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Town Stuff:
The Next Council Meeting:
   By 06. 06. on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 2:16 pm: |
Questions to be asked of the council at the December 18th meeting: 1) The mayor has stated that you are "specifically prohibited by law to interfere with school board issues". I frankly do not believe there is any state statute preventing the mayor and Borough Council from "interfering" by commenting on, investigating, or if necessary encouraging prosecution if school board policy/law necessarily provokes such action. Please provide a citation to, or quote, the law you say demands your silence, and irresponsible complicity with the duplicity of the regional school board. 2) A year ago, I challenged the council to justify and defend town policy denying citizens any cost practical access to police "activity log" information. As with requests made in previous years, last years request was answered by the mayor with the same old lie, that the town is "working" on the logistics of providing the information. In spite of routinely made requests for a copy of any information provided to the Borough Council from the police department, I receive nothing from the town administration. I would inquire why the town council sees purpose in keeping the socially useful information regarding town emergencies, hazards, and crimes, contained in the police blotter, concealed from the public? |
   By 06. 2....... on Wednesday, December 27, 2006 - 3:55 pm: |
Answer to question No.1 [mayor] I've got to refer that to counsel there is case law... to cite... and we have to.... if you can perhaps put together some kind of response to add to that I would appreciate it. [attorney] ok Answer to question No.2 [mayor] #1 the council nor the mayor gets copies of those reports... the only thing we would ever see would be a head count of the number of instances .... is that correct public safety? we don't see detail of issues going on at the police department [Barbara Stanton] no I think sometimes we do... but mainly we get like you said the head count and categorize [mayor] categorize response rates to [Barbara Stanton] right, welfare checks numbers [mayor] marital disputes [Barbara Stanton] domestic violence [mayor] robbery's, breaking in entering and so forth [Barbara Stanton] right [mayor] because specific instances are not copied to the Council on a regular basis. I would ask the chief, there was some comment, some way back of putting police blotter in electronic form for public access, where is that? [Police Chief] that's probably ready to go in January. [mayor] ok [mayor] so from the town administration standpoint any request for police information would have to be addressed to the police chief is that correct [Police Chief] inaudible two word reply [mayor] Anything else from the Council on that subject. |
   By 07. 2....... on Friday, January 19, 2007 - 5:54 pm: |
[attorney]01/15/07 Previously, at the last meeting, last year, mayor Kraft had a question from a member of the public regarding what authority the Borough would have to investigate, or look into matters, of the Board of Education, that's within our jurisdiction. The mayor indicated, he ask me to give a response to that, the answer to that is there is some case law that says a governing body can, under certain circumstances, investigate or look into board of education matters... that being said, everyone is aware that really the Board of Education is one that is under the guidance of the Commissioner of Education, and other jurisdictions, if there are problems, we would only have the right to look, investigate... with action after that, or whatever it would be, to answer the general question, would go beyond the authority of the Borough. So the answer is yes, we do have that authority. |
   By 07. 1... on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 - 4:37 am: |