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Information that should be OnLine

Mendham: Town Stuff: Information that should be OnLine
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2006 Documents25  6/16, 3:33 am
2005 Documents8  3/14, 11:55 pm
2007 Documents16  8/09, 8:42 am
Archived 3/17/05
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By HereA$5 ThereA$5... on Tuesday, April 05, 2005 - 9:06 am:
In an effort to "hoist them" on their own petty $5 "petard" I sent the clerk this e-mail. In practical fact it will probably take longer for her to e-mail this 5% portion of the recording then it would take to copy the whole CD... but I guess that waste is the price of putting control over local government in the hands of secretive, underhanded control freaks. I've also decided that for every dollar I must spend to be provided basic public information I will make one gratuitously excessive reference to the mayor or members of the town council as Nazi like evil doers.... so I guess I have $3 worth left.

Assuming that the new fee structure is in place, and that I will be assessed a $5 charge for the 25 MBs or so (approximately 3% of a CDs capacity) of digital media that comprises a recording of the meeting of the town council-- I do request that I be sent a CD copy of the digital recording of the April 4th meeting of the town council and that the fee be deducted from my deposit and that a record of my remaining deposit balance be provided-- I will state for the record that I find the fee structure (annual charge of $120 ) unnecessarily, and I believe unconstitutionally, excessive-- I also believe that fair accommodation under the ADA would certainly require reduction of fees assessed to covered persons to be certainly no greater than actual real world (competitive provider --I have offered to provide copies for free) cost. In light of this circumstance I find it necessary to attempt to find some other means to secure the required information-- in that effort I request that I be e-mailed the second [2] five minute installment .wav file that is part of the collection of files that makes up what constitutes a complete recording of the April 4th meeting.

[4/5/05] I received this reply from the clerk:


I request that I be e-mailed the second [2] five minute installment .wav file that is part of the collection of files that makes up what constitutes a complete recording of the April 4th meeting.


My response:
Beyond providing rudimentary instruction regarding basic computer operation I do not believe "clarification" is possible. Breaking the procedure down into instruction even a computer illiterate 10 year-old not making $60,000 a year as a certified records custodian could understand:

1. Put the CD containing the audio recording of the April 4th meeting in your CD drive.
2. "explore" the contents of the CD (right click the drive icon-- explore option)
3. You will notice numerous files named something similar to "Borough of Mendham_3-21-05 8-01_01c52e50d05c52e0.wav".... Fine the second file in the sequence likely to contain the time stamp "8-06" ... Set that file as an attachment to an email and send.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By ThreeDaysTo Lie-search on Friday, April 08, 2005 - 7:13 pm:
Here is the reply received:



For those who are computer illiterate enough not to appreciate how simple this request was, here's a screen shot of the directory that holds the files that constitute a recording of a council meeting.

To call finding the second file "Research" is nothing short of a disgusting, lawbreaking, LIE. If you have any investment capital you would like to bet on a sure thing -- I'm just about willing to guarantee on my life -- that Ms. Massey could not pass a lie detector test regarding her own credibility in making this preposterous statement. She knows full well that finding the referenced file does not satisfy any real world, honest, definition of "research".

The great thing about a civil trial is that the rules of evidence are more liberal and the standard of proof a bit lower. The results of lie-detector tests can be admissible evidence, so too can the mere fact of willingness to endure the test. If my lawsuit does get to trial I'm going to invest the 500 or so dollars and have myself tested by a certified examiner. This should move any issues of credibility where they belong and eventually help expose the truth that lies under all the-dog-ate-it nonsense. The simple truth is these people have no respect for the constitution they swore an oath to-- and have deliberately manufactured "preposterous nonsense" to avoid complying with their civil and legal obligations as public servants.

Adding more evidence to my case against them -- the fact that they waited until today to mail out the audio copy that reasonably qualifies as "a document" they are legally obligated to provide "immediate access" to -- is a very irritating inconvenience...but I will probably "gain from the pain" in the end. Regrettably, if there are any of you who depend on my summations to know what goes on at council meetings --you're going to have to wait a few more days to know what happened April 4th.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By D. Warbucks on Saturday, April 16, 2005 - 9:21 pm:
is there somewhere I can donate a couple of hundred bucks to the town .... you know, for their legal fees ?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Counter on Saturday, April 16, 2005 - 9:22 pm:
Hit counts to this page ................... 4

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By PayToPlay on Sunday, April 17, 2005 - 1:39 am:
Actually, server statistics would indicate about 300 page views this month. Maybe there is a key word on the page that gets a lot of search engine traffic. This list of top search engine referrals proves how brilliantly the Internet is functioning without any regulated infrastructure. (adults only please)

Coincidental to the legal fees comment --I was thinking of sponsoring a "guess, how much the Borough has spent on my lawsuit" contest. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out anyway to prevent someone with "insider" information from stealing a cheap victory. I am going to request the information this week-- anyone have a just-for-fun guess? I figure deposing me probably cost at least a thousand dollars by itself (stenographer and the price of creating a written transcript) I would wild guess that the rest of the shystering cost maybe 3,000 more.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By tally ho on Sunday, April 17, 2005 - 8:16 am:

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By They're watching on Sunday, April 17, 2005 - 9:01 am:
$8355.99 plus expenses. Let's see, donuts for Ralph, that's another $1500, gas for DPW super to commute back and forth, another $100 a week and figure an average of $25 per month per councilman to pay for internet connection so they can get their daily fill of InMendham.....priceless!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By billing myself on Sunday, April 17, 2005 - 12:38 pm:
Here are some interesting quotes from a long, but kind of interesting, story on the Open Public Records Act. The story says no one has yet been fined-- actually very early on I believe a clerk was fined but the fine was overturned on appeal... the funny part was the clerk had just receive some sort of "best clerk award" from her "fraternal order of evildoers" offical Clerk Association. The other thing they don't point out in the story is that the fine can be paid by the municipality... so even though they make it sound like the Clerk gets punished it ain't really so.... Also... there is this other story that reveals how much work you have to put in to get the GRC to even consider a fine. Without crazy people willing to do a lot of work for no personal reward the law would never get enforced.

The 150,000 dispute over the Lenape legal bills seems to me a "crazy" circumstance-- you would think that taxpayers would be in the streets with clubs and response to this kind of insane waste in the name of their local governments right to operate in secret. If I were supreme dictator of the Mendhams I would put a Web cam on every public employees head and put a simple end to this Government hiding from the people nonsense.


Records access a mixed bag for state

.... The study that ranked New Jersey second in the nation, for example, done by an Illinois watchdog group called the Better Government Association, gave New Jersey its highest possible mark in the category of penalties because the law provides for a $1,000 fine against record keepers who fail to comply.

But New Jersey's Government Records Council, created to oversee the Open Public Records Act, has not fined anyone.

....Assessing New Jersey's 37th place ranking in his study, Chamberlin said it places the state among those considered to be in a neutral position, "neither enhancing nor restricting access."

...Cafferty is representing the Courier-Post in its suit to obtain legal bills from the Lenape Regional School District.

After nearly four years, the two sides are still battling in court over what can and cannot be redacted, or blacked out, from the bills, a fight that has cost the newspaper more than $50,000 to date and the school district more than $100,000.

....Chris Fifis, a candidate for Burlington County freeholder last fall, ran into a problem with another kind of fee.

The Burlington County Bridge Commission told him it would cost $15,000 to fulfill his request for records.

"We eventually gave up," Fifis said, "We wanted to fight it but we were in the middle of a campaign and had too much else to do with our time and resources."

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By What A Waste on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 7:21 am:
I inquired regarding what the Borough has paid METHFESSEL & WERBEL and this is the reply received:


Joint insurance fund? Insurance against what? ...being appropriately accountable to the justice system? I wonder what the yearly premium for this insurance is? So why don't we offer this insurance to everyone.... beat your wife, and let the insurance company take the anger management class's.... drive a little drunk and let the insurance company put in the hours doing community service at the sewage plant. It seems to me that the whole point of punitive/monetary damages/punishment is defeated if your going to let lawbreakers essentially escape the full measure of accountability by deciding as a "mob" or "crime family" to spread the risk. Malpractice insurance for doctors who make life-and-death decisions everyday is one thing-- but allowing politicians to insure themselves against being accountable for violating our civil rights makes no sense at all.

I suppose in this circumstance I should try to persuade the jury to bankrupt the "aiding and abetting" insurance company and make me a millionaire. It does seem more likely under this circumstance that there won't be a pretrial settlement -- with out a financial incentive to settle the only thing hanging over their heads is the embarrassment of having to admit in court that they are petty bigoted tyrants who did steal web-candy from the poorest man in town. Also, if the only thing the insurance company has to bargain with is money that's not much of a chip as I'm looking to bargain for a more creative resolution.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By V on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 10:14 am:
Heres a prediction. You wont make ONE dollar off of Mendham.

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wanna bet

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Heres another ... There is a good chance you will be countersued and assesed fines for your lawsuit.

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Now you are predicting.. odds? well I predict I will never be assessed any fines for attempting to exercise my First Amendment rights-- I can borrow 15 Grand on my credit card if you care to put up, or shut up


thank you for providing endless entertainment

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By AssAssAssAsshole on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 6:10 pm:
The offer is still good Crystal Ball-less... why don't you put up, loose some money, and then shut up... I've already explained that once a lawsuit survives a summary judgment motion (and gone through a year of pre-trial examination) it's a practical impossibility for there to be a finding that the litigation was frivolous... what your arrogantly "predicting" can't happen... to put it in English you might better understand-- its unpossible!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By nono on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 6:40 pm:
I havnt pushed the prediction ... its just funny ..

here you thought you were one equal footing only to find deeper and meaner pockets than you could have imagined.

you have ignored the real prediction ... you wont make dollar one

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Just Stupid on Friday, April 22, 2005 - 3:28 pm:
I could settle tomorrow and get a lot more than $1. Proving you wrong... again... would be fun ... but I would be settling for less than the aggravation was worth. In the end the result will be the same I will be proven right and you will be proven wrong. You should also consider that the towns insurance probably doesn't offer 100% percent coverage and depending on a finding of "maliciousness" the town might be responsible for a large percentage.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By V on Friday, April 22, 2005 - 4:34 pm:
Well ... we shall see, we shall see.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Vote Anything But on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 2:39 am:
The only budget document I get from the town for free (in electronic form) is this fudgy budget summary. They are still calling the $1 million reserve account a "surplus" --these little deceptions should be seen for what they are--Evidence that the mayor and council do not constitute honest government. More evidence is provided in this disgusting little quote from the summary document.


"Copies of the entire budget are available in the office of Maureen Massey, Borough Clerk, at the Phoenix House, 2 West Main Street, Mendham, New Jersey, or by calling (973) 543-7152
during the hours of 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM"

Why can't they be honest enough to include the simple sentence that the 40 pages will cost you $17.50.... And that in spite of the fact that "certain parties" have repeatedly offered to convert and publish the information online for no fee "your honest open government" is too petty and corrupt to "allow" that basic public service.

The mayor and entire Borough Council has unanimously endorsed this insult to efficiency, common sense, and your intelligence. I say anyone who votes for one of these bumbs should forfeit their right to ever complain about corrupt wasteful government. How can you trust your freedom, your welfare, even your life to people who can't even get the easy answers right.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By B. Bunny on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 9:18 am:
"So .... you dont get the dough, eh Butterball ?" - B. Bunny

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By 07. 07. 184... on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 10:39 am:
I can't help but wonder whether you took one or two political science classes. Socialism and Intro, I presume.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By 07. 3....... on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 11:04 am:
And I assume your doctorate is in tyrannical fascism... Borrow and spend, Big Fat incompetent grafting big brother busybody Government that only self-serves the interests of its own narrow minded elitist society of fakes and phonies who inherited every inch of their unearned status as Self-proclaimed superiors.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By 07. 184... on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 11:29 am:
It was my minor, actually. Improper use of ellipses as well.

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