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Town Stuff:
The Next Council Meeting:
   By 06. 06. 06. on Monday, July 10, 2006 - 9:15 am: |
If you have a question you would like the town council not to answer at the July 17th meeting I'm open to suggestions? I haven't figured out how to phrase the question yet, but I intend on attempting to get Barbara Stanton to reveal how she would have voted on the TV 25 inter-local agreement had she attended the last meeting. I'm curious to see how freely a member of the bar association, overtly breaks federal law, even when they've been warned that they're doing so. I figure as punishment for not answering the question regarding how many free cars the town gives away, I'm going to make a OPRA request for copies of all the Borough administrators contracts with the town. His salary is split among at least two different job titles... Borough administrator and the administrator of the waste water facility. Of course he also has a side business, where he sells what knowledge (how to bend and break the Constitution like good fascist should) he has been highly paid to learn through experience. |
   By 06. 06. 2....... on Friday, July 14, 2006 - 12:26 am: |
Questions: 1) Two weeks ago the council approved the inter-local agreement regarding the production of Channel 25 without any discussion of First Amendment concerns raised. I would inquire of Barbara Stanton if she is similarly confident that the issue deserved no discussion by the council, and is she similarly unconcerned regarding the possibility that the council has acted in violation of federal law intended to protect fundamental constitutional rights. 2) How many town employees are provided with a "free" for their personal-use-vehicle, and does the town pay for complete accident insurance, and all maintenance? 3) Council members have advocated a "more equitable" change in the regional high school funding formula. Does the council have a similar disdain for the inequities inherent in the "progressive formula" used to assess municipal (local) taxes? Should, for example, local families with school-age children be taxed at a higher rate commensurate with the burdens created ($8 million annually to finance grammar schools) by their reproductive decisions? ...or in other words, should the town council use its power to provide a rebate, to make the excessive taxation of residents who do not have children "more equitable" in net impact? |
   By 06. 95... on Sunday, July 16, 2006 - 8:09 pm: |
Ask this question How can the town let the employees use the garage after hours to work on there personnal cars. Does the insurance company for the town know what goes on and are they covered (I think not) Who pays for the electric,water,supplies used? |
   By 06. 91... on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 4:16 pm: |
Why doesent your reader get off his fat ass and go to the meetings him self |
   By 06. 06. 2....... on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 5:08 pm: |
Well it is proven fact that the reward for such a public service might be the threat to have your House condemned. Obviously, there may be people in sensitive positions, and cannot afford, or do not wish to endure, the potential extra unAmerican unpleasantries that might come with antagonizing, with a disagreeable opinion, the mayor or council. |
   By 06. 2....... on Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 8:54 pm: |
The mayor and council again decided not to answer any of my questions, although Barbara Stanton did state that she "would have voted yes on the resolution". I guess it is fair to imply that she has acknowledged that she is unconcerned that the council may be violating federal law intended to preserve constitutional rights, and that the subject does not deserve any discussion. I am tempted to say that this is kind of an amazing circumstance.... but, Apparently there are a lot of people in this country, who believe the rights of American citizenship should somehow be contingent on passage of some kind of governing body approval test. The president says the terrorists hate "our freedom"... well frankly, if I'm "enjoying" what is going to be the new standard for American freedom, then I say there's plenty to hate. If the council's behavior is going to be sanctioned ....the next logical step is for republican governments to disenfranchise Democrats and vicea versa... maybe in no time at all we can get a good Christian Jew war going... no doubt the evil doers will love our freedom than. If we start allowing people to be de-Americanized for having different beliefs or opinions... or for being renters, then I think America itself becomes de-Americanized, and we in essence cut off our heads, to spite our best unique features. This is all so fucking retarded... it's like perfectly retarded. |
   By 07. 1... on Thursday, June 16, 2016 - 3:41 am: |