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Councilman Stanley Witczak is a JACKASS!
Town Stuff:
Councilman Stanley Witczak is a JACKASS!
   By 06. 06. 06. on Thursday, October 05, 2006 - 11:36 pm: |
I have received the audio tape of the last council meeting, but I am too busy with other life stuff to complete a summary for the Blog.... So here is an account of one insane portion of the meeting. A jackass Cop--in another town--representing YOU on the town council, apparently thinks the problem of 3, one-and-three-quarter inch finishing nails, and if few potted plants are a public obscenity worth the town council's attention. He also thinks YOUR $130,000 a year Police Chief needs to give the crisis immediate attention. This excerpt from the tape (1.3 meg) defies description if "flucking ridiculous" isn't accepted verbiage... eventually I will get around to writing up the transcript. In brief here's the story, for the 25 years I've lived on Ironia Rd. I regularly enjoyed the park in my backyard... for those 25 years, I've have picked up garbage, repaired the tables and for a number of those years maintained "the India brook swimming hole". On occasion I would pick some flowers and put them in a beer bottle on the picnic table. Over last few years, I've kind of got interested growing my own flowers (the deer problem kind of made vegetable gardening profoundly unrewarding). For the last couple of years I've put live plants at a couple of locations in the park, and at some point realized it might not hurt to put the address of this obscure website on the plant containers. Because the deer are rather veracious in the actual park and ate a few of the plants, this year I decided to elevate a few by hanging them in trees on a nail thinner than the head of a pin. At the mud hole I also hung a couple on the fence.
 No less than 12 residents of the town, have stopped me in the park to thank me for the minor beautification... I have also received a couple of complementary e-mail's. What I haven't received, or even heard of, is anything like a complaint. Apparently Councilman Witczak has received a complaint... which later he claims are complaints, and has took it upon himself, with the help of the DPW, to remove the blight from the park's. He claims, the plants represent a violation of the law although he doesn't cite any ordinance by a number or title-- no surprise that the jackass overpaid fucking sadistic violence loving gun-toting dickless fascist goose stepping federal law breaking cop... wouldn't be able to handle that minor legal responsibility... Just to test my theory that this bullshit doesn't have anything to do with protecting trees, or protecting us from bliteing advertising, I placed a plant-- with NO writing on it-- on the picnic table around 8:00am this morning on my way to visit a friend, on the return trip around 1:00 p.m. the plant had already been removed.... YOUR fucking government in action. |
   By 06. 06. 115... on Friday, October 06, 2006 - 8:06 pm: |
Personally I like your flower planters and see nothing wrong with them. Maybe you should make them memorials since it appears memorials can be created in public parks |
   By 06. 15... on Saturday, October 07, 2006 - 10:26 pm: |
No good deed ever goes unpunished. The councilman is a jackass. |
   By 06. 117... on Monday, October 09, 2006 - 9:25 am: |
I saw the planters at the mudhole. Nice idea, but they did look kind of crappy (especially with the website address scrawled on them in whiteout). I'm glad they're gone. |
   By 06. 2....... on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - 3:49 am: |
saw these signs
...and thought I would find out what the law is regarding this kind of nonsense.... especially considering what the town has done to my free-speech rights. I called the zoning officer and he basically said there wasn't any enforceable regulations regarding political (candidate) signage. It seems kind of "wrong" to allow Township candidates to post signs in the Borough--on public land (the section of property outside the sidewalk)....and the foul hypocrisy of a councilman running in an unopposed election, blighting the town with pointless campaign signs, right after aggressively campaigning against a lesser blight, is an insulting, rude, offense... and you vote for it.?! |
   By 06. 32... on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - 7:48 am: |
While you are on the subject of signs, I've noticed a lot of Commercial signs on public land...Huntington Learning Centers,Greenscapes Landscape etc....wonder why the councilman hasn't gone after these. These are not jobsite signs, these are strictly for soliciting new business..Put a few " Check out InMendham" signs in the right of way areas of local roads and see if you are afforded the same blind courtesy these companies have been getting. |
   By 06. 120... on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - 10:30 am: |
I too am glad your little blemishes have been universally removed. _Again you miss the point that, we the people "want" elections, of which advertising is an often unforntuate by product. Time and time again, evidence shows no one "wants" your 2 cents. |
   By 06. 2....... on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - 12:27 pm: |
"universally removed" The weasel has a big head, but even I don't think it's taken on "universal" dimensions. As for: "evidence shows no one "wants" your 2 cents." I think what the evidence shows is that none of you people have any rational "sense" to argue with. This signage issue can be looked at from a lot of angles. You would think, in 2006, a campaign sign might at least add a "dot com" to those stupid names in the hope that people might seek to know what they're voting for. The fact that just a Name on a sign works as a promotional tool and that it can get someone elected to some responsible position of power ...certainly implies we ain't so smart as a community. When "I like the candidate with the blue green lettering and the squarish font" qualifies as a political discussion its time to concede that America has not only "jumped the shark" it did it driving a "little yellow bus". just an off the top of my head idea: Being that is 2006-- and there has been a technology revolution-- I would suggest we prohibit individual signage and install a couple of electronic billboards that just constantly rotate ads 24 hours a day. Give every registered voter in the community their share of the 24-hour advertising day and the right to choose (sell if they choose) what ad or statement is displayed for their share of display time (if a registered voter doesn't make a choice give that segment of time to the local government to use ) Equitable "free-speech" without all the neighborhood blight. |
   By 06. 32... on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - 3:19 pm: |
Here's an idea....let's start a write in campaign for "Asshole". We'll get a bunch of signs printed up "Elect Asshole, Town Council" and plaster the town with them. I bet NO council member would order them taken down, probably see it as free campaigning for themselves! |
   By 06. 2....... on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - 4:44 pm: |
As the voters get it in the end... I think they are the Asshole[s] for putting such Dicks on the Council. |
   By 06. 15... on Thursday, November 09, 2006 - 9:01 pm: |
Then you run for office you agoraphobic person! Did not want to use the F word and offend you. Easy to tell all whats right, but you cannot be around people so what do you think they want! |
   By 07. 215... on Sunday, September 30, 2007 - 6:07 pm: |
Personally know Stan and believe he is a very good councilman. I am sure if you talked to Stan, something could have been worked out. |
   By 07. 07. 07. 213... on Sunday, September 30, 2007 - 6:55 pm: |
1. You should vote in an immunity ordinance for flowers. As long as the flower does not pose a fire hazard or feed deer it should be held inviolate and immune from township action. 2. Why not vote in a rule of order that the township council shall not meet unless attended by 1/3 rd of the town? Hold the sessions in a field as they once did. |
   By 07. 195... on Monday, October 01, 2007 - 9:31 am: |
that would involove though (gerry is not capable) and or voting (which, of course, has no place nor meaning in a democracy - see "US Presidential Elections in the last 14 years) |
   By 07. 07. 195... on Monday, October 01, 2007 - 9:32 am: |
typo - "would involve THOUGHT" typo - "would involve THOUGHT" |
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