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Phoenix House Garden
Town Stuff:
Phoenix House Garden
   By 06. 06. on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 - 5:42 pm: |
At the last meeting of the town council the Garden Club submitted a request for $123,000.00 [$71,000 in the first year] to implement the redesign of the Phoenix House Garden [the town has already paid a landscape architect some $7,000 for the mediocre design]. Here is what I posted on the Blog regarding the subject last summer.
quote:I also received from the town a copy of the $7,000 redesign of the "historic" Phoenix House garden. My scan is a little sloppy but you should be able to piece it together (40k file, 140k file). These photos from 2001 indicate that there has got to be better ways to waste $100,000. In the first place, the noisy center of town really isn't a great place for a town garden (especially considering parking spaces are at a premium). Also worth considering is the stupid plan to build a new library-- if they are actually going to build that white elephant-- it would make more sense to invest in a great garden there... where it would have actual useful purpose. At minimum, if the Phoenix House garden must stay, I think it would be much wiser to stylishly pave the whole area and maintain movable pedestal planters within the space. This would make the "Garden" multi-use for meetings and events.
Even at half the price, I see no wisdom in this investment in a garden that no longer retains useful purpose, and is in fact consuming real-estate that could be put to infinitely more practical public purpose as necessary hard scape that is in short supply in the center of town. At minimum, this project should be suspended until there is a certain decision regarding the construction of a new library, as I would contend there can be no logical dispute that a well landscaped public garden would better complement the use, atmospherics, and location of the new library. Not that any of "you people" will be vary receptive to this "idea" ...but I am thinking it would be better to create some self-financing town beautification of some more accessible public spaces. In my opinion the old mud-hole isn't enough of a "natural area" to leave it naturally uglified. The grounds around the old fence line are just plain shabby looking and I think some modest landscaping/gardening could convert the area into a real showplace, and maximize the area's public appeal as a walking Park. I am thinking [excuse the sin] that some local residents, and local businesses, would be willing to adopt a portion of the real estate surrounding the pond and provide for development and maintenance of individual flower gardens. If allowed to display some modest advertising signage I think a lot of local businesses would see purpose in the investment. I would also speculate that individuals and businesses would through inspired competition attempt to outdo each other to the public's substantial benefit. As I see it such a volunteer approach has little downside risk, and substantial potential to add substantial value to a public resource. Certainly compared to spending $120,000 for a Goof off Garden substantially for overpaid "public servants" I think it's fn brilliant! |
   By 06. 126... on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 - 6:16 pm: |
I think they should simply extend the parking lot and do away with it all together. May cost $12K but not looking at the golden girls pullin a weed every 1/2 hr while stopped at the light would be priceless. |
   By 07. 2....... on Friday, January 05, 2007 - 1:27 pm: |
PHOENIX HOUSE GARDEN RESTORATION COST ESITIMATE December 18,2006 Estimate Summary Breakdown Demolition and Removal Tree and Shrub (demolish and remove) $ 500 Tree and Shrub (transplant) $ 1,000 Hemlock Hedge (demolish and remove stumps) $ 2,500 Topsoil (strip and stockpile) $ 1,500 Asphalt Slab (demolish and remove) $ 250 Gravel Walks (demolish and re-use for walks) $ 1,000 Concrete Walt (demolish and remove) $ 1,000 Existing Fountain Foundation (demolish and remove) $ 250 TOTAL $ 8,000 Repairs and Site Protection Stone Walls (re-work and re-set municipal parking lot) $ 10,125 Stone Edging (re-work and re-set) $ 1,800 Site Protection and Erosion Control $ 1,000 Permits and Approvals $ 500 TOTAL $ 13,425 Masonry Construction Concrete Foundations (stairs and walls) $ 3,010 Dry-Laid Stone Regaining Walls $ 2,700 Dry-Laid Stone Retaining Curbs$ 2,475Blue Stone Stairs and Field Stone Steps $ 1,440 Flagstone Patio $ 4,600 Brick Walks $ 29,700 Flagstone Walks $ 850 TOTAL $ 44,775 Irrigation Automatic Sprinkler System$ 5,000 Carpentry Construction Wood Landing and Stairs$ 3,500 4' Wood Fence and Gate (Main Street) $ 9,100 6' Wood Fence (parking lot and rear of garden) $ 5,625 TOTAL $ 18,225 • Planting Installation Top Soil Preparation and Fine Grading$ 2,500 Lawn (sodded) $ 450 Ground Cover (flats) $ 4,000 Perennials (container grown) $ 6,000 Shrubs (balled and burlaped) $ 5,000 Trees (balled and burlaped) $ 3,000 TOTAL $ 20,950 Estimate Summary Breakdown Garden Furnishings Furniture (benches, tables, chairs, etc.) $ 1,250 Garden Ornaments (sundials, sculpture) $ 500 Signage Adjustments $ 500 TOTAL $ 2,250 Estimate Summary Total $112,625 Estimate Summary Demolition and Removal $ 8,000 Repairs and Site Protection $ 13,425 Masonry Construction $ 44,775 Irrigation $ 5,000 Carpentry Construction $18,225 Planting Installation $ 20,950 Garden Furnishings $ 2,250 Estimate Summary Sub-Total $112,625 Estimated Landscape Architect Fee 11,263 TOTAL $123,888 . Opportunities for Cost Reduction Demolition and Removal $ 8,000* Repairs and Site Protection $ 13,425 Masonry Construction $ 44,775 * * Irrigation $ 5,000 Carpentry Construction $ 18,225 * * Planting Installation $ 20,950** Garden Furnishings $ 2,250*** * Utilize Borough Manpower ** Pro Bono/Reduced Cost Donations of Services *** Fund Raising/Donations Procured By Mendham Garden Club In addition to the above... Grant Writing—Obtain Additional Funding Obtain 501 (c) 3 Status—Obtain Private Donations : Proposed Project Phases Phase I—Demolition and Removal/Repairs and Site Protection/ Masonry Construction/Irrigation Phase II— Carpentry Construction/Planting Installation/Garden Furnishings |
   By 07. 78... on Saturday, January 06, 2007 - 11:00 am: |
What a crock. If the borough goes ahead with this, they need their heads examined(as we already know). These prices as considerably above "usual and customary". Leave the garden as it is. |
   By 07. 108... on Monday, January 08, 2007 - 10:29 am: |
If the state has found a way to use private money to build and maintain public facilitys ,(ex. PNC arts center) Why can't Mendham! |
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