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April 19th School Board/Budget Election
Town Stuff:
April 19th School Board/Budget Election
   By hope less on Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - 9:16 pm: |
April 19th they are having one of those sham school board/budget, off season-- try to avoid as many voters as possible-- elections. There are no actual contested races for the school boards so the budget package is the only relevant issue. As voting the budget down has no real negative consequences-- unless you think at least having town councils scrutinize the budget is a negative-- I would suggest voting NO. In my opinion, these bloated budgets are the inevitable consequence of a "education system" that is catastrophically broken. In the digital age, information can be plentiful and instantly accessed, and the only legitimate role of "education" is to inspire "motivation". Get a kid interested, and make him/her want to learn and the rest will take care of itself. more Beyond excessive salaries and benefits, and the absolutely preposterous $500,000 investment in tennis courts, what really bothers me about the school budgets is the "silly perspective" that seems to be driving the whole stupid monstrosity. It is a sick sad ironic tragedy that the "educators" in control are apparently absolute morons. The fact that these people can't even produce a Internet readable adult version of the budget in 2005 is inane, if not insane. On the regional high school website you can download a 2.8 megabyte powerpoint presentation (.ppt file) that contains about 10 kilobytes of information. People this ignorant of Internet realities and possibilities really shouldn't be allowed within a hundred yards of a school, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to run one. It goes against all my notions of common sense to allow people too "Internet Illiterate" to understand the inefficiency of making information 280 times less accessible than necessary to run a school system. Almost worse, they have bloated the information with nursery school mush that can't avoid insulting anyone with more than a comic-book mentality. Obviously these people don't see information as power or else they are power mad-- either way the public deserves better public servants than this. If you would like to see the crap they consider a responsible adult budget presentation, but don't have powerpoint or broadband-- I have reduced the presentation to about 400K in compressed graphics. On this page you can select which graphics to view or this page just loads them all. With friends like "educators" the Internet doesn't need enemies. Opposing... and shamefully vacant opinions of the Observer Tribune. Pass the regional school budget Back Mendham school budgets |
   By Depressing on Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 12:54 am: |
The local grammar school "educators" are just as Internet Illiterate as the high-school Flat Earthers. They provide about 5 kilobytes of information in a 3.5 megabyte presentation file. As most to the information is just junk of debatable accuracy I only bothered to convert the five or so more relevant slides. The emperor is not only not wearing any clothes, he is also kind of gray matter deficient as well. |
   By V on Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 9:32 am: |
And you have accused me of being a broken record. Less venom .. less asides and tangents .. and you might have a case .. (for more evidence of your "arguement strategy" failing - see Daily Record article. The Entire "Flat Earth" is dysfunctional. Since power (within societal heierarchy) often, unfortuantely, goes hand in hand with age - and age is (most commonly) an impediment to learning (ie: Internet/Computer Skills); our "leaders" will always be "behind the times". While the educational system is clearly in need of Change, it will not happen in your lifetime. Berating the system with some pie-in-the-sky internet will teach plan will not only have Zero impact, it gets you labeled (as many readers will no doubt concur) "A Whako". Progress through steps. |
   By SameOld LoonyToon on Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 11:38 am: |
As the old saying goes... "loonys living in crazy land shouldn't throw whacko stones". As is typical of your posts it's all rhetoric, and no substance. If it's all pie in the sky idealistic mush than you really should be able to provide some substantive "reasoning" to prove it. For every "old people are regressively archaic thinkers who can't learn" and "only old people can get elected" crap-itude-- There are the counterarguments that prove change possible. You malign me and this website as failures.... yet you haven't even proven the race is over. Unfortunately, only time will tell with certainty whether this was all just a waste of my time. I admit that the safe money should bet failure ...but the long shot is still in the race and I guess until I see "Hope the wonder horse" lying dead in the dirt I will keep encouraging him with the investment of a little time and money. |
   By V on Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 3:43 pm: |
A LOT of TIME ... obviously. My views have been clear and concise. Education should be further bolstered by the use of technology. There is absolutely NO doubt that your idea of robot internet data transfer will ever be The Substitute of Education. My plan clearly stated all along has been that Education can be supported by technology and internet. Right after you denounced my suggestion of iPod being used as a tool as frivolous and inane ... Duke University handed them out to students. Your limited understanding of them (no doubt due to budget constraints) was limited by never having actually used one. You have once again, simplified and degraded my points. Spending millions on sports related activities could be agrued as a waste (tennis courts) BUT - in Mendhamly Hills, 07945 - such is life. I can't say I care a fig for any sports, but it seems to give many students something to do, and draws parents into some aspects of their kids lives, which these days, seems to need some enticement. There are far more worthy causes & ways & means to cut costs than your continued illogical harranguing of the Educational System. Also, many of my points, Time has proved correct, and/or have resolved in the way that I predicted or espoused, while you continue to dribble your own fluids on your forehead as you continue to try to piss up a rope. (see Daily Record arguement - Mosher v. Mendham et al) Also, other than my postings, there is very, very little here in the way of ANY discussions, notwithstanding the few outbursts from the Bud Cans gallery. I was never "against this website" or the idea of the same ... What I was and am against is that you seem to think that whatever gibberish you spew up on your pages should be taken as gospel. In many cases you have a good foundation that is quickly obfuscated by your liberal, left wing rantings. Now, try again, lil camper .... a little less breathless. |
   By Almost fergot on Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 6:36 pm: |
OOO ooo and the point ... this will be voted "yes" (My side) and (your side) "no" will lose. . |
   By IHaranguing Around on Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 9:22 pm: |
quote:There is absolutely NO doubt that your idea of robot internet data transfer will ever be The Substitute of Education.
I've suggested no "robot Internet". What I have suggested and do maintain, is that technology provides an ocean of potential efficiency-- That if we simply choose, as a matter of social policy, to buy information out of its perpetual servitude to the oxymorons we call "educators" we can have numerous college degrees in every motivated mind. The simple truth is, education, isn't about (or dependent upon) teachers, it's about accessible information/ knowledge. quote:Right after you denounced my suggestion of iPod being used as a tool as frivolous and inane ... Duke University handed them out to students.
That isn't even close to being an accurate rendition of events. I simply made the point that the i-pod is a minor improvement on the more spectacular invention that is data recording itself ie. tape-recorders, video cameras etc... and I pointed out that the Duke experiment was just BS as the only thing the students were allowed to "listen to" on their i-pods was orientation materials -- which would be more rationally indexable and accessible as text rather than voice data. It was in fact a Apple promotional gimmick and nothing more.
quote:"Your limited understanding of them (no doubt due to budget constraints) was limited by never having actually used one."
No... the fact is I'm not (and was not) much on mobile music. I never use sunglasses either but that doesn't mean I don't know how they work, or know they can't wash dishes. quote:Spending millions on sports related activities could be agrued as a waste (tennis courts)
Especially when there are already at least a half dozen underused tennis courts within a quarter mile of the high-school. quote:"such is life"
If I agreed that things are back-assword because that's the way most people want it-- then I suppose I would be willing to just acquiesce like everyone else. But I think it's just a minority of self-interested (and sometimes really stupid) elitist power-holders who are controlling the agenda (both political and cultural) that decides what "life" will be. quote:There are far more worthy causes & ways & means to cut costs than your continued illogical harranguing of the Educational System.
When educating (someone else's kids) accounts for more than 80 percent of the property-tax burden-- it seems worthy of some haranguing. quote:Also, many of my points, Time has proved correct, and/or have resolved in the way that I predicted or espoused
Beyond your 50/50 bet on George Bush on what "issue" have you been "proven" correct. quote:Also, other than my postings, there is very, very little here in the way of ANY discussions, notwithstanding the few outbursts from the Bud Cans gallery.
As I've stated, that is disappointing, and I think the causes are numerous. Of least importance might be my offensive personality. Realistically, people who can't take a little argument, in their argument, really aren't worth arguing with. I would say generally speaking that the people who have run away, have run away because they lost the argument. There is wisdom in the catchphrase "you fight bad speech with good speech" Unfortunately people with empty philosophies haven't the weapons to fight for anything. quote:I was never "against this website" or the idea of the same.
Your prediction of its demise wasn't exactly a supportive statement "for". quote:What I was and am against is that you seem to think that whatever gibberish you spew up on your pages should be taken as gospel.
It's true I actually believe what I say and think "the truth" should be gospel. But in this "church" there are few rules of protocol and anyone is free to preach some other, perhaps better, gospel. I think overall I provide a "fair" website and don't deliberately manipulate anything to take unfair advantage. quote:In many cases you have a good foundation that is quickly obfuscated by your liberal, left wing rantings.
"kill the teachers union" doesn't exactly sound like liberal left-wing ranting. It's true that most of my rantings can be fairly characterized as at least anti big money capitalist/conservative. But as I implied before Pollyannas who find those "opinions" too "obfuscating" to endure really aren't likely to make a useful contribution.... so to hell with them.
quote:OOO ooo and the point ... this will be voted "yes" (My side)and (your side) "no" will lose.
Predicting the results of an election that will take place in a dense fog of ignorance and apathy really doesn't serve much purpose. The fact that Mendham and Chester Township have passed referendum supporting a breakup of the regional high school district might create a change in the balance of power for this election. Most people will in fact not vote and the only people likely to vote will be the angry and those who have a vested interest in the broken corrupt system. As things stand, there might be enough anger, for their to be a surprise this election--but I certainly wouldn't bet on it. |
   By V on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 1:19 pm: |
Obviously you wont change my mind. And you cant change yours ... unless, maybe the meds wear off .. Anyway .. Tomato / Tomaaatoe ( you're the latter ) I predicted the resolution of the MTES pay dispute. Only in hindsight does the GB2 reelection seem so obvious ... you and the rest of the glue sniffing blue states all were CERTIAN with plenty of venom that your horsefaced boy would win. boy o boy did he get McGoverned ... GB2 was not a SAFE bet .... but I was right I said this website would be visited only by apathy ... and that was right. I said you would get no where with your fight to have town related records made public and electronic. Clearly the failure here was in YOUR pedantic tones pissing off the powers that be to the point that they seem to take sport in blocking your every endeavor. This is funny on one hand but tragic in a way that you have essentially killed the greater good (records being made public on a website) by foregoing diplomacy for (albeit sometimes funny) tangents, asides and taunts & satire. I predicted that "free speech" would continue to see a sad demise, as evidenced by the "canary in the coal mine" of Howard Stern. Instead of just plain rallying the point, you chose the simple minded, "howard is a perv" point, which, as is your hallmark, only clouded this issue too. Now Howard is going to Sattelite and for the first time ever the FCC is talking about censoring PAY services like cable and sattelite. I predicted that this was an issue, while you felt that HS was irrelevant. (it probably still seems irrelevant to you, but wait till they start to censor the internet and YOU - then im sure you'll take an interest) anyway ... good answers this time sport. |
   By Vee Lies Alot on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 2:47 pm: |
quote:Obviously you wont change my mind. And you cant change yours ... unless, maybe the meds wear off ..
I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just trying to clean up the BS you leave behind wherever you've been.
quote:I predicted the resolution of the MTES pay dispute.
News flash "Vinstein" no one was arguing "predicted resolution", they were all, including myself, arguing principles ie. Should archaic tenured artifacts of the teachers' union be paid three times as much as technically literate, energetic, imaginative, and not nearly as generation gaped, new hires. The correct answer was, and still is, quite obviously NO.
quote:Only in hindsight does the GB2 reelection seem so obvious ... you and the rest of the glue sniffing blue states all were CERTIAN with plenty of venom that your horsefaced boy would win. boy o boy did he get McGoverned ... GB2 was not a SAFE bet .... but I was right
Again "Voron" you were the only idiot wasting time predicting "outcomes". The point wasn't who's going to win. the point was does a lying scumbag deserve reelection. My prediction --Future history will give George Bush, and the electorate of 2004, the ash-heap reward they deserve.
quote:I said this website would be visited only by apathy ... and that was right.
...and you made a lot of other boldly obnoxious predictions regarding this website that were absolutely wrong.
quote:I said you would get no where with your fight to have town related records made public and electronic.
As my case has a trial date, as well as an agreement to engage in mediation I guess we can safely say the flight isn't quite over yet. quote:Clearly the failure here was in YOUR pedantic tones pissing off the powers that be to the point that they seem to take sport in blocking your every endeavor.
News flash every time they do that they violate the Constitution of the United States of America and effectively (eventually) put money in my pocket.
quote:This is funny on one hand but tragic in a way that you have essentially killed the greater good (records being made public on a website) by foregoing diplomacy for (albeit sometimes funny) tangents, asides and taunts & satire.
The facts make you nothing short of a liar on this issue. I made extensive efforts to negotiate settlement with the Borough --legal action was a last resort that was in fact chosen by the Borough administrator when he made this reply to my extensive offers of compromise. Dear Mr. Mosher: My letter of September 25, 2003 stands. Please take whatever action you feel necessary. Very truly yours, Ralph E. Blakeslee Administrator Read complete correspondence here.
quote:I predicted that "free speech" would continue to see a sad demise, as evidenced by the "canary in the coal mine" of Howard Stern. Instead of just plain rallying the point, you chose the simple minded, "howard is a perv" point, which, as is your hallmark, only clouded this issue too.
Again you insult the truth-- You touted Howard Stern is some sort of "freedom fighter" when he is in fact just a selfish, two faced, greedy son of a bitch who helped get the jerk and political party that now oppresses him elected. Howard Stern is the Benedick Arnold of free-speech and he should rot in hell.
quote:Now Howard is going to Sattelite and for the first time ever the FCC is talking about censoring PAY services like cable and sattelite. I predicted that this was an issue, while you felt that HS was irrelevant.
Talk is cheap quote:(it probably still seems irrelevant to you, but wait till they start to censor the internet and YOU - then im sure you'll take an interest)
That's right, I will... and my interest won't be money.... but as I'm not trying to force images of anal sex into any 13 year-old's mind I'm really not very afraid.
quote:anyway ... good answers this time sport.
As you don't seem capable of an honest paraphrase, regrettably I can't say the same for your accusations. |
   By ZueZeeQue on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 3:05 pm: |
Hey Gary, Wee Hee Willy sure can sound pretty darn literate at times, can't he? |
   By Vee Shall See on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 3:36 pm: |
And when you lose your lawsuit and are assesed damages YOU have to pay for the frivolous lawsuit ... ? Bad paraphrase ?? thats your domain. Do you know what a "canary in a coal mine" is ? Heres a prediction. You wont make ONE dollar off of Mendham. Heres another ... There is a good chance you will be countersued and assesed fines for your lawsuit. |
   By Verfect on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 3:47 pm: |
PS: you speak of profit as if its a bad thing |
   By aaand on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 3:55 pm: |
quote: Only in hindsight does the GB2 reelection seem so obvious ... you and the rest of the glue sniffing blue states all were CERTIAN with plenty of venom that your horsefaced boy would win. boy o boy did he get McGoverned ... GB2 was not a SAFE bet .... but I was right -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Again "Voron" you were the only idiot wasting time predicting "outcomes". The point wasn't who's going to win. the point was does a lying scumbag deserve reelection. My prediction --Future history will give George Bush, and the electorate of 2004, the ash-heap reward they deserve. **** after first you complained that this was not a topic worthy of discussion "inMendham" (as it wasnt local enough for your inbred taste) - then it was only you who "wasted time" bitching about "that mean man GB2" and wishing for Horseface and Pollyanna to come to your rescue riding on rainbows of tolerance. In honor of your time wasted - those who's opinions count re-elected GB2, just like I said they would. |
   By V on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 4:02 pm: |
quote: Now Howard is going to Sattelite and for the first time ever the FCC is talking about censoring PAY services like cable and sattelite. I predicted that this was an issue, while you felt that HS was irrelevant. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Talk is cheap -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ quote: (it probably still seems irrelevant to you, but wait till they start to censor the internet and YOU - then im sure you'll take an interest) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ That's right, I will... and my interest won't be money.... but as I'm not trying to force images of anal sex into any 13 year-old's mind I'm really not very afraid. *** Censorship starts and has started "as talk" and it got very expensive .... for some. You are truely foolish if you beleive anything like the sum total of HS problems and censorship has much to do with "anal sex" talk that 13 year olds might hear. the SuperBowl halftime show was modified to blandness out of the Networks Sheer Terrror of being fined, or worse. You have absolutely NO idea how many ideas are quashed before they leave a brain, out of fear of censorship. Lasciviousness may be one factor or characteristic of that which is censored, but even a jackass fool like yourself MUST know that censorship is not going to stop at boobie jokes. Pretty soon your liberal rantings and rainbow sucking will be labeled treasonous. Damn you sure miss a lot of points. |
   By Soap A Dope on Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 7:40 pm: |
quote:And when you lose your lawsuit and are assesed damages YOU have to pay for the frivolous lawsuit ... ?
As my lawsuit has survived a summary judgment motion "frivolous lawsuit" is not a legal possibility.
quote:Bad paraphrase ?? thats your domain. Do you know what a "canary in a coal mine" is ?
...innocent birds used to detect noxious gas... something Howard Stern produces-- he helped elect George Bush to his first term --that has proven to be an absolute disaster for civil-rights... ergo Howard Stern should be buried under the mess he has made. Good riddance to bad anal obsessed rubbish. screw him etc etc etc.
quote:Heres a prediction. You wont make ONE dollar off of Mendham.
wanna bet
quote:Heres another ... There is a good chance you will be countersued and assesed fines for your lawsuit.
Now you are predicting.. odds? well I predict I will never be assessed any fines for attempting to exercise my First Amendment rights-- I can borrow 15 Grand on my credit card if you care to put up, or shut up.
quote:PS: you speak of profit as if its a bad thing
Insincerity is a bad thing, exploiting is a bad thing, etc. etc. like with all things profit has its place.
quote:**** after first you complained that this was not a topic worthy of discussion
No I merely suggested that "national issues" don't "need" me or this website to provide a venue for discussion.
quote:In honor of your time wasted - those who's opinions count re-elected GB2, just like I said they would.
We know what elected George Bush... ignorance, greed and bigotry. -- the price to be eventually paid for this foolish moment in history will be substantial. ... Congratulations, what wll you be playing on your fiddle when America burns.
quote:the SuperBowl halftime show was modified to blandness out of the Networks Sheer Terrror of being fined,..
Wrong again moron, it was pressure from capitalist "advertisers" that made it a virtual certainty that the halftime show would be, what it should be, "family entertainment". Let's take a poll... how many readers would feel perfectly comfortable watching television with their say.. 11 year-old daughter... while one of those girls gone wild commercials came on. Giving network television to kids, is in my opinion no sacrifice-- there are plenty of ways to access adult entertainment and it really is no horrible oppression to pay a little respect to the fact that children are impressionable.
quote:You have absolutely NO idea how many ideas are quashed before they leave a brain, out of fear of censorship. Lasciviousness may be one factor or characteristic of that which is censored, but even a jackass fool like yourself MUST know that censorship is not going to stop at boobie jokes. Pretty soon your liberal rantings and rainbow sucking will be labeled treasonous. Damn you sure miss a lot of points.
Howard Stearns saying what ever he wants on broadcast radio really isn't a fair compromise. I have no patience for assholes who want to control access to ideas.... but practical facts demands some reasonable rules. It is the fact Howard Stern has refused to be reasonable (to be satisfied with the half mile he has been given) that has energized and empowered the forces of evil -- Howard Stern isn't a Canary-- he is a noxious piece of shit that will exploit anyone or anything to enrich himself. He has made the noxious gas of the coal mine (censorship) look good by comparison and for that he deserves every progressive thinking person's scorn. |
   By V is for ... on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 9:14 am: |
Mendham Boro Budget ... DENIED .. Jerry is right for a change ... of course, I might go double or nothing of a record increase being approved next time ... of course ... Morris Cty wide .. (heaven forfend we discuss anything outside of mendham .. incl MTES)budgets overwhelmingly approved .. |
   By Infuggingcredible on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 4:22 pm: |
Really laughed my balls off today after reading that Washington Twp voted against the HS District Budget. Guess Long Valley is still full of hick farmers, or maybe those yuppies are just brain dead. Imagine voting against a budget that they pay the LEAST amount of and USE over 60% of it!! |
   By PS on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 4:23 pm: |
And if anyone finds a stray set of balls, let me know, I am rather fond of them and would like them back! |
   By Finders keepers on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - 7:41 pm: |
Here's a link to the unofficial election results regarding the regional budget. Here's some observers stories regarding the local budgets. Voters approve $13M school budget in Mendham Twp. Mendham says no to school budget It's likely the low voter turnout saved the day... this time. Now the question is, how much will the local governments cut out of the bloated budgets? The tennis courts seem an easy target ...but it seems appropriate that more should be cut to send a signal to the school board to negotiate better labor contracts. |
   By V on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 7:55 am: |
ho ho ...not a chance on the renegotiation hoho nice try you still got it |
   By Lifer on Friday, April 22, 2005 - 1:46 am: |
Isn't it ironic how we denigrate the school system when we, or most of the contributors here, are products of it. |
   By I = me = myself on Friday, April 22, 2005 - 6:27 pm: |
I type with one-and-a-half fingers, my spelling stinks, and I couldn't punctuate myself out of a paper bag .... yet, I'm probably the most eloquent writer posting here. The average post is probably 10 words long and ain't too bright. The simple truth is, every useful skill I acquired in my lifetime, I acquired overcoming the obstacle of what was a lousy education and in my opinion a preposterous waste of 12 years of my life. If I had had the courage to run away from home when I was 5 years old and escaped being institutionalize by the education system I might be Supreme dictator of earth by now. |
   By Buckwheat on Saturday, April 23, 2005 - 8:59 am: |
Dictator. Is that that same as Dictaster? |
   By iCanMakeThatJoke In5Words on Saturday, April 23, 2005 - 10:52 am: |
Talk about proving a point! Maybe we should see about getting our public schools registered as official clown colleges-- if we are going to learn all the skills we might as well get the professional credentials. |
   By yep on Saturday, April 23, 2005 - 1:42 pm: |
generally speaking, people who hold the distinction of being as stupid as you appear are much happier than you seem to be. |
   By The Proving Ground on Saturday, April 23, 2005 - 2:01 pm: |
Generally speaking people who can't start a "statement" with a CapitalLetter are too ignorant to tie the name Emmett Kelly to a profession and not have some jokes fly over their head. ...So I guess you're excused and I suppose it's best that you spend the rest of the day clapping erasers-- against your hard empty head. |
   By your serve buffy! on Monday, April 25, 2005 - 11:35 pm: |
If nothing else, the future attendee's at MHS will be able to play tennis. Next budget will include a putting green and driving range. "We must offer a well rounded education", not with my balls please. |
   By ReeferMadness on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 4:58 pm: |
Personally, I would have voted for the budget if they had included funds for a cushy kennel facility for the drug sniffing dogs. |
   By links on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 12:32 pm: |
Here are some Observer Tribune stories regarding the defeated school budgets. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like anyone is taking the election results very seriously. Panel reviews possible cuts to budget
quote:A panel of 10 elected officials, two each from governing bodies of the five municipalities in the West Morris Regional School district, was to have met on Wednesday, April 27, to begin discussing possible cuts in the district’s budget, which was defeated in the election on April 19. In Mendham Borough, the panel representatives are councilmen Lawrence Haverkost and Neil Henry.
Mendham officials to review budget
quote:Borough Council members Stanley Witczak and Barbara Stanton met Monday, April 25, with school Board President Stewart McClure, board member Mary Roe and School Superintendent Janie Edmonds. "It was an excellent meeting," said Stanton, who added she was impressed with the board members and superintendent. "We're making our children's education the number one priority. We identified some areas that needed to be reviewed. But these people are the experts, and we are only making recommendations," said Stanton. Stanton said she could only guess why the budget was voted down. "People are having a tough time economically and the number of people who showed up to vote certainly weren't in large numbers," she said. ...Edmonds said the budget increase was caused by areas beyond her control. Special education costs, utilities, insurance premiums and keeping salaries commensurate with other school districts, caused the increases, she said.
Committee to consider school cuts by May 16 Carefully review school budgets-- unsigned Observer Tribune editorial |
   By Vote Them OUT on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 8:49 pm: |
Very bad news for "most" voters regarding the $40 million regional high school budget. The town council is likely to pass a resolution Monday night authorizing a measly 0.4% $167,000 cut in the budget. The half a million-dollar frivolous expenditure on un-edifying tennis courts is apparently now unpreventable --and you have your town council to blame! Taxing the roof over a persons head for this kind of frivolous, elitist, small minority interest crap is in my estimation nothing short of unconstitutional tyranny. Sports are elective nonsense-- especially sports that produce no compensating or self-sustaining revenue. Why should any citizen of this country have to involuntarily subsidize participation in, an inturn the very existence of, stupid boring "sports" that have what can be qualified as a dependency on preposterously expensive infrastructure. If you want to play or even just watch --then YOU should have to pay. Here's a list of the minor cuts the council authorized in response to the "voters" rejection of the budget. 1. Athletic Co-Curricular - $20,000 Split between both schools reduce supplies. 2. Operations & Maintenance of Plant - $49,000 Bleacher Renovations/Lockers both sites delay until next year 3. Contractual Services - Transportation - $18,000 Field Trips Split between both schools reduced number of trips. 4. District - $20,000 Long-Range Facilities Plan Preparation internal resources 5. Instruction - $35,000 Technology Software Upgrades delay to next year 6. Capital Projects - $25,000 Teacher Room Renovations West Morris Central - delay $167,000.00 total |