'he/she'. The 'deep-rooted problem' is a medical condition. Gender reassignment does not equal pedophilia. These notions are fear-based and absurd. Personally, I feel that it's in everyone's best interest to gain some understanding about this condition if they do not understand it, and move on. What an incredible example it would set (especially if any of our children suffer with the same issue) if our community were to support and honor the courage Ms. M shows by remaining here and not 'moving elsewhere to start a new life.' |
   By Voice of reason on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 7:25 pm: |