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HS $500,000. History Grant
Town Stuff:
HS $500,000. History Grant
   By History Buff-ernutter on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 9:48 pm: |
quote:09/20/05 - Posted from the Daily Record newsroom West Morris H.S. gets $500K grant Federal DOE award will be used to improve study and teaching of history The federal Department of Education is giving a $499,000 grant to the West Morris Regional High School District to help advance the studying and teaching of American history by establishing a "history lab." With this funding from the "Teaching American History"grant program, West Morris Central and Mendham high schools will integrate a history lab with the traditional history class format. The new component will better familiarize students with the skills, techniques, and approaches professional historians use to study American history, officials said. "With this grant, West Morris' history lab will help history come alive for their students. Students will learn new ways to expand their knowledge about America, its history, the riches of its heritage, and its freedoms," said Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-Harding, who announced the grant Monday. For example, students will be taught how to analyze various historical documents and artifacts. Then, they will apply what they learned from studying these materials to create historical research, analyze cultural perspectives, and establish frames of reference just as professional historians do. Specifically, West Morris'history lab will analyze the changing meaning of freedom during three historical periods: the American Revolution, the abolition movement, and the Cold War. The DOE grant will support West Morris' history lab from October 2005 through September 2008.
This is one of those stories that's a little hard to figure out. What the hell is a history lab? Isn't the study of history a dead or near-dead profession?... I mean we're not likely going to find any new letters from George Washington... and in the 20/21th-century "history" is/was automatically recorded as it happens and the future won't need "historians" to find the truth. I think it is also worth noting that a lot of "professionally" compiled history is absolute mush.... especially a lot of American history. It is beyond the powers of my imagination to figure out how they will spend this $500,000... beyond access to a library, the Internet, and enough literacy to read, what you need to do a "laboratory" study of history? Maybe they should use some of this money studying the fact that by historical standards our 7 trillion dollar national debt is unprecedented-- and maybe they can draw the logical conclusion, that in that context, we shouldn't be squandering money on this kind of nonsense. |
   By Once Again on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 7:23 am: |
Another decision made without consulting gerry ... the nerve. |
   By Honest Abe on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:56 pm: |
poor gerry, nobody listens to him. But I gotta say, what you need to get kids interested in history (assuming that's really the goal) is: [1] a REAL history book that teaches U.S. History, not the loose-leaf P.C. written books they make kids read now that invent puffed-up historical figures and fictional events that really never happened in order to make people feel good about their particular ethnic, racial, religious, national group or gender). [2] outstanding teachers who make the topic of history exciting. I don't think a "lab" will do either of those things. |
   By T.R. on Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 7:21 am: |
Gerry/Gary is mad huh??? He sees no point in learning history....hummmm well this just shows us all what a fool this clown really is...a nation that does not learn from its history is doomed.....Gerry/Gary....get with it..learn it live love it..you backward thinking liberal fool.... |
   By Subjerks on Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 3:59 pm: |
quote:Another decision made without consulting gerry.
Once again you Einsteins [not] continue to poke your stick in the wrong hole. The subject isn't the messenger and if you had any respect at all for the First Amendment you would understand that freedom isn't freedom if you make people pay for. These little cheap petty shots only demonstrate how small your minds are. It may be true that you do successfully detract from the subject and therefore win a cheap low blow victory... but as the average heavily moderated internet message board demonstrates your shenanigans ultimately compromises everyone's freedom.
quote: books they make kids read now
If you want a giant helping of propaganda read a history book from 50 years ago or a 100 years ago... The lousy history books I was reading in school (30 years ago) contained the popular lie that the Boston tea Party was about taxation-- when it was in fact about claimed unfair trade practices regarding subsidized/cheaper English tea. Books also referenced Benjamin Franklin as more inventor then founding father-- the truth is he saved the revolution by convincing France to go bankrupt to save our ass... a fact also not referenced is the curiosity that he was the only man to sign the Declaration of Independence, the English surrender, and the Constitution.
quote:Outstanding teachers who make the topic of history exciting.
This sounds good in theory... but in practice "exciting" usually means a "days of our lives meets Bozo the clown" rendition.
quote:He sees no point in learning history
Obviously the Bozo the clown interpretation of my original post.
quote:a nation that does not learn from its history is doomed
I think more importantly a nation must learn to change/adapt to changing truth and circumstances.
quote: Gerry/Gary....get with it..learn it live love it..you backward thinking liberal fool....
Been called backward thinking by someone who writes this backward... is kinda funny. Being called a liberal on this subject is really funny. |
   By Honest Abe on Friday, September 23, 2005 - 7:53 am: |
Gerry/gary you are a putz. The fact that you slept through history class is apparent every time I read one of your inane posts. |
   By Dumbfounded on Friday, September 23, 2005 - 3:38 pm: |
Makes sense...complain if the school receives grants and complain if someone else receives them... |
   By Reading IsFundamental on Friday, September 23, 2005 - 3:46 pm: |
quote:Maybe they should use some of this money studying the fact that by historical standards our 7 trillion dollar national debt is unprecedented-- and maybe they can draw the logical conclusion, that in that context, we shouldn't be squandering money on this kind of nonsense.
Why don't you try arguing with what is written rather than the crap you make up. |
   By Class of 70 something on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 12:13 pm: |
I think it would be much more educational to use the funds to excavate and study the remains of the former "Grove". I'm still looking for my Zippo lighter and a really great sterling silver roach clip that had to be ditched when Eula Crane made an unannounced visit. Kiss my Aura Dora. |
   By MoneyForNothing on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 1:36 pm: |
Just more paid perks extorted by the teachers' union. From The Observer Tribune:
quote:"...The grant money will fund four years of study and training for our teachers," said DiBattista. This will help the history teachers better understand how historians work and allow the teacher to create a better lesson plan.
   By gerry on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 3:26 pm: |
poor gerry ... you poor poor pitiable little man. what wont that evil teachers union think of next to pick your pockets ... do you pay taxes ? are you not in fact just a burden to taxpayers .. as I recall you live off the dole ... |
   By Verry WeakArgument on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 5:26 pm: |
Poor v... the vaggot still can't scrape up enough brain cells to argue relevant facts, or even rational opinions... instead he just keeps recycling the retarded debate tactic of insulting how the opposition is dressed... On the old firing line show I think William F. Buckley would drop a 10 t weight on this kind of perfect asshole. Of course, my work/life history is completely irrelevant to this discussion. The real subject being obscured by this cheap destruction, is that "we the people" are wasting $500,000 so some teachers can go on a junket to Williamsburg or Jamestown to maybe pick up a little obscure useless knowledge that will probably only have use as a fluff reference on a job application. |
   By gerry on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 7:01 pm: |
in this democracy I am also entitled to outrage at wasted dollars ... i wonder if you have burned thru half a million over your life .. just to pad your resume ... |
   By Verry on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 7:13 pm: |
ill try to be nicer ... if you try to be smarter |
   By Likes Crowds on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 9:44 am: |
You don't. Stay inside and play with your weiner. |
   By Abe on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 11:11 am: |
you two vaggots need to get a room. |
   By 2....... . . on Saturday, November 19, 2005 - 7:22 am: |
From Star-Ledger quote:"History is alive and well at Morris Central," said Rosanne Lichatin, who was given the White House "Preserve America" History Teacher of the Year award by first lady Laura Bush on Oct. 14
quote:Junior Jesse Regis, president of Morris Central's 75-member history club, said classes often involved a "lot of fun and laughter." He said he has especially enjoyed classroom discussions of the founding fathers' extramarital affairs.
Maybe they will use some of the grant money to buy some original copies of the Ye Old Colony Inquirer. Or maybe they could finance an expedition to unearth some Sir Howard Stern correspondence that would reveal to us the important historical truth regarding Martha Washington's opinion of anal sex. Sounds like these people are trying to "Preserve America" in pickle juice. |
   By 07. 07. 07. 157... on Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 2:30 am: |
If you really want to learn about researching history and methods historians use go to New York City and just do that town from New Amsterdam onwards from primary sources. There are tons of them there from the New York Public Library to the City archives to Columbia, NYU, Fordham, John Jay, City College, New School for Social Research and even the UN and 27 major national museums and countless archives. Long city wide walks simply cateloging the architecture and growth of city design will really open students minds to "the possibilities". There are dozens of iconic American historys there that jockey hollow and government computer program modules can't provide. Anyone wanting to go to graduate school should head on out to the big apple and be amazed. The material on the internet is watered down and lacks texture and depth and its not first source and often highly off-base. It totally lacks 3-D architecture and for serious work even a decent library with real books is far better. |
   By 07. 185... on Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 1:39 pm: |
bla, bla, bla....you're such a f.n. genius...you're really just a wealth of knowledge, aint you? What a gavone. Get off mommie's computer, Jr. |
   By 07. 157... on Monday, May 19, 2008 - 2:52 am: |
I still don't know what or whom a gavone is. They never used that word at the morris. what county are you from? |
   By 07. 165... on Monday, May 19, 2008 - 9:22 am: |
well then, you sir (or madam, judgeing by your "teats") - you ARE a gavone |
   By 07. 157... on Saturday, May 24, 2008 - 1:20 pm: |
lets c, sexist, anti-gavone, anti-pets, anti-bh, anti-food, anti-sys, anti-hom, anti-fellow bloggers, anti-rental, .....list goes one. Is there a pattern here? Wait till you'r a grumped up 45, you'll be sitting in a vinyl upholstered easy chair grousing over your gin in a paper cup. You should bring the Dean Road waver guy a boxed lunch at least to see the lite. There is always hope when you learn to say no to nope. |
   By 07. 07. 202... on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 8:33 pm: |
Really? too bad you can't see my house...it would rock your little f.d. up little world. If you're good with a lawnmower, maybe I could hire you to do my yardwork...it's kinda tiresome...you are capable of such things, or is working too hard for my little gavone? P.S. You need to say no to dope, you dope. Gavone is the word for you my pin-headed little pimple arsed loser. |
   By 07. 165... on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 11:49 am: |
1. gavone _Italian word meaning someone who:_ _1) Eats too much and is a pig _2) Or takes more than he can eat_3) on who mooches meals & food __"Frankie is such a gavone, look how many canolis he took." ___And yes 07.07.02 - your parents house is nice - how are you doing in the basement ? got that mold & radon problem cleared up ? |
   By 07. 157... on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 12:42 am: |
that is like saying a canoloni is... 1. A bird chirping in my McMansion window 2. Charles mason playing a lute for a party of 12 runnaways 3. living in Death Valley on Barker Ranch 4. a tube sock left on rt. 245. Going to Santa Cruz to study Electrical Engineering |
   By 07. 202... on Friday, May 30, 2008 - 11:14 pm: |
Dicknose 157... i guess you got off mommies computer and on to grandmas...so now you're also 165. No matter, either way, you're still Mr. Mendham Gavone...undisputed lightweight of this board...give it up, you potty-mouthed jack@ss loser. |
   By 07. 157... on Sunday, June 01, 2008 - 10:44 pm: |
you were brought up poorly and lack social skills. why don't you go put up a birdbath in your yard and wash your hands in it. then put up some manure outside your bedroom window and eat some kracker jax. |
   By 07. 07. 199... on Monday, June 02, 2008 - 5:02 pm: |
202 We have been recording your multiple log ins at Membership@DiddlingYerKittysTwat.com your free membership has expired, please have your credit card handy next time. |
   By 07. 07. 202... on Monday, June 02, 2008 - 7:33 pm: |
199 your supply of of on-line Prozac has run out again...that and the Viagra too. Go pay a carnal visit to ol' 157 and he'll set you straight [or actually he'll set you queer, but of course, you know that already]. |
   By 07. 157... on Wednesday, June 04, 2008 - 12:36 am: |
are you retarded? if so, make another comment. |
   By 07. 202... on Thursday, June 05, 2008 - 7:30 pm: |
"Eh...Douche-Bag says what?" Such a silly little gavone...what did you do in Gym class today my poor little gavone? Did they make you climb the ropes and then did the teacher give you his "special rectal exam?" Remember, he said not to tell anyone, but it's ok to share. |
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