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Withdrawing from regional school district
Town Stuff:
Withdrawing from regional school district
   By link on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 7:20 pm: |
Towns grapple with regional tax issue |
   By BetterWars ToFight on Friday, May 06, 2005 - 4:05 pm: |
I did edablogerize on this suject in the current news blog post. |
   By Dumberer than 139 on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 3:17 pm: |
Mendhams share of $20000. per student should buy a better national ranking than number 140 on the nations best high school list. 140 is pathetic. |
   By 2....... . on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - 7:16 pm: |
quote:Mayor Krieg expressed concern with the Regional High School Board’s recent referendum that authorized $2 million from reserve into their construction project. Mr. Phelan agreed that the residents need to challenge the Board of Education. Ms. Florek said the per-student cost to Mendham Township is such that Mendham Township is carrying the majority of the cost. Mr. Pierson said that the other towns in the district need to go along with Mendham Township in moving towards dissolution of the district. Mayor Krieg said he met with Mayor Kraft of Mendham Borough and Mayor Kraft doesn’t think the Borough’s residents are concerned about the funding.
   By 2....... . on Thursday, March 30, 2006 - 10:31 am: |
West Morris funding formula 'unfair' Personally, I don't think debates about "fair taxation" that lack "real facts" and anything close to complete context are likely to produce accurate understanding or action/policy of durable best efficiency. An important point the newspaper article declines to make is that what is being attacked is what is generally termed progressive taxation (ie. taxation proportional to wealth/income/value). In essence, what the residents of the Mendhams and Cesters are arguing for is a flat-school-tax that would oblige households of all means to pay the same absolute price for social investment in public education. This raises an interesting hypocrisy test.... if flat taxation is good enough for the school budget, why not flat taxation regarding the entire property tax burden. I wonder how many Mendham residents would vote to pay perhaps 20 or 30 percent more in property taxes to give the mega million-dollar mansion owners of Mendham a substantial tax break? In my opinion there's a lot wrong with how much is wastefully spent on public education.... and a lot wrong with the "tax the roof over your head" funding scheme that makes absolutely no effort to apportion any relative financing responsibility on those creating the social burden. Put simply, we should be debating fixing what's broken instead of trying to break what basically works. |
   By 31... . . . . . on Thursday, March 30, 2006 - 1:47 pm: |
2.... You make some good points. Progressive taxation aside, taxation for public schools is not usually based on benefit received. For example, if we were to break away from the HS district, why not then break Mendham Twp., Chester, and Mendham Borough into three separate districts? If I live on a street with no public High School students, can our street break away from the district? My street is paying more than our fair share! So, of course the logic of cost/pupil breaks down quite quickly. A belief in Public Education is not compatible with a belief in cost/pupil funding. I think, though what's more important here is that we have one high school that serves Washington Twp. exclusively and one that serves Mendham and Chester. That makes our subsidy of the Long Valley kids education more apparant to all of us. Long Valley has grown in population tremendously over the past decade, while Mendham and Chester have not (to the same extent). The potential benefit of reduced operating expenses from a combined school district is by far outweighed by the increased tax burden for those of us in Mendham and Chester. Washington Township is connected to Mendham and Chester only through this regional HS district. We do not share other services with them --- The fact that we are in the same HS district is an unfortunate vestige of a time when we all shared WMMHS. We are not part of the same "community." Those days are gone, time to move on. I'd much rather let Washington Township have WMMHS to themselves --- to use and pay for. |
   By 31... . on Thursday, March 30, 2006 - 1:48 pm: |
sorry I meant WMCHS not WMMHS in the above post.... |
   By 2....... . on Thursday, March 30, 2006 - 3:45 pm: |
31... some likewise well pointed argument.
quote:"Washington Township is connected to Mendham and Chester only through this regional HS district. ...We are not part of the same "community."....I'd much rather let Washington Township have WMCHS to themselves."
Clearly it is human nature to "us" and "them" the world around us.... but in principle shouldn't we attempt to avoid letting that infect public policy? Some members of the community apparently consider me a "cockroach" worthy of extermination -- should public policy afford me the right to therefore consider their Nazi spawn less worthy of a public education. Poor people are generally morons or uncultured scum ....but as I see it, that doubles the rational logic of fully funding the public education of their children by stealing a subsidy from the rich. |
   By 2....... . . on Friday, March 31, 2006 - 8:09 am: |
From OT: A proposed, $40,000 study to discover the tax advantages of de-regionalizing the West Morris Regional School District is gaining support in the Chesters and Mendhams, said officials. “We have gotten many letters in support of the redistricting,” said Chester Borough Administrator Valerie Egan on Monday. “I have even received letters from the borough and the township in favor of the split.” The Chester Borough and Mendham Township governing bodies co-signed letters on March 22 to residents outlining the need for a school district tax study, which would review the tax structure in the sending towns of the West Morris Regional School District. The letters were mailed to residents in Mendham Township, Mendham Borough, Chester Township and Chester Borough, Chester Mayor Dennis Verbaro said on Friday. The school district includes Washington Township, Mendham Township, Mendham Borough, Chester Township and Chester Borough and two high schools, West Morris Central High School on Bartley Road in Long Valley and West Morris Mendham High School on Main Street in Mendham. The open letter encouraged residents in the four towns to speak out about the current tax base structure within the school district. Mendham Township Mayor Richard Krieg said there is an inequity in the funding formula creating a taxation imbalance that favors homeowners in Washington Township. “Our official position has been consistent,” said Verbaro on Friday. “The decision to fund a study will speak for itself. It may be that the study shows that the status quo is the appropriate direction.” Verbaro and Krieg said it is important to maintain the high standard of education while creating financial equity for residents paying taxes within the sending towns. “What we would like to see is an effective distribution of the cost,” said Krieg on Friday. Krieg said he has received supportive messages on his home voice mail stating. Regional School Board President John Notte said on Tuesday that he has received many phone calls from people in Chester and Chester Township, Mendham Borough and Washington Township “concerned that the letter was an attempt to squash the budget.” Notte said he asked Verbaro if the letter was an effort to sabotage the upcoming school board budget. “He told me that he was in favor of the budget and that it was not an attempt to stop the proposed school budget,” said Notte. Verbaro said he supports the proposed, regional school budget. He said it has taken considerable time to research the issue and compose the letters. “There was no attempt in any way to affect the vote on the upcoming school budget one-way or the other,” Verbaro said. “They are completely separate issues.” The school district, formed in 1958, originally included six municipalities. Roughly 30 years ago Mount Olive withdrew from the district leaving five towns to carry the tax burden, said Verbaro. However, the original agreement had each town paying the same per pupil cost no matter what high school the students attended, he said. A change in the school funding laws in 1975, due to a state Supreme Court decision, required school districts to abolish the original funding formula in favor of a taxation formula based on property values. Again in 1990, state legislation left regional school districts with three funding formula options, which included the original per pupil cost, property value assessments or a combination of the two. Verbaro and Krieg said the funding formulas are based on property values and Washington Township students are subsidized by the Mendhams and the Chesters. The average home price in Washington Township is $269,000, while Mendham Township’s average home price is just over $1 million. Chester Borough’s average home price is $518,000. Mendham Township Committeeman Robert Pierson said the tax discrepancy is unfair. “This discrepancy is something that has got to change,” Pierson said. Well over 50 percent of the student population in the district live in Washington Township, but the township’s funding contribution is 35 percent of the annual school budget. A referendum in November 2004, asked voters if a school district study should be done. Nearly 78 percent of the Chester Borough voters and 86 percent of the Mendham Township voters were in favor of a study. In 2005, a five-town meeting, including the regional board of education, was held which resulted in Chester Borough and Mendham Township allocating $10,000 each toward the funding of the study. Washington Township voted not to fund the study and Mendham Borough and Chester Township have not decided. Chester Township Mayor Ben Spinelli said a look at the allocation of tax dollars could prove educational. “We could see how we stand in the region as a whole and would go from there,” he said. Spinelli said officials from either Chester Borough or Mendham Township did not consult him before the letter was sent to township residents. “Bob Pierson called me on my cell phone the day the letters arrived in the mail,” said Spinelli on Monday. “Not only did the borough and Mendham Township by-pass us, they also had no qualms about cutting out our partner (Washington Township) in the process.” Pierson said on Tuesday that he called Spinelli to tell him that residents in Chester Township would be receiving a letter about the de-regionalization study. Pierson said officials did not contact Washington Township because the township made it clear that they would not back the study. Washington Township Committeeman Walter Cullen said the state probably would not condone the idea of de-regionalizing, but that the township would want to study what demographers would possibly uncover. “The state is looking to towns to regionalize,” Cullen said on Friday. “There would be added expenses including additional schools superintendents and support staff.” Chester Township recently completed its budget process, and Spinelli said it became clear that shared funding is an appropriate way to save money. “Gov. Jon Corzine’s budget address edict is to consolidate not separate,” said Spinelli. “The most destructive notion in all of this is pitting one town against another.” The school district is funded by tax dollars based on property values and is not a tuition-based system, he said. “What they are really talking about is breaking the district up,” he said. Spinelli said a regional tax study was done in 2000 and a second study now “would be redundant.” Regional Schools Superintendent Anthony DiBattista said on Tuesday that the district is continuing to concentrate on providing the best possible education for the students in the school district. “Right now we are concentrating on passing the 2006-07 proposed budget and continuing to educate our students,” DiBattista said. |
   By 32... . on Friday, March 31, 2006 - 9:44 am: |
As with any good screwing, withdrawal is almost always out of the question. |
   By 64... . on Friday, March 31, 2006 - 4:19 pm: |
I think "2's" point is that the line between "us" and "them" is arbitrary. Why not draw it in a place that at least helps "us"? |
   By 2....... . . on Saturday, April 01, 2006 - 1:38 am: |
As I see it, how we draw "lines" is more important than where we draw lines. My biggest disappointment with 21st century thinking is the general acceptance of line crookedness (deception, corruption, incompetence) as an inevitable, even acceptable and endorsed fact of modern life. Information technology provides the power to straighten lines between production and consumption (between want and fulfillment) ... in essence we now have the ability to find the best, most efficient, solutions and instead we choose to cling to old wasteful middleman make-work models. It seems that through some bizarre twist of fate we have lost hunger for the truth right at the moment in history when technology starts making the truth infinitely more accessible. People don't want to understand problems they just want to be sold a solution... The goal isn't to make it right... the goal is to sell it right. |
   By 64... . on Friday, April 07, 2006 - 11:15 pm: |
OK. Thanks, 2. Just send the Long Valley rednecks to their own school and let them pay for it. I don't want to have anything to do with them. |
   By 64... . on Friday, April 07, 2006 - 11:17 pm: |
Oh yeah, take a look at how fucked up their elementary school district is --- they illegally built a school and are currently destroying wetlands and suing every property owner in sight. Please ---- let's break all ties with these idiots. |
   By 2....... . . on Saturday, April 08, 2006 - 12:31 am: |
quote:Just send the Long Valley rednecks to their own school and let them pay for it. I don't want to have anything to do with them.... Please ---- let's break all ties with these idiots.
I wonder if this is how the new super-rich, talk about the old guard of Mendham who got rich merely on the huge increases in their property values. I made some more "pointed" remarks on this week's news Blog as the town council spent a good deal of time on the subject. It should be understood, your town council, isn't in favor of "breaking all ties" and just seeks to push for regressive flat taxation of the "idiot rednecks" or as I refered to them, in satire, the "middle class rubbish". |
   By 64... . on Saturday, April 08, 2006 - 7:12 pm: |
"idiot rednecks" = "middle class rubbish" = "white trash" = "long valley residents" |
   By 2....... . on Sunday, April 16, 2006 - 10:32 am: |
This week, the Borough Council droped the most recent $1,500 dumb-bomb in the propaganda war between the municipalities over the funding of the regional high school district through progressive taxation. The "we want flat-taxation except when somebody else is richer than us" Borough has set up this web page where they provide links to the junk they mailed in PDF format... here is the info in 10K of HTML. |
   By 8... . on Monday, April 17, 2006 - 4:02 pm: |
Boy, I am sure glad we have a guy like Jack Schrier representing us on this issue. Okay, so he's a double or triple dipper...at least he works hard to get results for us. Imagine if we had Mrs. Nordstrom working for us. Strangely, she seems to be missing in action on this issue. Probably spends too much time playing with her twat instead of taking Jack on. He must scare the crap out of her. Good for him. |
   By 32... . on Thursday, April 27, 2006 - 11:52 pm: |
I think Jack diddles his twat a bit more often than recommended |
   By 07. 07. 213... on Monday, October 08, 2007 - 12:29 am: |
I think a good expenditure of funds for West Morris Regional High would be to go to Brooklyn and purchase a pair of concrete lyons from one of the public libraries and place them at the front entrance. |
   By 07. 07. 213... on Sunday, November 04, 2007 - 1:28 am: |
Mendham's twin high schools could and should be improved to be truely competitive nationally if the students hope to keep up with the earning power of their parents when they get older. It will be a bit of a shock for any graduate there to land in a good state school and a real shock for an Ivy league. Advanced Placement(AP) courses are the bare-bones failing to give depth and insight and to even think AP chemistry or physics is the same as freshman general chemistry or physics for majors at say University of Chicago, Cal Tech, or MIT is a pipedream of massive hallucinations. Pick up Feynmans Cal Tech first year general Physics in your local college bookstore and you might get a clue that the AP calculus you got is dry bubblegum that doesn't stick on anything. |
   By 07. 213... on Sunday, November 04, 2007 - 1:31 am: |
should add, the world outside of mendham doesn't suffer fools wisely. Its really really competitive out there and takes a lot of steady grueling work and talent to suceed. Its really true, if you want to maintain a lifestyle equivalent to your parents your going to have to make almost double what they are making there and inflation will push that number up relentlessly year after year. The ave. household income of Mendham twp is higher than Beverly Hills. Look it up on Wikepedia. The BH ave income curve just has a long right tail where the really rich live. |
   By 07. 189... on Saturday, April 12, 2008 - 7:39 am: |
Of course no one from Long Valley would want to contribute to a study-why bite the hand of the dogs that feeds you? I have always thought it unfair that they pay the least, but have the most members on the school board. Given this, it seems nearly impossible to change the inequality. It is unfortunate that some of "us" resort to name-calling, I have never seen this work. Perhaps the rate could be based on the # of high school students are sent from each town? While on this subject-I have always thought the Mendhams should be one town, as well as the CHesters-we are all paying for duplication of services-do we really need 4 separate police chiefs,I mean, this isn't exactly the Bronx. |
   By 07. 07. 07. 157... on Sunday, June 15, 2008 - 3:03 am: |
West Morris Regional High doesn't work because Washington Township and that "area" brings it all down. These people are not professionally inclined and are not likely to "grow up" and land six figure jobs on Wall Street or to ever commute into New York City for real "power" jobs. They are content to work locally and make babies and drink budweiser. Its always been this way at WMCHS and given their mentality it will never change. Many in the Mendhams have higher aspirations and while the Washington TWP's think they are superior to the Mendhams, in the adult world of success they just settle for mediocrity. Some in the Mendhams have fire in the belly and aspirations, and as they can tell you from the olden days, WMCHS was a real disappointing soul killer. |
   By 07. 157... on Monday, June 16, 2008 - 12:42 am: |
Wilhelm Morris school and township district. ex post facto the civil revolutionary war west of jockey hallow thy name. |
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   By 07. 1... on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 - 12:04 am: |
Are you a true business owner and entrepreneur? Or are you pursuing your business dreams more like a hobby but may not even be aware this is what's happening?http://www.simplythebusiness.net To keep new downline members engaged you must provide network marketing training to them quickly and often. If you fail to do this the chances of them quitting within the first 90 days goes up quickly. Focus on core MLM training that will benefit them in the shortest period of time.http://www.businesstrainingteam.netAre you a true business owner and entrepreneur? Or are you pursuing your business dreams more like a hobby but may not even be aware this is what's happening?http://www.businessandfinancialtimes.netA businessman has to shift his business to some one else either by his choice or due to life changes. A wise business man, therefore, plans carefully before transitioning out of his business.http://www.mybusinessmarketing.netBusiness Credit is credit that is obtained in a Business Name. With business credit, the business builds its own credit profile and credit score. With an established credit profile and score, the business will then qualify for credit. This credit is in the business name and based on the business's ability to pay,http://www.myrealbusiness.netBelieving in what you do is that most important step when creating a successful start-up business. But sometimes your great idea comes with little to no money to get it started. Great credit for a business loan or a huge amount of money in savings is not always needed if you are able to start thinking outside of the box.http://www.managementconsultingbusiness.netTravel helps personal growth. Here are 5 different areas of our lives that have changed because of travel experiences.http://www.traveltours4u.net/There are significant opportunities in Finance Functions within Police Forces to be transformed from a silo based culture that focuses largely on transactional activities to a process and metric based culture equally focusing on transactional processing, management information and strategic requirements. Thttp://www.finance-perso.netThis article informs you about why many individuals are seeking financial freedom for their lives and are turning toward business ownership from the comfort of their homes. This article gives reasons why being a business owner is now becoming the best choice to change individuals lives.http://www.acceptbusiness.netEventually, every entrepreneur realizes they cannot work in their business forever. For most entrepreneurs, this is the time they begin thinking of exit.http://www.handybusiness.netBusiness ventures, in their startup have a considerable amount of fear. The fear is of failing the venture and hence a considerable amount of capital, and in extreme cases, of going bankrupt. Business consultants have a very important duty of saving businesses from going bust right at the beginning.http://www.connectbusinesses.netBusinesses are looking for opportunities to obtain alternative financing in the face of the dwindling lending appetite from banks. Distributors of wholesale produce can possibly take advantage of five sources of alternative financing: equipment leasing, equipment financing, merchant cash advance, P.O. financing and factoring/accounts receivable financing.http://www.thebusinesshive.netInformation on purchase order financing in Canada. How does P O finance and financing inventory work for firms with contracts and orders that cant be financed via your bank.http://www.financeplanet.netFinancing for equipment is sometimes a challenge for Canadian business owners and financial managers. What if you had a solid understanding of 3 key elements of Canadian equipment leasing and financing. http://www.greendealfinance.netWriting a business plan or even thinking about doing it drums up feelings of dread. It is a bit tedious and takes some dedicated time. You may even think it isn't really needed for your small business. But, you are wrong.http://www.registermylocalbusiness.net |
   By 07. 1... on Thursday, April 07, 2016 - 9:20 pm: |