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Mendham: Town Stuff: C'mon let's write some better laws!: Proposition #3 - public info
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By 06. 06. on Sunday, December 31, 2006 - 12:17 am:
The mayor and town council have the free ability to put referendums or initiatives on election ballots. Unfortunately, they rarely exercise this authority...Why? ... Plane corrupt Fear of public interest and scrutiny?

Unlike like petitions, and media gauges of public opinion, ballot questions (fairly phrased) are the only practically reliable way to measure popular (voter) opinion.... and someone (I guess that would have to be me) should challenge the council to permit public participation, through referendum, in the making of significant public policy decisions. So... Proposition #3 (Draft of a suggested ballot initiative to be submitted to the town council for consideration after at least three participants on this message board provide their endorsement of the text)

Providing for an open, publicly accessible government, was the cornerstone of our forefathers vision of a "we the people" democracy. Although state and federal legislation has been passed with the stated intent to make public information more accessible, many public interest, and public access, advocates believe the laws are poorly written, poorly enforced, and too easily subverted by corrupt purpose. WOULD it be your command, that your local government officials thoroughly analyze, publicly debate, and fairly consider passing a local ordinance providing for more liberal, "free" access to public interest information held by government, to provide "we the people" the government accountability necessary to prevent acts of corrupt purpose.
[YES] [NO]

Constructive suggestions regarding improving the text would be appreciated.

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